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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Saturday 7 OctOber 2017
             Spooked businesses shift headquarters out of Catalonia

            By CIARAN GILES                                                                                                     Friday, blaming the seces-
            ARITZ PARRA                                                                                                         sionists for breaking Spain’s
            Associated Press                                                                                                    constitutional order.
            BARCELONA, Spain (AP) —                                                                                             “Coexistence is broken” in
            As separatists in Catalonia                                                                                         Catalonia,  he  said,  warn-
            jockeyed  Friday  to  elude                                                                                         ing  Catalans  that  a  par-
            court rulings and find ways                                                                                         liamentary     declaration
            to deliver on their promise                                                                                         of  independence  “is  not
            to declare independence,                                                                                            enough”  and  that  the  in-
            business  giants  hit  back                                                                                         ternational    community
            with plans to relocate their                                                                                        needs  to  recognize  inde-
            headquarters elsewhere in                                                                                           pendent nations.
            Spain  amid  the  increasing                                                                                        No country has openly said
            political uncertainty.                                                                                              it  would  support  secession
            Caixabank,  Spain’s  third                                                                                          and  the  European  Union
            lender  in  global  assets,                                                                                         says an independent Cat-
            said  Friday  that  it  was                                                                                         alonia  would  be  kicked
            moving  from  Barcelona                                                                                             out of the bloc and forced
            to  the  eastern  city  of  Va-                                                                                     to stop using the common
            lencia,  “given  the  current                                                                                       euro currency. The EU says
            situation  in  Catalonia.”  It                                                                                      Catalonia  would  have  to
            said  it  wants  to  remain  in                                                                                     apply  to  rejoin,  a  lengthy,
            the  eurozone  and  under    Catalan regional police chief Josep Luis Trapero, 2nd left, arrives at the national court in Madrid,   uncertain process.
            the  supervision  of  the  Eu-  Spain, Friday, Oct. 6, 2017. A Spanish judge is due to question Mossos d’Esquadra chief Trapero   The prospect of an exit has
            ropean  Central  Bank  —     and two pro-independence campaigners about their role in an Oct. 1 referendum that the Span-  sent  shivers  among  busi-
            two  things  that  would  not   ish government declared as illegal.                                                 ness heavyweights, includ-
            happen  if  Catalonia  did                                                                    (AP Photo/Paul White)  ing lender Banco Sabadell
            manage  to  secede.The       ing for Spain’s central gov-  ists drop their secession bid.  “In  order  to  dialogue,  you   and  energy  giant  Gas
            region’s separatist govern-  ernment  to  accept  a  dia-  Rajoy  urged  Puigdemont  must  stay  within  the  legal   Natural, who were among
            ment has vowed to use a      logue.But  the  government   to cancel plans for declar-  framework,”  Spanish  cabi-  the firms to greenlight relo-
            pro-independence  victory    of  Spain’s  conservative    ing independence in order  net spokesman Inigo Men-       cations  of  their  registered
            in  a  disputed  referendum   Prime Minister Mariano Ra-  to avoid “greater evils.”    dez de Vigo told reporters   address.q
            last weekend to go ahead     joy has rejected any nego-
            with  secession,  while  call-  tiations unless the separat-

             Popular mayor of Amsterdam
             dies after battling lung cancer

            By MIKE CORDER               ing and integration for two
            Associated Press             years  before  being  ap-
            THE  HAGUE,  Netherlands  pointed mayor in July 2010.
            (AP)  —  Eberhard  van  der  He made headlines in April
            Laan,  the  popular  mayor  2013 when he said he was
            of Amsterdam who ran the  too busy to meet with Vlad-
            city  with  a  firm  hand  and  imir Putin during the Russian
            a  compassionate  touch,  president’s  visit  to  Amster-
            has died after a long battle  dam.
            with  lung  cancer.  He  was  The move was widely seen
            62.                          as a snub to Putin because
            Amsterdam     Municipality,  of  Russian  legislation  ban-
            which Van der Laan led for  ning  gay  “propaganda.”
            seven  years  before  step-  Rainbow flags flew at half-
            ping  down  last  month  be-  staff around the city during
            cause  of  his  failing  health,  Putin’s visit.
            said  Van  der  Laan  died  Soon  after  taking  office,
            Thursday night.              Van der Laan won respect
            “Amsterdam  weeps  for  its  for   personally   reaching
            dear mayor and all of the  out  to  parents  of  children
            Netherlands  mourns”  with  abused  by  a  pedophile  in
            the city, Dutch Prime Minis-  an  Amsterdam  day  care
            ter Mark Rutte said.         center.
            Well-wishers  placed  flow-  He  displayed  his  tough
            ers  and  balloons  outside  side by cracking down on
            Van der Laan’s official resi-  youth crime and anti-social
            dence throughout the day,  behavior.
            and  several  commemora-     In a Facebook post, Dutch
            tions were hastily arranged  King     Willem-Alexander
            at venues in the city on Fri-  paid  tribute  to  Van  der
            day evening.                 Laan, calling him “a driven
            A  lawyer  and  member  of  mayor  with  a  heart  for  his
            the center-left Labor Party,  city  and  a  fiery  belief  in  a
            Van  der  Laan  was  a  gov-  society  to  which  every-
            ernment  minister  for  hous-  body belongs.”q
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