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U.S. NEWS Saturday 7 OctOber 2017
Abortion double-cross was beginning of end for congressman
By JOE MANDAK ing outside a coffee shop
MARC LEVY a few blocks from Murphy’s
Associated Press suburban Pittsburgh district
PITTSBURGH (AP) — U.S. Rep. office.Richichi, a 62-year-
Tim Murphy had counted old Democrat who had
on his anti-abortion record crossed party lines to vote
as one of many planks to for Murphy, called him
help him get elected to “another politician where
Congress eight times, and it what’s good for everyone
was his perceived personal else isn’t good enough
betrayal of that record that for him.”Murphy, 65, has
ended his career. remained publicly silent,
For Murphy, a practicing other than a brief state-
psychologist, author and ment saying he would
former commander in the seek help as he and his
Navy Reserves who had family work through their
made mental health treat- “difficulties.”He had been
ment a signature issue, in the state Senate repre-
everything began falling senting suburban Pittsburgh
apart when his hometown when the party carved up In this July 7, 2017, photo, U.S. Rep. Tim Murphy (R- Pa) speaks in South Park Township, Pa. south
newspaper revealed Tues- the shrinking population of of Pittsburgh. The Republican Congressman announced his resignation on Thursday Oct. 5, 2017
day that the congressman western Pennsylvania into after his affair with a young woman came to light.
had suggested a mistress new congressional districts, (AP Photo/Keith Srakocic)
get an abortion when they creating a Republican- Right to Life Committee. election, and even run un- of subjecting his staff mem-
thought she might be preg- friendly district tailored for His anti-abortion voting opposed the last two elec- bers to “threats, hostility,
nant.It was the beginning Murphy.He ran and won record was 100 percent. tions. anger and harassment.”
of the end for Murphy’s 20- the open seat in 2002, with He won AFL-CIO endorse- A month ago, one of Mur- It also published text mes-
year political career. the help of Democrats ments. His 70 percent life- phy’s affairs became pub- sages between Murphy
Voters, talk show hosts, who were accustomed to time rating by the Ameri- lic in the Pittsburgh Post-Ga- and Shannon Edwards,
party officials and anti- backing Republicans for can Conservative Union zette after the newspaper with whom he was hav-
abortion activists turned president.Murphy has since put him in the middle of won a court motion to un- ing an affair. In one, she
against Murphy. Two days held pro-labor positions the pack of Pennsylvania’s seal the woman’s divorce told him he had “zero is-
later, Murphy informed to stitch together support 13 Republicans in the U.S. case.Then on Tuesday, the sue posting your pro-life
House Speaker Paul Ryan from Pittsburgh’s influential House. Opponents and Post-Gazette published a stance all over the place
and Gov. Tom Wolf that he blue-collar unions with bed- supporters alike say he was six-page memorandum when you had no issue ask-
would resign Oct. 21. rock conservative groups, everywhere in the district, from Murphy’s congres- ing me to abort our unborn
“I’m very disappointed,” including the Chamber of from high school football sional chief of staff, Susan child just last week when
said Vinnie Richichi, sip- Commerce, National Rifle games to church food fairs. Mosychuk, dated June 8, in we thought that was one
ping coffee Friday morn- Association and National He has since coasted to re- which she accused Murphy of the options.”q
Police: Carjacking suspect chased, fatally shot by officers
By CURT ANDERSON cial agent in charge, said when Padron put a gun to ficers from various depart- did begin to communicate
AP Legal Affairs Writer at a news conference. her face and told her to get ments — some armed with with the individual, who
MIAMI (AP) — A Florida The suspect, identified out.“He said ‘Get the f--- assault rifles — engaged was still armed at the time,”
bank robbery suspect led by police as Ernesto Pad- out of the car right now or I him in a standoff under a Perez added.The standoff
police on a wild chase ron, 52, instead grabbed will shoot you’. I’m thinking, bridge, trying to convince included some officers in
Friday as he carjacked a handgun and fled on I wasn’t really scared at the him to surrender, accord- police boats.
two vehicles at gunpoint, foot, eventually carjacking moment because I’m think- ing to police.Video foot- Authorities said officers at-
leaped into the Miami River a brown BMW, authorities ing it’s an undercover cop age showed the bald man tempted to take Padron
and finally died in a hail of said. With officers in pursuit, because I saw cops all over bobbing in neck-deep wa- into custody about 9:30
bullets after vowing not to Padron drove erratically the place. I thought he was ter and clinging to a ledge a.m., but he refused to
be arrested easily, authori- through city streets and an undercover cop that under the bridge, frequent- drop his weapon and was
ties said.It began about 7 then ditched the BMW for a needed my car. It took me ly pointing at officers and shot and killed. Police said
a.m. when FBI agents and Mazda sport utility vehicle, a while to get out, I had to shaking his head. as many as nine officers
Miami-Dade police officers which he also carjacked by unstrap the seatbelt. Luck- Miami-Dade Police Direc- from two departments fired
went to the man’s home waving a gun in the female ily, I had my purse with me tor Juan Perez told report- their weapons.No officers
north of the city to serve a driver’s face.That driver, Mi- and I ran out,” she said. ers Padron made threaten- were injured. The man died
warrant linked to the Sept. nerva Castellano, told local Police said Padron even- ing comments toward law at the scene.The Florida
29 robbery of a Wells Fargo news outlets she was on her tually bailed out of Cas- enforcement, saying he Department of Law En-
bank branch, Justin Fleck, way to work at the Veter- tellano’s SUV and jumped “will not go down easy.” forcement is investigating
the FBI acting assistant spe- ans Administration Hospital into the Miami River. Of- “Our hostage negotiators the shooting.q