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U.S. NEWS Saturday 7 OctOber 2017
With no elaboration, Trump talks of ‘calm before the storm’
By JILL COLVIN be discussing the most
Associated Press pressing military issues fac-
WASHINGTON (AP) — ing the country, including
President Donald Trump North Korea and Iran.
delivered a foreboding Trump said “tremendous
message, telling report- progress” had been made
ers as he posed for photos with respect to the Islamic
with senior military lead- State group, adding, “I
ers that this might be “the guess the media’s going to
calm before the storm.” be finding out about that
The president refused Fri- over the next short period
day to elaborate on what of time.”
he meant, saying simply, He also denounced Iran,
“You’ll find out.” saying the country should
White House reporters were not be allowed to obtain
summoned suddenly Thurs- nuclear weapons, and of-
day evening and told the fered another stark warn-
president had decided he ing to North Korea’s Kim
wanted the press to docu- Jong Un.
ment a dinner he was hold- “We cannot allow this dic-
ing with the military leaders tatorship to threaten our
and their wives. nation or allies with un-
Reporters were led hastily President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump, center, poses for a group photo with senior imaginable loss of life,” he
to the grand State Dining military leaders and spouses in the State Dining Room of the White House in Washington, Thursday, said, vowing to “do what
Room, where they walked Oct. 5, 2017. Trump was hosting the dinner for the group. (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais) we must do to prevent that
into a scene of the presi- from happening and it will
dent, his highest-ranking be done, if necessary. Be-
military aides and their ment would be forthcom- She also denied that Trump great military people in this lieve me.”
wives posing for a group ing down the road. was simply being mischie- room, I will tell you that.” He also said that, moving
photo. White House press secretary vous in an effort to mislead Earlier in the evening, the forward, he expects those
The cameras clicked and Sarah Huckabee Sanders reporters. president had lauded the in the room to provide
they smiled. also declined to elaborate, During the military dinner, group, including his de- him with “a broad range
A joke was made about saying Friday, “We’re never Trump praised those as- fense secretary and chair- of military options, when
someone’s face being going to say in advance sembled for the photo, say- man of the Joint Chiefs of needed, at a much faster
tired. Live classical music what the president will do.” ing: “We have the world’s Staff, and said they would pace.”
Then, Trump gestured to Feds:
“You guys know what this NYC plot targeting concert venues thwarted
the reporters in the room.
Trump asked. “Maybe it’s NEW YORK (AP) — Three bomb-making materials a smartphone message Friday did not name the
the calm before the storm. men sought to carry out but was arrested after trav- saying, “We seriously need venues.The 19-year-old El
Could be the calm, the terrorist attacks last year in eling from Canada to New to car bomb times square. Bahnasawy pleaded guilty
calm before the storm.” New York City in the name Jersey in May 2016 to stage Look at these crowds of in October 2016, but the
“What storm, Mr. Presi- of the Islamic State group, the attacks, authorities people!”In another, El case was sealed while the
dent?” one reporter shout- setting their sights on con- said. His arrest came after Bahnasawy expressed a investigation continued.A
ed. ISIS? North Korea? Iran? cert venues, subway sta- an investigation using an desire to “shoot up con- U.S. citizen, 19-year-old Tal-
Trump would not say. tions and Times Square be- undercover FBI agent pos- certs cuz they kill a lot peo- ha Haroon, was arrested in
Nor would he clarify the fore U.S. agents thwarted ing as an Islamic extremist. ple. ... We just walk in with Pakistan in 2016. Russell Sal-
next day during a gather- the plot, authorities said According to criminal guns in our hands. That’s ic, 37, was arrested in the
ing of manufacturers at the Friday. complaints, El Bahnasawy how Paris guys did it,” the Philippines last April.
White House, once again One of the men, Abdulrah- sent the undercover an im- papers said. It’s not clear if they have
teasing that an announce- man El Bahnasawy, bought age of Times Square with The complaints unsealed attorneys. q