Page 15 - aruba-today-20171007
P. 15
LOCAL Saturday 7 OctOber 2017
Attention Entrepreneurs:
The Chamber is Organizing a Workshop about Decision Making!
shop offers seven com-
puterized decision making
models that participants
will get and keep for their
training and possible use in
The seven models have
been named:
1. Expected Money Value.
2. Vendor Rating.
ORANJESTAD - Human be- 3. Value Analysis.
ings are born decision 4. Pareto Analysis.
makers. However, too of- 5. Growth-Share-Matrix.
ten the process is through 6. Sales-Volume-Margin
trial and error. In business, Analysis.
decision making repre- 7. Risk Score Assessment.
sents the most important The workshop on Deci-
management task. sion Making takes place
Due to the impact of the on Wednesday, October
outcomes, decisions re- 11, 2017, from 9am – 1pm
quire educated choices at the Auditorium of the an email to businessinfo@ - RBC Royal Bank Aru- tion and payment by Tues-
that are based on facts Aruba Chamber of Com-, men- ba N.V., Italiëstraat 36, day October 10, before
and reasonable argu- merce (KvK). The event fa- tioning your name and bankrekening nr. 90.06.176 1:00 pm. The workshop al-
ments. During the four hour cilitator will be Mr. Herbert phone number. - Banco di Caribe N.V., lows a maximum of 20 par-
workshop on decision mak- Diaz of SQS Consultancy, You can either pay cash at Vondellaan 31, bankreken- ticipants. Attendees will be
ing not only the question who will be presenting the the reception at the Cham- ing nr. 814771.01 registered on a first-come,
will be addressed of what event in Papiamento. The ber or online through the - Caribbean Mercantile first-served basis as seating
informed decisions are, but cost of the event is Afl. following bank accounts: Bank N.V. Caya G.F. (Beti- capacity is limited. Please
also how to locate, cate- 35, which includes a light - Aruba Bank N.V., Cama- co) Croes 53, bankreken- send us a copy of the proof
gorize and make them. The lunch. curi 12, bankrekening nr. ing nr. 61179906 of payment when using the
hands-on part of the work- You may apply by sending 112.354.6 Please submit your registra- online payment option.q