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                                                                                                     Friday 4 March 2016

Romney urges Republicans to shun Donald Trump 

Continued from Front           nomination, just not many
                               good ones. They include
Romney was relentless in       a contested convention
                               and even the long-shot
his criticism, saying Trump    prospect of a third party
“is not the temperament        Also Thursday, dozens of
                               conservative national se-
of a stable, thoughtful        curity experts warned that
                               Trump is unfit to be com-
leader. His imagination        mander in chief.
                               Former Homeland Security
must not be married to         Secretary Michael Chertoff
                               and more than 70 others
real power.”                   called Trump’s “embrace
                               of the expansive  use  of
In response at a campaign      torture” inexcusable. They
                               also object to what they
speech in Maine, Trump         say is Trump’s “hateful,
                               anti-Muslim rhetoric” and
made much of his own en-       his advocacy for waging
                               trade wars.
dorsement of the former        Despite Trump’s strong
                               showing on Tuesday, he
Massachusetts governor         was not yet on track to
                               claim the nomination be-
in his failed race to unseat   fore the party’s national
                               gathering, according to
President Barack Obama         an Associated Press dele-
                               gate count. He has won 46
in the 2012 contest.           percent of the delegates
                               awarded so far, and he
Trump said Romney              would have to increase
                               that to 51 percent in the
begged for his backing         remaining primaries.
                               Trump has 316 delegates
and he could have “said,       so far, Texas Sen. Cruz 226
                               and Florida Sen. Rubio, 106.
‘Mitt, drop to your knees.’    It takes 1,237 delegates to
                               win the party nomination.
He would have dropped          Party strategists cast March
                               15 as the last opportunity to
to his knees.”                 stop Trump through the nor-    Maine Gov. Paul LePage speaks before introducing Republican presidential candidate Donald
                               mal path of winning states     Trump at campaign stop, Thursday, March 3, 2016, in Portland, Maine.
Earlier in the day, Trump      and collecting delegates.
                               A win for Rubio in his home                                                                                                        (AP Photo/Robert F. Bukaty)
dismissed Romney as “a         state of Florida would raise
                               questions about Trump’s
stiff” who “didn’t know        strength, as could a win for
                               Kasich, Ohio’s governor,
what he was doing” as the      on his home turf.
                               Retired neurosurgeon Ben
party’s candidate in 2012.     Carson all but ended his
                               bid Wednesday, saying he
“People are energized by       would skip the debate and
                               declaring he did “not see
what I’m saying” and turn-     a political path forward.”
                               On the Democratic side,
ing out in remarkable num-     Clinton was drawing broad
                               support from voters and
bers to vote, Trump told       her party’s leaders. Rival
                               Bernie Sanders vowed to
NBC.                           keep up the fight, though
                               his path to the nomina-
The back-and-forth comes       tion has narrowed. So far,
                               Clinton has at least 1,005
as Republican candidates       delegates, Sanders 373.
                               It takes 2,383 Democratic
prepared for the first post-   delegates to win.q

Super Tuesday debate,

scheduled for Thursday

night. Trump is coming

under increasing pressure

from his party as he fights

for the majority of dele-

gates needed to win the


Romney said a Trump

nomination at the party’s

convention in July would

enable Democrat Hillary

Clinton to win the presi-


Romney also criticized

Clinton, accusing her and

her husband, former Presi-

dent Bill Clinton, of person-

ally profiting from their po-

sitions of power.

Arizona Sen. John McCain,

the losing Republican

nominee in 2008, issued

a statement endorsing

Romney’s remarks. Trump

had dismissed McCain’s

war-hero status for his long

imprisonment during the

Vietnam war.

Panicked        Republican

leaders say they still have

options for preventing

Trump from winning the
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