Page 6 - ATA Dec 22 , 2014
P. 6
LOCALMonday 22 December 2014
Kukoo Kunuku Serves Up Fun and Laughter in Aruba!
PALM BEACH - Born out of enjoy a great local BBQ
the dreams of a couple meal with all the trimmings
who escaped south for before embarking on
the winter and never left, a fun barhopping and
Kukoo Kunuku is the place nightlife adventure. The
on Aruba to find great food newly renovated Casibari,
and make fun memories is now open to the public
with the people around seven days a week serving
you. delicious drinks and an
Kukoo Kunuku offers exciting array of menu
party bus tours and other options. It is full of character
adventures that take guests with an atmosphere that
on a whirlwind tour of some can’t be beat anywhere
of Aruba’s best sites as well else on the island!
as fun places where they
can relax and grab a drink. Take the opportunity to
Kukoo Kunuku is staffed by dance, drink, talk, and
an eclectic mix of valued enjoy the music at Casibari
employees as diverse Grill when you stop by
and interesting as Aruba on a Kukoo Kunuku tour
itself. Their motto speaks the next time you are in
for itself and is echoed by Aruba. More information
the experiences of taking and reviews of Kukoo
a tour with them-”The Kunuku can be found
perfect way for the old and on TripAdvisor- it comes
the reckless and the young highly recommended from
and the restless to spend travelers all around the
an evening in Paradise.” world!
Aruba’s latest dinner under For more information or
the stars location, Casibari to make reservations,
Grill, is now featured on the please contact the Kukoo
Kukoo Kunuku Dinner and Kunuku at (297) 586-2010
Barhopping Tour. Kukoo or visit the website www.
Kunuku guests can now!q
LOCALMonday 22 December 2014
Kukoo Kunuku Serves Up Fun and Laughter in Aruba!
PALM BEACH - Born out of enjoy a great local BBQ
the dreams of a couple meal with all the trimmings
who escaped south for before embarking on
the winter and never left, a fun barhopping and
Kukoo Kunuku is the place nightlife adventure. The
on Aruba to find great food newly renovated Casibari,
and make fun memories is now open to the public
with the people around seven days a week serving
you. delicious drinks and an
Kukoo Kunuku offers exciting array of menu
party bus tours and other options. It is full of character
adventures that take guests with an atmosphere that
on a whirlwind tour of some can’t be beat anywhere
of Aruba’s best sites as well else on the island!
as fun places where they
can relax and grab a drink. Take the opportunity to
Kukoo Kunuku is staffed by dance, drink, talk, and
an eclectic mix of valued enjoy the music at Casibari
employees as diverse Grill when you stop by
and interesting as Aruba on a Kukoo Kunuku tour
itself. Their motto speaks the next time you are in
for itself and is echoed by Aruba. More information
the experiences of taking and reviews of Kukoo
a tour with them-”The Kunuku can be found
perfect way for the old and on TripAdvisor- it comes
the reckless and the young highly recommended from
and the restless to spend travelers all around the
an evening in Paradise.” world!
Aruba’s latest dinner under For more information or
the stars location, Casibari to make reservations,
Grill, is now featured on the please contact the Kukoo
Kukoo Kunuku Dinner and Kunuku at (297) 586-2010
Barhopping Tour. Kukoo or visit the website www.
Kunuku guests can now!q