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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Saturday 7 OctOber 2017

             Assad’s forces push into key IS stronghold in eastern Syria

                                                                                                   Syrian forces and allied mi-  in the city of Deir el-Zour on
                                                                                                   litiamen  entered  western  Thursday evening.
                                                                                                   parts of Mayadeen, includ-   In central Syria, the attack
                                                                                                   ing  the  town’s  wheat  silos  on  the  village  of  Abu  Dali
                                                                                                   compound and the sheep  in Hama province was led
                                                                                                   market.The  Russian  state  by  al-Qaida-linked  Hay’at
                                                                                                   RIA  Novosti  news  agency  Tahrir al Sham — Arabic for
                                                                                                   quoted a Syrian army gen-    Levant  Liberation  Commit-
                                                                                                   eral as saying that the Syr-  tee and also known as HTS.
                                                                                                   ian forces have fought their  It came two weeks after in-
                                                                                                   way  into  Mayadeen.  The  surgents attacked a nearby
                                                                                                   agency  quoted  the  un-     area  where  three  Russian
                                                                                                   identified  officer  as  saying  soldiers were wounded.
                                                                                                   that the army entered the  Earlier  this  week,  Russia’s
                                                                                                   western  neighborhoods  of  military  claimed  the  lead-
                                                                                                   the  town  on  Friday.Syria’s  er  of  the  al-Qaida-linked
                                                                                                   state  news  agency  SANA  group  was  wounded  in  a
                                                                                                   said  troops  killed  many  Russian  airstrike  and  had
                                                                                                   IS  fighters  on  the  western  fallen into a coma. The mili-
            This image purports to show an Islamic State fighter firing his weapon during clashes with Syrian   outskirts of Mayadeen and  tary  offered  no  evidence
            troop in the eastern Syrian province of Deir el-Zour. The Arabic caption reads, “The incursion of   captured  western  parts  of  on  the  purported  condi-
            Sheikh Abu Mohammed al-Adnani may God give him mercy. Striking at Nusayris with shells (Nu-  the  town.  The  Russian  De-  tion  of  Abu  Mohammed
            sayri is a derogative term for Alawites).”                                             fense  Ministry  announced  al-Golani.The     al-Qaida-
                                                                             (militant photo via AP)  its  submarines  fired  10  linked  group  subsequently
            By BASSEM MROUE              Mediterranean,     activists  extremist group, which has   cruise  missiles  on  Thursday  denied al-Golani was hurt,
            VLADIMIR ISACHENKOV          and officials said.          lost wide areas of Iraq and   at  IS  positions  outside  of  insisting  he  is  in  excellent
            Associated Press             The  push  into  the  town  of  Syria in its self-declared ca-  Mayadeen.              health and going about his
            BEIRUT  (AP)  —  Syrian  gov-  Mayadeen  came  as  al-    liphate over the past year.  Airstrikes   on   the   town  duties as usual. The group’s
            ernment forces pushed into  Qaida-linked  fighters  at-   Fierce  battles  are  still  ex-  and  nearby  areas  over  fighters  have  been  gain-
            one  of  the  last  remaining  tacked a key central Syrian  pected  in  the  town  that   the  past  days  have  killed  ing  more  influence  in  the
            urban  strongholds  of  the  village  at  the  crossroads  over  the  past  months  be-  and  wounded  scores  of  northwestern  province  of
            Islamic  State  group  in  the  between areas under gov-  came  one  of  the  extrem-  people,  including  15  civil-  Idlib  and  northern  parts  of
            country’s  east  on  Friday,  ernment control and those  ists’ main centers after los-  ians  —  women  and  chil-  Hama,  where  they  have
            following  days  of  fierce  controlled  by  insurgents,  ing other strongholds in Iraq   dren  among  them  —  who  launched  attacks  on  rival
            fighting  and  intense  Rus-  activists said.             and Syria.According to the   were  killed  when  a  missile  militant  groups,  as  well  as
            sian airstrikes that involved  Taking  Mayadeen  would  Britain-based Syrian Obser-    slammed  into  a  govern-    areas  controlled  by  the
            cruise  missiles  from  the  mark  another  blow  to  the  vatory  for  Human  Rights,   ment-held  neighborhood  government.q
            Libyan force seizes control of migrant smuggling hub

            CAIRO  (AP)  —  A  Libyan  statement  that  they  and  Following  a  popular  up-      grant boats to the country.  backlash  from  other  local
            armed  group  on  Friday  their allies have taken con-    rising  in  2011  that  has  Under the deal, the flow of  militias, who feared the em-
            claimed  victory  over  Ital-  trol of the city from the Mar-  plunged  the  country  into  migrants  has  significantly  powerment  of  the  al-Am-
            ian-backed militias paid to  tyr Anas al-Dabashi (better  chaos,  Libya  has  become  dropped  since  July  com-    mu and Brigade 48 militias
            stem  the  flow  of  migrants  known  as  al-Ammu’s)  and  a main migrant transit point  pared to the previous year.  at  their  expense.  Neither
            to Europe from the coastal  Brigade  48  militias.  The  to  Europe  as  traffickers  The U.N. migration agency  militia  could  be  reached
            city  of  Sabratha,  a  major  weeks-long  battle  killed  have exploited the security  says more than 139,000 mi-  for comment.
            launch pad for the perilous  dozens    and    displaced  vacuum.                       grants  and  refugees  have  All  factions  involved  in
            voyage across the Mediter-   thousands of families.       Over  the  summer,  the  two  arrived  in  Europe  by  sea  the  weeks-long  battle  are
            ranean.                      The  Sabratha  Municipal  militias  struck  a  deal  with  since  the  start  of  2017  to  nominally under the control
            The  Anti-ISIS  Operations  Council     confirmed   the  Italy  through  the  U.N.-    Oct.  4,  less  than  half  the  the GNA, headed by Fayez
            Room, created last year to  city’s  capture  and  con-    backed  Government  of  figure recorded during the  Serraj, which hailed Friday’s
            clear  Sabratha  of  Islamic  gratulated  the  AIOR  on  its  National  Accord  to  stop  same period last year.    developments  in  Sabratha
            State  militants,  said  in  a  victory.                  facilitating  the  flow  of  mi-  But  the  deal  triggered  a  as “positive.” q
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