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A26    U.S. NEWS
                   Wednesday 24 June 2020
            Congress stalls on policing overhaul, despite public outcry

                                                                                                                                insisted  Democrats  would
                                                                                                                                have a chance to amend
                                                                                                                                the  Senate  bill  if  they  al-
                                                                                                                                low  the  debate  to  begin.
                                                                                                                                But  Democrats  countered
                                                                                                                                there is no agreement their
                                                                                                                                changes  would  be  up  for
                                                                                                                                "Now  is  the  time  for  Con-
                                                                                                                                gress to pass legislation that
                                                                                                                                will bring real change," said
                                                                                                                                Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif.,
                                                                                                                                a  co-author  with  Booker
                                                                                                                                and  House  leaders  on  the
                                                                                                                                Democratic bill.
                                                                                                                                Political risks of inaction are
                                                                                                                                high,  as  the  public  wants
                                                                                                                                to  see  policing  changes
                                                                                                                                after  nearly  a  month  of
                                                                                                                                constant   demonstrations
                                                                                                                                nationwide,  in  cities  large
                                                                                                                                and small, forcing a world-
                                                                                                                                wide  reckoning  over  law
                                                                                                                                enforcement  and  racial
                                                                                                                                injustice. The NAACP Legal
                                                                                                                                Defense  and  Fund  is  urg-
                                                                                                                                ing senators to vote against
                                                                                                                                the  GOP  package  on
                                                                                                                                Wednesday  and  push  for
                                                                                                                                a broader bill.  "In this mo-
                                                                                                                                ment,  we  cannot  support
            In this June 17, 2020, file photo, Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., accompanied by Republican senators speaks at a news conference to
            announce a Republican police reform bill on Capitol Hill in Washington.                                             legislation  that  does  not
                                                                                                               Associated Press   embody a strong account-
                                                                                                                                ability  framework  for  po-
            By LISA MASCARO              many  times  before  when  The  GOP's  Justice  Act   worldwide protests over ra-      lice  officers  and  other  law
            AP  Congressional  Corre-    confronted with crisis — on  would  create  a  national  cial bias in policing.        enforcement who engage
            spondent                     gun  control  or  immigra-   database of police use-of-   "The  Black  community  is  in  misconduct  as  well  as
            WASHINGTON (AP) — Con-       tion  changes  supported  force incidents, restrict po-   tired  of  the  lip  service,"  needed reforms to policing
            gress  is  hitting  an  impasse  by  broad  segments  of  the  lice chokeholds and set up  Crump said in a statement.   practices," the organization
            on  policing  legislation,  as  population  —  is  expected  new  training  procedures  As  talks  potentially  con-  wrote to senators, accord-
            key  Senate  Democrats  on  to  stall  out,  for  now.  Law-  and  commissions  to  study  tinue,  Democrats  are  try-  ing to a letter obtained by
            Tuesday  opposed  a  Re-     makers  are  hesitant  to  race  and  law  enforce-       ing  to  force  Republicans  AP. Crump, the attorney for
            publican proposal as inad-   make  moves  upsetting  to  ment. It is not as sweeping  to  the  negotiating  table  the  families,  said  the  GOP
            equate, leaving the parties  voters  as  they  campaign  as a Democratic proposal,  to  strengthen  Democrats'  package  is  "in  direct  con-
            to decide whether to take  for  the  fall  election.  And  which  mandates  many  of  hand.  The  House  is  set  to  trast to the demands of the
            on  the  hard  job  of  nego-  President  Donald  Trump,  the  changes  and  would  approve  the  Democrats  people, who have taken to
            tiating  a  compromise  or  facing  his  own  reelection,  hold  police  liable  to  dam-  bill later this week. The two  the streets."
            walk  away  despite  public  is  an  uneven  partner  with  ages  in  lawsuits.  There  are  bills, the House and Senate  The parties also face some
            outcry    over  the  killings  of  shifting  positions  on  the  similarities  on  some  issues,  versions,  would  ultimately  degree of internal divisions
            Black Americans.             types of changes he would  lawmakers  say,  but  also  need to be the same to be-      within their ranks, with some
            The  standoff  threatens  to  accept from Capitol Hill.   vast differences.            come law.                    Democrats likely to support
            turn  the  nationwide  pro-  Ahead  of  a  test  vote  Senate Democratic leader  House  Speaker  Nancy  Pe-         advancing the bill Wednes-
            tests  over  the  deaths  of  Wednesday, Senate Major-    Chuck  Schumer  and  top  losi  has  indicated  she  is  day,  and  some  Republi-
            George  Floyd,  Breonna  ity Leader Mitch McConnell  Democrats  signaled  they  eager  to  enter  talks  with  cans  proposing  their  own
            Taylor  and others into an-  acknowledged  it  may  fall  would  oppose  the  Repub-   the  Senate  over  the  two  law enforcement changes.
            other  moment  that  galva-  short. If so, he vowed to try  lican  bill  as  "not  salvage-  approaches, which is a sig-  For  example,  Sen.  Rand
            nizes the nation but leaves  again, hoping to pass leg-   able," as they demand ne-    nal that Democrats are not  Paul,  R-Ky.,  proposes  end-
            lawmakers  unable  to  act.  islation before a July 4 holi-  gotiations on a new, bipar-  closing the door to a com-  ing the practice of sending
            Still, common ground is not  day recess. The Republican  tisan  package  with  more  promise. Neither bill goes as  military equipment to local
            out  of  reach.  A  new  Asso-  bill's  author,  Sen.  Tim  Scott  extensive  changes  to  law  far  as  some  activists  want  police departments, which
            ciated  Press-NORC  Center  of  South  Carolina,  warned  enforcement  tactics  and  with calls to defund the po-   is  similar  to  a  provision  in-
            for  Public  Affairs  Research  against a partisan, political  accountability aligned with  lice  and shift resources to  cluded  in  the  Democrats'
            poll  shows almost all Ameri-  debate  that  chisels  away  their own Democratic bill.   other community services.  bill  but  not  in  the  Republi-
            cans support some degree  confidence  in  the  nation's  The  Democrats  are  being  "We're  ready  to  make  can package.
            of criminal justice changes.  institutions. "This is not about  backed  by  the  nation's  a  law,  not  just  make  a  And  Sen.  Mike  Braun,  R-
            "This is a profound moment,  them  or  us,"  said  Scott,  leading  civil  rights  orga-  point,"  McConnell  said  as  Ind.,  wants  to  limit  the  im-
            it is a moral moment," said  the  only  Black  Republican  nizations  and  the  lawyer,  he  opened  the  Senate  on  munity  protections  for  of-
            Sen.  Cory  Booker,  D-N.J.,  in  the  Senate.  It's  about  Benjamin  Crump,  repre-  Tuesday.  He  said  Ameri-   ficers in lawsuits. The White
            a  co-author  of  the  Demo-  young  people  and  others,  senting the families of Floyd   cans  "deserve  better  than  House has opposed that in
            crats'  proposal.  "The  call  is  he said, "who are afraid to  and    Taylor,  two  African  a partisan stalemate."  the Democratic bill and it's
            for us to act."              jog down the street or get  Americans whose deaths in  During  Tuesday's  Senate  not included in the Republi-
            Yet  Congress,  as  it  has  so  in their car and drive."   police interactions sparked  floor  debate,  Republicans  can package.q
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