Page 7 - ATA Dec 22 , 2014
P. 7
Monday 22 December 2014

Legendary Dining & Ambiance Await at The Buccaneer Restaurant!

PALM BEACH - The Buc- Josef Munzenhofer, better your palette and tempt gus cut beef, pasta and Escargot.
caneer Restaurant is a known as Vasty, a local Aru- your taste buds. duck entrees. The Buccaneer restaurant
legendary hidden coastal ban who kept many of the The international cuisine at Tempt your taste buds on is situated between the
gem on Aruba, a labor of father’s traditional recipes Buccaneer is renowned for signature dishes such as heart of Aruba’s high-rise
love for the Munzenhofer and added new entrees. the fresh fish/seafood lo- Barracuda Meunière, Rack and low-rise hotels , locat-
family. The restaurant was Vasty is proud to announce cally caught with succulent Of Lamb, Pirates Cutlas, ed at 11C Gasparito. Mak-
a vision by the late Josef that the Buccaneer will be entrees with tropical flair. Shrimp Trio, Seduction of ing a reservation is easy:
Munzenhofer Sr., a Ger- presenting a new menu The Buccaneer has every- the Sea, Lobster Thermidor, just call (297) 586-6172 or
man chef whose dream mixed with old favorites by thing from A-Z and if you’re Twin Tenderloin, Avocado email us at www.bucca-
was to own his own res- the newly-hired executive not a seafood lover then with Shrimp, Bouillabaisse, or bucca-
taurant on the island that chef with entrees to please join in on poultry, lamb, an- Ceviche, Lobster bisque &
he loved so much. The res- The Buccaneer hours of
taurant was built by father operation are: Monday
and son who envisioned through Saturday 5:30-
the restaurant to portray 10:00pm with Early Bird
the Caribbean pirates Hour from 5:30-7:00pm.
and the design of an un- And this Sunday, Decem-
derwater grotto, thus the ber 28th, the Buccaneer
Buccaneer was born. Restaurant will also be
On December 15, 1980 open from 5:30-10:00pm,
the dream turned into re- featuring live Steel Pan Mu-
ality. The Buccaneer is go- sic-Don’t Miss It!
ing strong with Josef’s son
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