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                                                                                         world news Diasabra 26 Maart 2022

                           Some prominent Russians quit jobs, refuse to support war

            (AP)  —  The  resignation  bais, 66, who was the archi-   kill  hopes  and  aspirations,
            of  a  senior  Russian  gov-  tect  of  Yeltsin’s  privatization  freeze  or  destroy  relation-
            ernment  official  and  his  campaign. The reports, citing  ships  and  connections.  In-
            reported  move  abroad  anonymous  sources,  said  he  cluding this war,” he said.
            wasn’t  the  first  voluntary  stepped down because of the
            departure  of  a  person  war. He hasn’t publicly com-    Dvorkovich added that FIDE
            from a state job since the  mented on his resignation.    was  “making  sure  there  are
            start  of  Russia’s  war  with                            no official chess activities in
            Ukraine,  but  it  certainly  Under  Yeltsin,  Chubais  re-  Russia  or  Belarus,  and  that
            was one of the most strik-   portedly  recommended  the  players  are  not  allowed  to
            ing.                         administration  hire  Putin,  a  represent Russia or Belarus in
                                         move that was widely seen as  official  or  rated  events  until
            Anatoly  Chubais,  who  was  an  important  stepping  stone  the war is over and Ukrainian
            President  Vladimir  Putin’s  in  Putin’s  career.  Putin  be-  players are back in chess.”
            envoy  to  international  orga-  came  president  of  Russia  in
            nizations  on  sustainable  de-  2000,  when  Yeltsin  stepped  FIDE  banned  a  top  Russian
            velopment, is well known in  down.                        player for six months for his
            Russia. He held high profile                              vocal  support  of  Putin  and  any more work.”           the invasion. This week, she
            posts  for  nearly  three  de-  Chubais  also  was  deputy  the invasion.                                           gave  a  news  conference  in
            cades, beginning under Boris  prime minister from 1994 to                              Gildeyeva  said  news  cover-  Paris  confirming  the  reports
            Yeltsin,  the  first  post-Soviet  1996  and  first  deputy  prime  Two days after Dvorkovich’s  age  on  state  TV  channels  and explaining her decision.
            leader.                      minister from 1997-98.       comments,  a  top  official  in  was tightly controlled by the
                                                                      the  United  Russia  party  de-  authorities,  with  channels  “We  have  come  to  a  point
            A  number  of  public  figures  The Russian business news-  manded  that  he  be  fired  as  getting orders from officials.  when  on  TV,  on  the  news,
            have  condemned  the  inva-  paper  Kommersant  reported  chair  of  the  state-backed  She admitted to going along  we’re seeing the story of only
            sion of Ukraine and left their  Wednesday that Chubais was  Skolkovo  Foundation.  Last  with  it  since  2014,  when  one  person  —  or  the  group
            posts at state-run institutions  seen  in  Istanbul  this  week  week, the foundation report-  Russia  annexed  Crimea  and  of  people  around  him.  All
            and companies, which could  and ran a photo of a man re-  ed  that  Dvorkovich  decided  began supporting a separatist  we  see  are  those  in  power.
            signal  divisions  in  Russia’s  sembling  him  at  a  Turkish  to step down.          insurgency in Ukraine.       In  our  news,  we  don’t  have
            official ranks over the war. So  ATM.  Since  the  start  of  the                                                   the country. In our news, we
            far there have been no indi-  invasion,  Istanbul  has  taken  Lilia Gildeyeva         “When you gradually give in  don’t have Russia,” Agalako-
            cations  that  the  resignations  in many Russians looking to  Lilia  Gildeyeva  was  a  long-  to yourself, you don’t notice  va said.
            have reached into Putin’s in-  relocate.                  time  anchor  at  the  state-  the depth of the fall. And at
            ner circle.                                               funded NTV channel, which  some point, you find yourself  Referring  to  the  2014  an-
                                         Arkady Dvorkovich            for two decades has carefully  face to face with the picture  nexation  of  Crimea  and  the
            The  handful  of  departures  Arkady  Dvorkovich  once  toed  the  Kremlin  line.  She  that  leads  to  Feb.  24,”  she  support  of  the  separatists  in
            came  as  Putin  blasted  those  served  as  Russia’s  deputy  quit  the  job  and  left  Russia  said.             Ukraine,  she  said  that  she
            opposing his course as “scum  prime  minister  and  is  cur-  shortly after the invasion.                           “could not hide from the pro-
            and traitors,” which Russian  rently chairman of the Inter-                            Zhanna Agalakova             paganda anymore,” even as a
            society would spit out “like a  national Chess Federation, or  She  told  the  independent  Zhanna  Agalakova  was  a  foreign correspondent. Agal-
            gnat.”                       FIDE. He criticized the war  news  site  The  Insider  this  journalist  for  another  state-  akova  said  she  had  to  “only
                                         with  Ukraine  in  comments  week  that  she  decided  “to  run  TV  channel,  Channel  talk about the bad things hap-
            Some of the high-profile fig-  made to Mother Jones maga-  stop all this” on the first day  One, spending more than 20  pening in the U.S.”
            ures  who  have  turned  their  zine on March 14 and came  of the Feb. 24 invasion.    years there and working as an
            backs  on  the  Kremlin  be-  under  fire  from  the  Krem-                            anchor and then a correspon-  “My  reports  didn’t  contain
            cause of the war:            lin’s ruling party.          “It  was  an  immediate  ner-  dent in Paris, New York and  lies,  but  that’s  exactly  how
                                                                      vous  breakdown,”  she  said.  other Western countries.   propaganda  works:  You  take
            Anatoly Chubais              “Wars  are  the  worst  things  “For  several  days  I  couldn’t                       reliable  facts,  mix  them  up,
            On  Wednesday,  the  Krem-   one  might  face  in  life.  Any  pull myself together. The de-  News  reports  about  Agala-  and a big lie comes together.
            lin  confirmed  media  reports  war. Anywhere. Wars do not  cision  was  probably  obvious  kova  quitting  her  job  began  Facts are true, but their mix is
            about the resignation of Chu-  just  kill  priceless  lives.  Wars  right  away.  There  won’t  be  emerging  three  weeks  after  propaganda,” she said.

