Page 8 - ATA Dec 22 , 2014
P. 8

LOCALMonday 22 December 2014

At Bugaloe:

Aruban Fresh Fish Right Off The Coast!

PALM BEACH - Fresher served from Chef Hernan- a week Bugaloe is host to
than Fresh, is what you are dez´ kitchen every Mon- some of the best live bands
served in the popular Bu- day. Whether choosing of Aruba, while you are sa-
galoe Beach Bar & Grill, lo- Fried Fish Basket for only $15 voring dinner and enjoying
cated at De Palm Pier, bet- or a delicious Red Snapper the beautiful Aruba Sun-
ween the RIU Palace Hotel for $20, you wish it was Mon- set! Don´t forget to make
and The Raddison Hotel. day every day! Bugaloe is one hour in the day even
Mondays will no longer be known for fun and crazi- happier at Bugaloe´s dai-
just another Monday. No! ness, so it was only logical ly Happy Hour from 5 till 6
It´s Crazy Fish Monday at Chef Marc Hernandez likes p.m. Reservations are not
Bugaloe! Beautiful color- to go wild when it comes to necessary, just follow your
ful platter of exquisite fish, his cooking. Caught in the hips to the music and the
yellow rice and rich vege- morning, served at night fun and smiles saluting
tables is what you will be is the true Bugaloe way, you!q

maybe this explains its po-
pularity from the start. Cra-
zy Fish Monday is served
from 5.30 p.m. till 10 p.m.
Bugaloe Beach Bar & Grill
is open daily from 9 a.m. till
midnight. Start your day of
right with a delicious cap-
puccino, or walk in to enjoy
a casual lunch in between
sunbathing. A few nights
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