Page 30 - bon-dia-aruba-20220326
P. 30
A30 world news
Diasabra 26 Maart 2022
Yemen rebels strike oil depot in Saudi city hosting F1 race
schedule will continue as ter the last attack cost Aramco
planned.” some $1.5 million.
We “remain in direct contact The U.N. experts described
with Saudi security authori- the facility as a “civilian tar-
ties, as well as F1 and the FIA get,” which the Houthis
to ensure all necessary secu- should have avoided after the
rity and safety measures,” the 2020 attack.
company said, referring to
motorsport’s governing body. “While the facility also sup-
plies the Saudi military with
“The safety and security of petroleum products, it is
all our guests continues to be mostly supplying civilian
our main priority.” customers,” the panel said.
“If the plant had been out of
The al-Masirah satellite news service of a significant period,
channel run by Yemen’s the impact on the kingdom’s
Houthi rebels later claimed economy as well as on the
they had attacked an Aramco welfare of the residents of the
facility in Jiddah, along with Western region would likely
other targets in Riyadh and have been significant.”
Cruise missiles and drones
(AP) — Yemen’s Houthi backed Houthis, who seized “These strikes put civilian Meanwhile, Saudi state TV remain difficult to defend
rebels attacked an oil de- Yemen’s capital of Sanaa in lives at risk and must stop,” also acknowledged attacks against, though the U.S. re-
pot on Friday in the Saudi September 2014. The king- he wrote. in one town targeting water cently sent a significant num-
city of Jiddah ahead of a dom, which entered the war tanks that damaged vehicles ber of Patriot anti-missile in-
Formula One race in the in 2015, has been interna- An Associated Press photo- and homes. Another attack terceptors to Saudi Arabia to
kingdom. It was the reb- tionally criticized for its air- journalist covering practice targeted an electrical substa- resupply the kingdom amid
els’ highest-profile assault strikes killing that have killed laps at the F1 track in Jiddah tion in an area of southwest- the Houthi attacks.
yet, though Saudi authori- scores of civilians — some- saw the smoke rising in the ern Saudi Arabia near the Ye-
ties pledged the upcoming thing the Houthis point to as distance to the east, just after meni border, state TV said. In September, the AP report-
grand prix would go on as they launch drones, missiles 5:40 p.m. As the flames rose, ed that the U.S. had removed
scheduled. and mortars into the king- the tops of the tanks of the The North Jiddah Bulk Plant its own Patriot and THAAD
dom. bulk plant were clearly vis- stores diesel, gasoline and defense systems from Prince
The attack targeted the same ible some 11.5 kilometers (7 jet fuel for use in Jiddah, the Sultan Air Base outside of Ri-
fuel depot that the Houthis Brig. Gen. Turki al-Malki, a miles) away. kingdom’s second-largest yadh.
had attacked in recent days, spokesman for the Saudi-led city. It accounts for over a
the North Jiddah Bulk Plant coalition, said the fire dam- Drivers raced on into the eve- quarter of all of Saudi Ara- The attacks have renewed
that sits just southeast of the aged two tanks and was put ning even as the fire burned. bia’s supplies and also sup- questions about the king-
city’s international airport out without injuries. plies fuel crucial to running dom’s ability to defend it-
and is a crucial hub for Mus- The second-ever Saudi Ara- a regional desalination plant. self from Houthi fire as a
lim pilgrims heading to Mec- “This hostile escalation tar- bian Grand Prix in Jiddah The Houthis have twice tar- yearslong war in the Arab
ca. No injuries were reported gets oil facilities and aims to is taking place on Sunday, geted the North Jiddah plant world’s poorest country rages
in the attack. undermine energy security though concerns had been with cruise missiles. One on with no end in sight. It also
and the backbone of global raised by some over the re- attack came in November comes as Saudi Arabia issued
The Saudi Arabian Oil Co., economy,” al-Malki said, cent attacks targeting the 2020. The last came on Sun- an unusually stark warning
known as Saudi Aramco, did according to the state-run kingdom. day as part of a wider barrage that it is unable to guarantee
not immediately respond to a Saudi Press Agency. “These by the Houthis. its oil production won’t be
request for comment. Saudi hostile attacks had no impact Hours later, the F1 said plans affected by further attacks —
authorities acknowledged a or repercussions in any way, for Saturday’s third practice At the time of the 2020 attack, which could push global en-
“hostile operation” by the shape or form on public life and qualifying and Sunday’s the targeted tank, which has ergy prices even higher amid
Houthis targeting the depot in Jiddah.” race were still set to go ahead. a capacity of 500,000 barrels, Russia’s war on Ukraine.
with a missile. The Saudi Motorsport Co., held diesel fuel, according
British Prime Minister Bo- which promotes the race, to a recent report by a U.N. Benchmark Brent crude
In Yemen, Saudi Arabia leads ris Johnson condemned the acknowledged the attack panel of experts examining prices briefly rose above $120
a coalition battling the Iran- Houthi attacks on Twitter. but said the “race weekend Yemen’s war. Repairing it af- a barrel in trading Friday.
Peru judge bars Fujimori from leaving country once released
(AP) — A Peruvian judge Peruvians executed during
on Thursday banned for- Judge Miluska Cano of the his government by a clandes-
mer President Alberto Fourth Criminal Cham- tine military squad that killed
Fujimori from leaving the ber ordered that Fujimori with impunity while fight-
country for 18 months as may not leave Peru “for 18 ing the Shining Path terrorist
soon as he leaves a prison months.” group.
where he has been serv-
ing a 25-year sentence for Once released, the former Last week, the Constitutional
murder. president must face a new tri- Court ordered Fujimori re-
al on charges of being the in- leased after a controversial
Fujimori is expected to be re- tellectual author of the mur- decision whose arguments
leased soon under a Consti- der of six peasants during his have not yet been published.
tutional Court order that last 1990-2000 administration. The release shortens the sen-
week revived a humanitarian tence of Fujimori by a de-
pardon granted in 2017 by Fujimori had been serving a cade, since he was to be re-
then-President Pedro Pablo 25-year prison sentence since leased from prison in Febru-
Kuczynski. 2007 for the murder of 25 ary 2032.