Page 10 - aruba-today-20171007
P. 10
Saturday 7 OctOber 2017
India, EU agree to tackle online extremism, radicalization
NEW DELHI (AP) — The Eu- tors and lower import duties
ropean Union and India on foreign cars, while India
agreed Friday to step up wants more opportunities
cooperation in counter- in Europe for its information
ing violent extremism and technology services and
radicalization, particularly business outsourcing.
online, and in enhancing “Free and fair trade agree-
maritime security in the In- ments are not only eco-
dian Ocean and beyond. nomically important for our
A joint declaration issued companies and citizens to
at the end of the 14th EU- prosper,” Tusk said. “Above
India Summit said the two all, they strengthen and
sides aim to deal effective- defend the rules-based in-
ly with the threat posed by ternational order and our
foreign terrorist groups and way of life.’”
terrorist financing. The free trade agreement
It said they were also look- is to cover market access
ing forward to a resump- in goods, services and
tion of exercises between public procurement, as
EU and Indian naval ships. well as create a framework
The two sides also dis- for investment protection,
cussed the crisis involving intellectual property and
more than 500,000 Rohing- Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, centre, talks with European Council President Donald Tusk, competition.
ya Muslims fleeing from left, and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker before their meeting in New Delhi, The EU is India’s largest trad-
violence in Myanmar, and India, Friday, Oct. 6, 2017. ing partner, accounting for
called for a de-escalation (AP Photo/Manish Swarup) 13.7 percent of its overall
of tensions and their volun- Council President Donald to remaining differences in since 2007. trade, ahead of China and
tary return home in safety Tusk, and the Indian side negotiations between the The EU has been seeking the United States.
and dignity. by Prime Minister Narendra two sides on an ambitious reduced restrictions on in- The total value of EU-India
The EU delegation was Modi. free trade agreement they vestment in India’s retail, in- trade in goods stood at $90
headed by European In a speech, Tusk referred have been negotiating surance and banking sec- billion in 2016.q
Moscow faces 130 fake bomb calls, evacuates 100,000 people
By V. ISACHENKOV Flights to and from Moscow
MOSCOW (AP) — Mos- weren’t affected, as secu-
cow on Friday faced over rity agents at the airports
130 fake bomb calls that checked for explosives
prompted the evacua- without holding evacua-
tion of some 100,000 peo- tions.The bomb calls con-
ple from shopping malls, tinued until the evening,
schools, railway stations when the Luzhniki sports
and office buildings.It was arena and office buildings
the most massive flurry of in the Moscow City district
fake bomb threats since were evacuated — includ-
a wave of bomb hoaxes ing the Moscow city hall
began in early Septem- legislature and the govern-
ber. The fake bomb threats ment’s analytical center.
have affected dozens of Alexander Bortnikov, the
Russian cities and incurred director of the Federal Se-
massive economic dam- curity Service (FSB), the
ages.Among those tar- main KGB successor, said
geted by the bomb calls Thursday the agency had
Friday were all four Mos- tracked down four people
cow airports, five railway suspected of engineer-
stations, 15 shopping malls, ing the wave of hoaxes.
several hotels, more than Bortnikov said the suspects
In this Wednesday, Sept. 13, 2017 file photo, people are checked by security guards before enter- 20 schools and many oth- were Russians living abroad
ing GUM, State Shop, at Red square in Moscow, Russia. Moscow is grappling with a slew of fake
bomb calls that have prompted the evacuation of shopping malls, schools, railway stations and er venues, the state Tass who had accomplices in-
administrative buildings. The Tass news agency says there were over 100 anonymous bomb warn- news agency said. No ex- side the country, but he
ings in Moscow on Friday, Oct. 6, 2017. No explosives have been found. plosives have been found wouldn’t identify them or
(AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin) in the anonymous calls. describe their motives. q