Page 13 - aruba-today-20171007
P. 13
Saturday 7 OctOber 2017
Nature Connection Walk: ‘Finding Your True Nature in Nature’
Open Air Movies at a Roof Top
ORANJESTAD - Shortcutz
Aruba and Rooftop Film
Club organize an amaz-
ing movie night on the
roof top of the Academy
of Fine Arts and Design in
Oranjestad. This month’s
event will take place on
Saturday evening from
7pm on.
There is an emerging tal-
ent showcase with Riba
Liña Peligroso by Cedric
Gei & Albert Bislickof 17 ALTO VISTA - Do you enjoy The walk is on Monday 9th
minutes. This series will be spending time in nature? of October between 5:30 –
in the local language Pa- Are you ready to explore 5:45 pm at Alto Vista, meet-
piamento. and deepen your connec- ing point is Alto Vista Cha-
After that the movie Holy tion with yourself and na- pel and the walk is approxi-
Motors will be on the ture? Life coach Gea Sou- mately 5 km/3.1 miles. This is
screen, the movie runs gé invites you to join her on a weekly event, so you can
115 minutes in French with a walk to help you connect join every Monday.
subtitles: English. Holy Mo- deeper with nature and Each nature connection
tors is a 2012 French-Ger- built relationship with your- walk will have a theme to
man fantasy drama film self and others. inspire you. Comfy cloth-
written and directed by ing and hiking shoes are
Leos Carax, starring Denis The Nature Connection recommended and please
Lavant and Édith Scob. tumes and plays a number named Monsieur Oscar. Walks are complimentary, bring water.
Driven around Paris by a of strange, semi scripted but it is highly appreciated
loyal driver (Édith Scob), roles. From dawn to dusk, More information on Face- if you could bring some wa- For more information:
a mysterious man (Denis a few hours in the shad- book at shortcutzaruba 4 ter for the trees at Alto Vista Facebook Gea Sougé Life
Lavant) dresses up in cos- owy life of a mystic man rooftop film club.q or bring some bird seeds. Coaching.q