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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Saturday 7 OctOber 2017

              Events mark centennial of civil rights icon Fannie Lou Hamer

            By EMILY WAGSTER PETTUS                                                                                             outlawed  practices  that
            Associated Press                                                                                                    massively  disenfranchised
            JACKSON,  Miss.  (AP)  —                                                                                            black citizens.
            Mississippi-born  civil  rights                                                                                     Mississippi  sent  integrated
            activist  Fannie  Lou  Hamer                                                                                        delegations to later Demo-
            is  being  commemorated                                                                                             cratic conventions. Brown-
            Friday on what would have                                                                                           Wright  said  she  sees  a  di-
            been her 100th birthday.                                                                                            rect  connection  between
            Community gatherings are                                                                                            the  work  done  by  Hamer
            being  held  in  her  home-                                                                                         and other Freedom Demo-
            town  of  Ruleville,  where  a                                                                                      crats  and  the  election  of
            larger-than-life  statue  of                                                                                        Barack Obama in 2008 as
            her  was  dedicated  in  a                                                                                          the  first  black  president  of
            memorial  garden  several                                                                                           the United States.
            years  ago.  The  small  Sun-                                                                                       Some in the Mississippi Del-
            flower County city is about                                                                                         ta  remember  Hamer  for
            110 miles (180 km) north of                                                                                         practical ways she helped
            Jackson.                                                                                                            improve their lives.
            Hamer  —  who  was  59                                                                                              Carl  Watson,  a  58-year-
            when she died of cancer in                                                                                          old  Ruleville  resident,  was
            1977 — was famous for say-                                                                                          the  second-youngest  of
            ing she was “sick and tired                                                                                         11  children  and  said  that
            of being sick and tired” of   A looming statue of Fannie Lou Hamer is displayed prominently in the Fannie Lou Hamer Memo-  until  he  was  12  years  old,
            the  abuse  that  African-   rial Garden in Ruleville, Miss., Thursday, Oct. 5, 2017, as a tribute honoring the civil rights activ-  his family lived on a cotton
            Americans  suffered  in  the   ist. Hamer was a sharecropper who was beaten for registering other African-Americans to vote   farm in two shacks — one
                                         during the Jim Crow era, and gained international attention in 1964 when she testified before the
            segregated South.            credentials committee at the Democratic National Convention, as she and others challenged the   for his mother and the girls
            She  was  fired  from  the   sitting of an all-white delegation from Mississippi. A centennial celebration marking her birth is   and one for his father and
            plantation    where    she   planned for Friday.                                                                    the  boys.  In  about  1972,
            worked as a sharecropper                                                                  (AP Photo/Rogelio V. Solis)  Hamer  and  her  husband,
            in 1962 because she and a    Freedom  Democratic  Par-    then white officers ordered   black  voters  amid  chang-  Perry “Pap” Hamer, helped
            few other black Mississippi-  ty  group  that  challenged   black inmates to beat her.  es  facilitated  by  the  Civil   the  Watsons  find  a  better
            ans registered to vote.      the seating of the all-white   “All of this is on account of   Rights  Act  of  1964,  which   home in Ruleville.
            Flonzie BrownWright was a    Mississippi  delegation  at   we want to register, to be-  outlawed      segregation   Carl Watson said it was the
            young civil rights activist in   the  Democratic  National   come  first-class  citizens,”   in  public  places  and  dis-  first  time  his  family  had  a
            1964 when she met Hamer,     Convention    in   Atlantic   Hamer said.                 crimination in employment    house  with  running  water
            who was a generation old-    City, New Jersey.             “And if the Freedom Dem-    practices,  and  the  Voting   and indoor plumbing: “We
            er and was known for ad-     “Because  of  her  thunder-  ocratic Party is not seated   Rights  Act  of  1965,  which   moved to heaven.”q
            vocating equal rights even   ous voice and the passion    now,  I  question  America.
            when doing so put her own    in  her  eyes,  she  was  cho-  Is  this  America,  the  land
            life in peril.               sen  to  speak  before  the   of the free and the home
            In 1964, Hamer was part of   credentialing  committee,”   of  the  brave,  where  we
            the  integrated  Mississippi   BrownWright,  who  was  an   have to sleep with our tele-
                                         aide to another prominent    phones  off  the  hooks  be-
                                         Freedom  Democrat,  said     cause  our  lives  be  threat-
                                         Thursday.                    ened  daily,  because  we
                                         In a televised appearance    want to live as decent hu-
                                         that drew international at-  man beings, in America?”
                                         tention,  Hamer  told  the   Other  white  delegations
                                         committee  that  she  and    from the South threatened
                                         other  black  women  were    to leave if the regular Mis-
                                         returning  from  citizenship   sissippi delegation was un-
                                         training  in  South  Carolina   seated.
                                         in  1963  when  they  were   Freedom  Democrats  re-
                                         pulled off a bus in Winona,   jected  what  they  consid-
                                         Mississippi,  and  taken  into   ered  an  inadequate  offer
                                         a jail.                      of  two  nonvoting  seats  at
                                         She  said  a  white  highway   the convention.
                                         patrolman  told  her,  “’We   Hamer  and  other  activ-
                                         are  going  to  make  you    ists  spent  the  next  several
                                         wish you was dead,’” and     years  working  to  register
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