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               Saturday 7 OctOber 2017
             Brady throws for 303 yards, Patriots hold off Bucs 19-14

            By FRED GOODALL                                                                        performance by Bucs kick-    first overall in the 2015 draft
             AP Sports Writer                                                                      er Nick Folk.                was hoping to be the latest
            TAMPA, Florida (AP) —                                                                  Folk missed two field goals  beneficiary  of  New  Eng-
            Tom  Brady  threw  for  303                                                            and  an  extra-point  before  land’s struggles.
            yards and one touchdown,                                                               beating  the  New  York  Gi-  Running back Doug Martin
            and New England’s porous                                                               ants  on  a  last-second  kick  provided  a  lift  in  his  return
            defense  showed  signs  of                                                             last week.                   from  a  suspension  for  vio-
            improvement Thursday in a                                                              He missed three more field  lating  the  NFL’s  policy  on
            19-14  NFL  victory  over  the                                                         goals Thursday, including a  performance     enhancers
            Tampa Bay Buccaneers.                                                                  31-yarder that would have  with  74  yards  rushing  and
            The Super Bowl champions                                                               cut  a  nine-point  deficit  to  one TD.
            rebounded  from  a  last-                                                              six in the closing minutes.  But  one  week  after  throw-
            second  loss  to  Carolina,                                                            With his 186th career regu-  ing for 332 yards and three
            despite  Brady  turning  the                                                           lar-season win as a starter,  touchdowns without an in-
            ball over twice —                                                                      Brady tied Brett Favre and  terception  and  overcom-
            on  his  first  interception                                                           Peyton  Manning  for  the  ing a pair of fourth-quarter
            in   eight   regular-season                                                            most  by  a  quarterback  in  deficits to beat the Giants,
            games  and  a  fumble  on    New  England  Patriots  quarterback  Tom  Brady  (12)  looks  to   NFL history.        Winston  was  unable  to
                                         throws a pass as he is pressured by Tampa Bay Buccaneers de-
            one of Tampa Bay’s three     fensive end Robert Ayers (91) during the first half of an NFL foot-  He also has 25 postseason  move  the  ball  consistently
            sacks.                       ball game, Thursday, Oct. 5, 2017, in Tampa, Fla.         victories,  including  five  Su-  until the fourth quarter.
            Neither of the mistakes led                                           Associated Press  per Bowls.                  Winston  finished  26  of  45
            to points for Tampa Bay (2-  field goals of 27, 23, 45 and  14 with 2:09 remaining. He   Defensively, the Patriots en-  with 334 yards and no inter-
            2), which was unable to do   48 yards for the Patriots (3-  marched the Bucs from his   tered the night on pace to  ceptions.
            much  offensively  until  the   2).                       25 to the Patriots 19 before   yield more than yards than  DeSean  Jackson  had  five
            fourth quarter.              Jameis    Winston    rallied  throwing  an  incompletion   any team in league history.  receptions for 106 yards.
            Brady  threw  a  5-yard  TD   Tampa  Bay  late  with  an  on the final play.           And, Winston and a young  Playing      without   injured
            pass to Chris Hogan in the   18-yard  TD  pass  to  Cam-  It  might  not  have  come   Tampa  Bay  offense  that’s  tight  end  Rob  Gronkowski
            second  quarter,  and  Ste-  eron  Brate  that  trimmed  down  to  a  last-second      progressively  gotten  bet-  (thigh), Brady finished 30 of
            phen  Gostkowski  kicked     New England’s lead to 16-    drive if not for another poor   ter  since  he  was  selected  40 with one interception.q
            AP-NORC Poll:                                                                                                       Thomas  Peoples  of  New

                                                                                                                                said the protests are a per-
            Continued from Page 17       field  right  now!  Out!  He’s                                                         sonal  decision  for  each
            Taylor,  who  is  white,  said   fired. Fired!’”                                                                    player.  He  doesn’t  think
            she supports police but un-  That   prompted     dozens                                                             their actions are meant to
            derstands why players are    of  NFL  players,  and  a  few                                                         disrespect  the  country  or
            protesting. And her person-  team  owners,  to  join  in                                                            the military.
            al politics also factor in.  protests.  They  knelt,  raised                                                        Still,  he  would  not  partici-
            “I’m  for  it  because  Don-  fists,  sat  or  locked  arms  in                                                     pate in such a protest.
            ald Trump is against it,” she   solidarity  during  pre-game                                                        “It’s  not  my  approach  to
            said.                        ceremonies  when  the  an-                                                             resolve  a  problem,”  said
            The  form  of  the  protest   them was played.                                                                      Peoples,  66,  who  is  black.
