Page 16 - aruba-today-20171007
P. 16

               Saturday 7 OctOber 2017

              Guests Honored at the Hilton Aruba Caribbean Resort & Casino

            PALM  BEACH  -  Recently  The symbolic honorary title
            the  Aruba  Tourism  Author-  is  presented  in  the  name
            ity  had  the  great  pleasure  of the Minister of Tourism as
            of  honoring  a  very  nice  a token of appreciation to
            couple  who  are  loyal  and  guests  who  visit  Aruba  for
            friendly visitors of Aruba at  20-to-34 consecutive years.
            the Hilton Aruba Caribbean  The honorees were Mr. Car-
            Resort  &  Casino  as  Good-  mine and Mrs. Vera Dressler
            will Ambassadors.            from New Jersey, celebrat-

                                                                      ing  their  20th  consecutive  of the safety, the beautiful  coin  were  presented  by
                                                                      annual visit to Aruba!       sunsets,  friendly  locals,  va-  Ms. Marouska Heyliger rep-
                                                                      Carmine  and  Vera  are  riety  of  food  and  the  feel-  resenting  the  Aruba  Tour-
                                                                      regular guests at the Hilton  ing  of  home-away-from-    ism Authority together with
                                                                      Aruba Resort and they love  home.  The  certificate  and  associates  from  the  Hilton
                                                                      Aruba very much because  commemorative  emerald  Aruba Resort.q
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