                               Spain: Truckers get gas price cut, but some still strike

            (AP)  —  Spain’s  govern-    ing  from  high  gas  prices,  helped drive gas prices high-  would also provide 450 mil-  tion  companies  engage  in
            ment  and  the  country’s  but  self-employed  truck-     er in Europe, making it more  lion  euros  ($495  million)  in  unfair  competition,  forcing
            main trucking federations  ers said Friday they would  expensive for truckers to fuel  direct  financial  aid  to  road  down  the  prices  for  freight,
            have  reached  an  agree-    continue a 12-day strike.    their vehicles.              haulage businesses, as well as  and is seeking better working
            ment on financial help for                                                             special credit terms.        conditions  for  truckers,  in-
            an  industry  that  is  hurt-  Russia’s  war  in  Ukraine  has  After 12 hours of negotiations                      cluding retirement at age 60.
                                                                      that  ended  after  midnight,  The  Platform  for  the  De-
                                                                      the Socialist-led government  fense  of  the  Road  Transport  “After 12 days we’re not go-
                                                                      announced  it  is  discounting  Sector, which is not affiliated  ing to throw in the towel. It’s
                                                                      0.20  euros  ($0.22)  per  liter  with  Spain’s  larger  national  now or never,” the Platform
                                                                      of gas for truckers as part of  trucking associations or road  said on its Facebook page.
                                                                      a package of measures worth  haulage companies and does
                                                                      more  than  1  billion  euros  not sit at the sector’s negoti-  The strike has disrupted sup-
                                                                      ($1.1  billion).  A  liter  of  gas  ating  table  with  the  govern-  ply chains and brought scat-
                                                                      for  truckers  currently  costs  ment, called on its members  tered  shortages  at  stores  of
                                                                      around 1.80 euros ($2).      to continue their strike and to  fresh  products,  such  as  veg-
                                                                                                   attend a street protest in Ma-  etables, milk and fish. Thou-
                                                                      Spanish  Transport  Minister  drid on Friday.             sands of police have escorted
                                                                      Raquel Sánchez said the dis-                              truck  convoys  and  arrested
                                                                      count  would  translate  into  The group said it would not  picketers trying to stop work-
                                                                      savings of around 700 euros  budge  from  its  demands,  ing truckers.
                                                                      ($771)  a  month  per  truck.  which go beyond gas prices.
                                                                      The  government  said  it  It  claims  that  large  distribu-
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