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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Wednesday 24 June 2020
            Fauci: Next few weeks critical to tamping down virus spikes

            Continued from Front                                                                                                said.  Trump,  meanwhile,
                                                                                                                                doubled  down  on  testing
            Fauci  told  lawmakers  he                                                                                          claims  that  have  public
            understands    the    pent-                                                                                         health  experts  appalled,
            up  desire  to  get  back  to                                                                                       tweeting Tuesday:
            normal  as  the  U.S.  begins                                                                                       “Cases  are  going  up  in
            emerging  from  months  of                                                                                          the  U.S.  because  we  are
            stay-at-home  orders  and                                                                                           testing  far  more  than  any
            business  shutdowns.  But                                                                                           other country, and ever ex-
            that  has  “to  be  a  gradual                                                                                      panding.  With  smaller  tes-
            step-by-step  process  and                                                                                          ting we would show fewer
            not  throwing  caution  to                                                                                          cases! “
            the wind,” he said. “Plan A,                                                                                        Less  testing  in  fact  means
            don’t  go  in  a  crowd.  Plan                                                                                      more  infections  going  un-
            B, if you do, make sure you                                                                                         detected. The U.S. was slow
            wear a mask,” Fauci said.                                                                                           in ramping up and current-
            Troubling  surges  worsened                                                                                         ly  is  testing  about  500,000
            Tuesday  in  several  states,                                                                                       people  a  day.  Many  ex-
            with Arizona, Texas and Ne-                                                                                         perts  say  to  control  the
            vada setting single-day re-                                                                                         spread of the virus, it should
            cords  for  new  coronavirus                                                                                        be testing 900,000 or more.
            cases, and some governors                                                                                           Brett  Giroir,  a  Health  and
            saying they’ll consider rein-                                                                                       Human  Services  assistant
            stating restrictions or delay-                                                                                      secretary,  told  lawmakers
            ing plans to ease up in or-  From left, Dr. Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Director   Tuesday the next step is tes-
                                         of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Dr. Anthony Fauci, and Adm. Brett Giroir,
            der to help slow the spread   head  of  the  U.S.  Public  Health  Service,  listen  as  Food  and  Drug  Administration  Commissioner   ting patient samples in lar-
            of the virus.                Dr. Stephen Hahn testifies before a House Committee on Energy and Commerce on the Trump   ge  batches  to  stretch  limi-
            Arizona,  where  Trump  was   administration's response to the COVID-19 pandemic on Capitol Hill in Washington on Tuesday,   ted  supplies,  which  would
            headed  for  a  rally  at  a   June 23, 2020.                                                                       expand U.S. screening bet-
            Phoenix  megachurch,  re-                                                                          Associated Press   ween fivefold and tenfold.
            ported a new daily record  tric  hospital  began  taking  ger people, some of them  Republican       Rep.   David  Instead of testing each per-
            of  nearly  3,600  additional  adult  patients  to  free  up  do get very sick and even  McKinley  of  West  Virginia  son individually, health wor-
            coronavirus  infections  Tu-  bed space in Houston. The  die.  And  younger  people  asked  if  Fauci  regretted  kers  would  pool  samples
            esday.  Arizona  emerged  infection  rate  in  Texas  has  also may be more likely to  that  the  American  public  from 50, 100 or more peop-
            as a COVID-19 hot spot af-   doubled  since  late  May.  show  no  symptoms  yet  still  wasn’t  urged  sooner  to  le  from  the  same  office  or
            ter  Republican  Gov.  Doug  And  Nevada  surpassed  a  spread the virus.              wear face masks, and then  school, for example. A ne-
            Ducey  lifted  his  stay-home  record  one-day  increase  If people say, “’I’m young,  interrupted  before  the  visi-  gative  result  would  clear
            orders  in  mid-May.  Last  for  the  fourth  time  in  the  I’m healthy, who cares’ —  bly  annoyed  scientist  fini-  everyone,  while  a  positive
            week he allowed cities and  past eight days. Other sta-   you  should  care,  not  only  shed answering.            would require each person
            counties  to  require  masks  tes also were experiencing  for  yourself  but  for  the  im-  Fauci said he didn’t regret  to be individually re-tested.
            in public places and many  worrisome surges, including  pact  you  might  have”  on  the change in recommen-        And  Dr.  Robert  Redfield,
            have done so.                Louisiana,  Utah  and  South  sickening  someone  more  dations. Early in the pande-   head  of  the  Centers  for
            Texas surpassed 5,000 new  Carolina.                      vulnerable, Fauci said.      mic there was a “paucity of  Disease  Control  and  Pre-
            cases  for  a  single  day  for  Another  worrisome  trend:  About 2.3 million Americans  equipment” for health wor-  vention,  added  that  it’s
            the  first  time  —  just  days  an  increase  in  infections  have  been  infected  and  kers  “who  put  themselves  now required for workers in
            after it eclipsed 4,000 new  among young adults. Fauci  some  120,000  have  died,  daily  in  harm’s  way”  and  nursing  homes  —  hard-hit
            cases for the first time — as  said  while  COVID-19  tends  according  to  data  from  “we did not want to divert”  by the virus — to be tested
            America’s  largest  pedia-   to  be  less  severe  in  youn-  Johns Hopkins University.  those  scarce  supplies,  he  weekly.q

            Prosecutor says Roger Stone was given special treatment

            By MARY CLARE JALONICK  that  he  was  told  in  no  un-  ing  recommendation  just
            and ERIC TUCKER              certain  terms  that  political  hours after Trump tweeted
            Associated Press             considerations  influenced  his  displeasure  at  the  rec-
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  A  the  handling  of  the  case,  ommendation of up to nine
            federal  prosecutor  is  pre-  according  to  testimony  years in prison, saying it had
            pared  to  tell  Congress  on  released  by  the  House  Ju-  been too harsh. Stone was
            Wednesday  that  Roger  diciary  Committee.  The  later  sentenced  to  serve
            Stone, a close ally of Presi-  panel subpoenaed Zelinksy  more  than  three  years  in
            dent  Donald  Trump,  was  and John Elias, a career of-   prison  plus  two  years'  pro-
            given  special  treatment  ficial  in  the  department's  bation and a $20,000 fine.
            ahead  of  his  sentencing  antitrust division, as part of  Barr  has  said  the  presi-
            because of his relationship  its  probe  into  the  politici-  dent's  tweet  played  no
            with the president.          zation  of  the  department  role in the change. He said
            Aaron  Zelinsky,  a  career  under  Attorney  General  he  ordered  the  new  filing
            Justice  Department  pros-   William  Barr.    The  Justice  hours before the president's
            ecutor  who  worked  on  Department did not imme-         tweet  because  he  was      In this Nov. 15, 2019, file photo Roger Stone exits federal court in
            cases  as  part  of  special  diately  comment.  Before  caught  off  guard  by  the   Washington.
            counsel  Robert  Mueller's  Stone's  Feb. 20 sentencing,  initial  sentencing  recom-                                           Associated Press
            investigation, including the  Justice Department leader-  mendation  and  believed  the facts of the case. Filing  decision based on the mer-
            case against Stone, will say  ship changed the sentenc-   it  was  excessive  based  on  a new one was a "righteous  its," he has told the AP. q
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