            seems  to  matter.  Accord-  Broken  down  by  race,  55                                                            “I’m  not  a  protester.  But
            ing  to  the  poll,  Americans   percent  of  African-Amer-                                                         they’re  expressing  their
            are more likely to approve   icans  approve  of  players    In this Sept. 12, 2016, file photo, San Francisco 49ers safety Eric   feelings  about  how  some
            than disapprove of players   refusing  to  stand  for  the   Reid (35) and quarterback Colin Kaepernick (7) kneel during   Americans  are  treated  in
            who,  instead  of  kneeling,   anthem,  and  19  percent   the national anthem before an NFL football game against the   this country.”
            link arms in solidarity during   disapprove, the poll found.   Los Angeles Rams in Santa Clara, Calif.              The AP-NORC poll of 1,150
            the anthem, 45 percent to    Among whites, 62 percent                                              Associated Press  adults   was   conducted
            29 percent.                  disapprove  and  25  per-    said  Sleeper,  78,  who  is   agree with the assessment   Sept. 28-Oct. 2 using a sam-
            “People  don’t  want  to     cent approve.                white. “This is a way to get   that  refusing  to  stand  for   ple  drawn  from  NORC’s
            be  confronted  with  their   Seventy-nine      percent   noticed,  and  possibly  get   the  anthem  is  disrespect-  probability-based   Ameri-
            racism in any form. If they   of  blacks  disapprove  of   some action taken.”         ful to the military, and most   Speak  panel,  which  is  de-
            are  confronted  with  it,   Trump’s  call  for  players  to   Chandler,  Arizona,  busi-  also  think  it’s  disrespectful   signed  to  be  representa-
            they want it in the mildest   be  fired,  while  just  8  per-  ness owner Larry Frank, 67,   to the country’s values and   tive of the U.S. population.
            form possible,” said DeRay   cent   approve.    Among     said the protests are inap-  the  American  flag.  About   The margin of sampling er-
            Mckesson,  a  Black  Lives   whites,  48  percent  disap-  propriate  and  disrespect-  6 in 10 blacks said they did   ror for all respondents is plus
            Matter  activist  who  has   prove and 38 percent ap-     ful  to  military  veterans.   not  consider  it  disrespect-  or  minus  4.1  percentage
            protested  police  actions   prove.                       Trump’s response, he said,   ful.                         points.  The  poll  includes  a
            since the 2014 killing of Mi-  Thomas  Sleeper  of  Hold-  was “dead-on.”              Just  4  in  10  Americans   total  of  337  black  respon-
            chael  Brown  in  Ferguson,   en,  Massachusetts,  said   “We  should  keep  politics   overall,  and  about  half  of   dents,  who  were  sampled
            Missouri.                    he  considers  the  protests   out  of  our  sports,”  said   African-Americans,   think   at a higher rate than their
            The  NFL  protests  got  more   to  be  freedom  of  expres-  Frank,  who  served  in  the   refusing  to  stand  for  the   proportion  of  the  popula-
            attention  and  morphed      sion  protected  by  the  First   Air Force. “We pay them to   flag can be an act of pa-  tion for purposes of analy-
            into  a  bigger  debate      Amendment  —  and  pre-      come out and play games      triotism.                    sis. The margin of sampling
            about    patriotism   after   game  protests  are  likely   and entertain us. Using this   Frank, an avid Arizona Car-  error among blacks  is plus
            Trump told a crowd at an     the  best  stage  for  them   medium  is  not  the  right   dinals fan who is white, said   or  minus  5.7  percentage
            Alabama  rally  last  month:   because  “individually  pro-  way  to  do  it.  Do  it  off  the   he plans to boycott watch-  points.  For  results  report-
            “Wouldn’t you love to see    testing  is  not  going  to  get   field. Let’s not interfere with   ing  football  on  Veterans’   ed  among  all  adults,  re-
            one  of  these  NFL  owners,   as much press.”            the process of a good busi-  Day to show his disgust with   sponses among blacks are
            when    somebody     disre-  “They want people to know    ness and a fun sport.”       the players’ protest, part of   weighted  to  reflect  their
            spects our flag, to say, ‘Get   that  the  country  isn’t  liv-  The poll shows that overall,   a  larger  campaign  being   proportion  among  all  U.S.
            that son of a bitch off the   ing up to its full standard,”   about  6  in  10  Americans   promoted on social media.  adults.q
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