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               Saturday 7 OctOber 2017

            This October:
            The Ritz-Carlton, Aruba Invites Guests to

            Celebrate and Savor Culinary Excellence

                                                                      Aruba Marriott Resort, and
                                                                      Valerie Schroth, the pastry
                                                                      chef  of  JW  Marriott  Lima,
                                                                      will exhibit their techniques
                                                                      and  love  for  cooking.  Ad-
                                                                      ditionally,  students  from
                                                                      the EPI Culinary School will
                                                                      engage in a cold prepara-
                                                                      tion competition.
                                                                      The  weekend  of  October
                                                                      13-14, The Ritz-Carlton, Aru-
                                                                      ba will host an the first in an
                                                                      exclusive new dinner series.
                                                                      Themed  “Flavors  of  Peru,”
                                                                      the dinner, hosted by new-
                                                                      ly  appointed  Executive
            PALM  BEACH  -  This  month,  epicurean evening, guests   Chef  Rafael  Lopez-Aliaga
            The  Ritz-Carlton,  Aruba  is  can enjoy a variety of tast-  – a native of Peru – will take
            offering a delicious line-up  ings  from  the  island’s  top   guests  on  a  five-course
            of  ways  to  celebrate  the  chefs,  including  food,  fine   journey  throughout  Peru.
            One  Happy  Island’s  pas-   wines  and  premium  spirits.   Held  in  the  hotel’s  Solanio
            sion  for  authentic  gastron-  The  open  and  inviting  at-  restaurant  and  specially
            omy  and  mixology,  giving  mosphere  will  commence     curated  by  Chef  Lopez-
            guests  the  chance  to  ex-  with  sensational  mixology   Aliaga  himself  as  well  as
            plore  its  culinary  heritage  demonstrations  by  Emilia   guest chefs Valerie Schroth
            with  various  experiential  Lopez-Henriquez,    winner   and  Teddy  Bouroncle,  the   “Pisca  Cora  with  Funchi,”   out the month of October
            offerings  throughout  Octo-  of  The  Ritz-Carlton,  Aruba   dinner will kick off with the   fried red snapper prepared   upon  guest  request  for  a
            ber.                         2017 mixology competition    classic  Peruvian  cocktail,   with  a  decadent  creole   very  reasonable  price  at
            The  savory  festivities  will  as  well  as  first-runner-up   the  Pisco  Sour.  Pisco,  the   sauce  and  local  basil  oil,   BLT Steak and Solanio.
            begin  on  October  7,  with  Gregory  Laurens,  who  will   national  spirit  of  Peru,  is  a   paired with Aruba’s spin on   For  reservations,  please
            the  luxury  resort  hosting  exhibit modern and hand-    grape  distillate,  made  ex-  cooked  polenta.  Solanio’s   contact  the  hotel’s  con-
            Aruba’s  most  treasured  crafted  concoctions.  In       clusively in Peru by fermen-  alfresco dining will feature   cierge at (+297) 527-2217.
            culinary  event,  ‘Indulge  an exclusive culinary dem-    tation  of  fresh  must.  Next,   its well-known “Pasta Trio,”   BLT  Steak  is  open  for  din-
            Aruba,’  for  the  third  con-  onstration,  Ever  de  Peña,   guests  will  enjoy  Peruvian   promoting  authentic  and   ner daily from 6 p.m. - 10:30
            secutive  year.  During  this  the executive sous chef of   king crab, yellow potatoes   simplistic  twists  on  Italian   p.m.
                                                                      and  an  avocado  emul-      cuisine,  highlighting  three   Solanio  is  open  for  dinner
                                                                      sion,  followed  by  grouper   daily  pasta  creations.  To   daily  from  6  p.m.  -  10:00
                                                                      ceviche  marinated  in  a    complete this culinary jour-  p.m.
                                                                      sundried  chili  sauce,  and   ney at BLT Steak or Solanio,   The Ritz-Carlton, Aruba re-
                         Paradise in the Caribbean                    ”Cordero  Norteno”  -  Pe-   guests  can  indulge  in  the   cently introduced the new
                                                                      ruvian lamb stew – before    delicious “Aruban Cashew     Ritual  Coffee  Culture  cof-
                                                                      ending with “Suspiro Lime-   Cake” dessert, served with   fee shop to the island, and
                                                                      no,”  a  creamy  dulce  de   vanilla  sauce  and  white   announced  that  the  New
                                                                      leche custard topped with    chocolate ganache.           York  City  Italian  eatery
                                                                      light, fluffy and sweet me-  “I  am  extremely  thrilled  to   Casa  Nonna  will  open  at
                                                                      ringue.                      be  part  of  such  a  vibrant   the hotel in 2018 – the first
                                                                      During this month-long culi-  culinary  destination  such   location outside of its New
                                                                      nary celebration , the luxu-  as  Aruba”,  said  Executive   York City flagship location.
                                                                      ry resort will feature Aruba’s   Chef  Rafael.  “I’m  excited   To learn more about these
                                                                      authentic and memorable      to  learn  more  about  Aru-  and  other  dining  options
                                                                      experiences with a special   ba’s  cuisine,  and  blend  it   at  The  Ritz-Carlton,  Aruba
                                                                      three-course menu at both    together with my Peruvian    visit  http://www.ritzcarlton.
                                                                      BLT Steak and Solanio. The   heritage to offer unforget-    com/en/hotels/caribbe-
                                                                      menus  will  feature  tradi-  table,  delicious  flavors  to   an/aruba/dining
                                                                      tional dishes, paying hom-   Ritz-Carlton  guests  and  lo-  For  information  about  Eat
                                                                      age to Aruba’s local flavors   cals alike”.               Local  Aruba  Restaurant
                                                                      in delicious ways. BLT Steak   The  special  preset  dinner   Month  visit  http://restau-
                                SALES OFFICE +297 2801005  will  offer  Aruba’s  famous   menu  is  offered  through-
                                    MOBILE +297 5927275
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