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sports Diasabra 26 Maart 2022
Browns QB Deshaun Watson denies sexual assault allegations
(AP) — Deshaun Watson “I know that there’s going internally and externally in
maintained his innocence to be a stain that probably is terms of understanding the
and strongly denied com- going to stick with me for cases and who Deshaun was
mitting any sexual mis- awhile, but all I can do is keep as a person.
conduct despite allega- moving forward and to con-
tions made by 22 women tinue to show the person that “We do have faith and con-
against the Cleveland I am, the true character, the fidence in Deshaun as a per-
Browns’ new starting true person, the true human son.”
quarterback. being I am,” the 26-year-old
said. Watson dismissed needing
Wearing a dark pinstriped counseling because he feels
suit and orange tie at his in- “I never done the things that he’s been falsely accused.
troductory news conference these people are alleging and
on Friday, Watson showed I’m going to continue to fight “I don’t have a problem,” he
little emotion while saying for my name and clear my said. “I don’t have an issue.”
he’s done nothing illegal. name and like I’ve been do-
ing, just cooperate with ev- While Watson hasn’t been the NFL.
“I’ve never assaulted or erything that comes with it.” indicted by two grand juries Berry paused for several sec-
disrespected or harassed a in Texas on criminal charges, onds before addressing the The league has an ongoing
woman in my life,” Watson Berry defended the team’s he’s still facing civil lawsuits. concerns of some fans, who investigation into his behav-
said, flanked at the dais inside controversial decision to He has no intention of set- have said they will no longer ior and whether he violated
the team’s headquarters by trade for Watson, who has tling the lawsuits and that support the Browns because the personal conduct policy.
Browns general manager An- been accused by two dozen his only goal “is to clear my of Watson.
drew Berry and coach Kevin massage therapists of various name.” Watson said the Browns’ con-
Stefanski. “That’s not how I unwanted sexual activity dur- “We totally respect and we tract had nothing to do with
was raised. I’ve never done ing private sessions. He has Berry described the Browns’ totally empathize with those him waiving his no-trade
these things people are alleg- always claimed any sex was independent investigation as sentiments right now and clause to come to Cleveland.
ing.” consensual. “a five-month odyssey” that totally understand that there
resulted in the team feeling are people who are not com- The Browns traded three
It was the first time Watson “We as an organization know comfortable enough with fortable with the transaction first-round draft picks and
has answered direct ques- that this transaction has been Watson as a person to trade right now,” he said. “But six picks overall to Houston
tions about the allegations, very difficult for many peo- for him — and in extension again, we followed our infor- for Watson.
which first surfaced in March ple, particularly women in make him the face of their mation, we feel good about
2021. Watson didn’t play last our community,” Berry said. franchise. Deshaun as a person and we On Thursday, a second grand
season for the Houston Tex- “We realize that it has trig- think that he is going to do jury in Texas decided not to
ans as the cases mounted. gered a range of emotions. Given the serious accusations a lot of positive in the com- indict Watson on one of the
And that, as well as the nature and ongoing legal matters, munity.” original criminal complaints
For nearly 40 minutes, Wat- of the allegations, weighed the Browns have been criti- of sexual misconduct. Wat-
son was asked about his char- heavily on all of us. cized for their pursuit and The Browns lured Watson son being cleared by another
acter, the charges against him signing of Watson. Berry said to Cleveland with a record- grand jury had triggered his
and how he’ll attempt to re- “It was because of the weight the team was advised by its setting $230 million, fully pursuit by the Browns and
build his image. He knows of the anticipated reaction attorneys not to reach out to guaranteed contract, which several other teams hoping
there are people who will and the nature of the allega- any of the 22 women because includes a $1 million base to sign the three-time Pro
never believe him. tions that really pushed us to it could interfere with the salary in the first season in Bowler.
do as much work as possible criminal investigation. the event he’s suspended by
Bale says media pressure can push athletes ‘over the edge’
(AP) — Gareth Bale has spo- of slanderous, derogatory and In the opinion piece pub- immense, and it’s clear as day coach Zinedine Zidane.
ken out against the psycho- speculative journalism.” lished on Thursday, writer how negative media attention
logical harm that professional Manuel Juliá compared could easily send an already Bale spent last season on loan
athletes can receive from the “At a time where people are Bale to a “parasite” who, af- stressed athlete, or anybody back at former club Totten-
media after a leading Span- taking their own lives be- ter playing well in his first in the public eye, over the ham before returning to the
ish sports daily published a cause of the callousness and seasons with Madrid, now edge.” Spanish capital.
column on the Real Madrid relentlessness of the media, I “sucks blood without giving
player entitled “The Welsh want to know, who is hold- anything in return.” The col- Fair or not, many Madrid He has barely played for Car-
Parasite.” ing these journalists and the umn was accompanied by a fans believe Bale has failed to lo Ancelotti in this campaign,
news outlets that allow them drawing of a mosquito with consistently perform to his but that has not stopped him
Bale wrote on Twitter on to write article like this, ac- Bale’s face on Real Madrid’s potential since joining the from playing well for Wales.
Friday that the column pub- countable?” Bale wrote. emblem. club in 2013 for a then world He was in prime form on
lished by Marca was a “piece record 100 million euros Thursday when he scored
Bale criticized the media for (then $132 million). Many twice to help Wales beat Aus-
holding athletes to an impos- Madrid supporters, and the tria 2-1 in a World Cup quali-
sible standard, and when they Spanish media, accuse him fying playoff.
fail to always reach it, for at- of not wanting to play as hard
tacking them ruthlessly with for his club as he does for The two-goal performance
no concern for their mental Wales. came days after Bale with-
wellbeing. drew from contention for
Earlier in his career at Ma- Madrid ahead of its match
“Instead of commiserating drid, Bale did rise to the oc- against fierce rival Barcelona,
with (athletes) when they casion. He helped the club which it lost by a humbling
show one ounce of human win four European Cups, 4-0.
error, they are torn to shreds scoring in the 2014 and 2018
instead, encouraging anger Champions League finals. The 32-year-old winger’s
and disappointment in their But he then struggled to stay contract with Madrid expires
fans,” Bale said. “The every- injury-free and eventually in June.
day pressures on athletes is fell out of favor with former