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               Saturday 7 OctOber 2017
             UK’s May finds support after lawmakers plot to oust her

                                                                                                   needed to trigger a formal  to May.
                                                                                                   leadership  challenge  un-   Shapps told Sky News that
                                                                                                   der party rules, but the plot  May  is  “a  very  decent
                                                                                                   further  rattles  May’s  shaky  woman” but without a new
                                                                                                   grip on power.               leader  the  Conservatives
                                                                                                   May  became  prime  minis-   “may be in a holding pat-
                                                                                                   ter through a Conservative  tern which may be an ev-
                                                                                                   leadership  contest  when  er-descending one.”
                                                                                                   former Prime Minister David  But  senior  Cabinet  col-
                                                                                                   Cameron  resigned  in  the  leagues    declared    their
                                                                                                   wake of Britain’s June 2016  support for May, saying she
                                                                                                   vote to leave the European  must stay in office to steer
                                                                                                   Union.                       the country through Brexit,
                                                                                                   Since  then  she  has  strug-  which sees Britain leave the
                                                                                                   gled  to  unite  a  govern-  EU in March 2019.
                                                                                                   ment  that  is  divided  over  Environment  Secretary  Mi-
                                                                                                   how  the  country  should  chael  Gove,  a  prominent
                                                                                                   leave the EU and what re-    Brexit campaigner, said Fri-
                                                                                                   lationship it wants with the  day that May had “shown
                                                                                                   bloc after Brexit.           tremendous grace and grit
                                                                                                   May  was  further  weak-     in the course of this week.”
                                                                                                   ened  when  she  called  a  “I  think  Theresa’s  doing
                                                                                                   snap election that saw the  a  great  job,”  he  told  Sky
                                                                                                   Conservatives     reduced  News.
            Britain’s Prime Minister Theresa May arrives for charity coffee event in Reading, England, where   to  a  minority  government.  Other  Conservatives  took
            she responded to claims of a plot involving Conservative Party Members of Parliament to oust her   A  speech  designed  to  re-  to  Twitter  to  back  their
            from Number 10, saying she is providing “calm leadership” with the “full support” of her cabinet   invigorate  the  party  de-  leader.
            Friday Oct. 6, 2017.
                                                                               (Yui Mok/PA via AP)  scended  into  disaster  this  Lawmaker   Nadhim   Za-
                                                                                                   week  as  May  was  inter-   hawi tweeted that he had
            Associated Press             lenge  to  the  leadership  the full support of my Cabi-  rupted by a prankster and  been      “inundated    with
            LONDON  (AP)  —  Belea-      of  May,  who  gambled  net,” May declared Friday.        almost  silenced  by  a  sore  message(s) of support” for
            guered British Prime Minister  away  her  party’s  majority  While  many  colleagues   throat. As she finally neared  May and Shapps had “mis-
            Theresa May insisted Friday  in  Parliament  by  calling  a  declared  their  support  for   her  conclusion,  letters  be-  judged  the  mood  of  the
            that she is in firm control of  snap  June  election,  then  May,  Grant  Shapps,  a  for-  gan  dropping  off  the  slo-  party.”
            her  Conservative  govern-   slogged through a mishap-    mer  Conservative  party     gan behind her.              Legislator  James  Clever-
            ment,  after  a  party  law-  marred  speech  to  party  chairman, said “a growing     In  recent  weeks  Foreign  ley  posted  on  Twitter  that
            maker said he had a list of  members earlier this week.   number  of  people  feel  it’s   Secretary Boris Johnson has  Shapps  “is  doing  himself,
            30  colleagues  who  want  “What the country needs is  time to make a change.”         gone  public  with  his  own  the  party,  and  (most  im-
            her to resign.               calm leadership, and that’s  The  number  of  rebels  falls   plans  for  Brexit,  a  move  portantly)  the  country  no
            It  was  the  latest  chal-  what  I  am  providing  with  short  of  the  48  lawmakers   widely seen as a challenge  favours at all. Just stop.”q
             France’s Macron finds label sticks: ‘president of the rich’

            By SYLVIE CORBET                                                                                                    pro-business     platform,
            Associated Press                                                                                                    doesn’t hide his economic
            PARIS (AP) —                                                                                                        policies  aim  at  attracting
            French  President  Emman-                                                                                           more  wealthy  French  and
            uel  Macron  is  increasingly                                                                                       foreign  investors  into  the
            being  portrayed  as  the                                                                                           country.
            “president  of  the  rich”  —                                                                                       “Who are the people who
            an  unpopular  epithet  in  a                                                                                       invest?  People  who  are
            country  where  bragging                                                                                            ready to take risks and who
            about money is taboo and                                                                                            are going to win when suc-
            equality is a national mot-                                                                                         cess  rewards  these  risks”,
            to.                                                                                                                 he  said  Tuesday  during  a
            After  scrapping  a  wealth                                                                                         visit to a factory in northern
            tax  and  reaching  out  to                                                                                         France.
            big investors, his popularity                                                                                       The move comes after the
            is  flagging,  and  he  made                                                                                        government announced a
            matters  worse  for  himself                                                                                        series  of  unpopular  mea-
            with a vulgar reference to                                                                                          sures  this  summer,  starting
            soon-to-be-jobless workers.                                                                                         with a decrease in housing
            The  super  tax  applied  to                                                                                        aid for all students.
            people with more than 1.3                                                                                           Last  month,  Macron  for-
            million  euros  ($1.5  million)                                                                                     mally signed labor reforms
            in assets is to be replaced                                                                                         that have prompted dem-
            next year by a tax on real   French President Emmanuel Macron, left, looks on as he stands alongside Minister of Employment   onstrations  because  they
            estate. The measure, soon    Muriel  Penicaud,  center,  and  Minister  of  Education  Jean-Michel  Blanquer  during  a  visit  at  the   are perceived by many as
            to  be  discussed  at  parlia-  School of Application to the Trades of Public Works (EATP), which is devoted to apprenticeship   weakening  France’s  hard-
            ment,    prompted    heat-   and vocational training, in Egletons, central France, Wednesday, Oct. 4, 2017.         won    worker   protection
            ed  debates  about  why                                                             (Ludovic Marin/Pool Photo via AP)  rights, and thousands of re-
            yachts,  racing  horses  and   Finance  minister  Bruno  Le  signs of wealth. “Then why  over,” he said on RTL radio   tirees walked on the streets
            luxury  cars  should  not  be   Maire  warned  how  com-  not  tax  jewelry,  furs  and  this week.                 to  protest  against  a  tax
            taxed more.                  plex  it  would  be  to  tax  all  wine  cellars?  ...  It’s  never  Macron,  elected  on  a   hike on their pensions. q
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