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locAl           Wednesday 24 June 2020

            Setar connects you with Complete 60+

            ORANJESTAD — SETAR intro-    beneficial  package  con-    vices for one price. The ad-
            duces  their  newest  pack-  sists of three services which  ditional  free  minutes  and
            age  especially  for  seniors  are:  fixed  telephone  line,  also the use of both pack-
            named  ‘SETAR  Complete  cable and internet. Clients  ages  has  been  increased.
            60+’  which  includes  an  in-  60+  can  choose  between  The  free  minutes  can  be
            crease  in  free  minutes  for  two packages: the Startup  used  anytime  during  the
            fixed telephone lines.       Plan  or  the  Premium  Plan.  day.
                                         With  the  choice  of  one  of
            Since  October  2019,  SE-   these  packages  the  cli-   For more information check
            TAR launched their newest  ent  will  receive  additional  out the website www.setar.
            package  SETAR  Complete  free minutes to fixed phone  aw  or  call  +297  525-1700.
            60+.  The  package  offers  lines,  more  TV  channels  to  Clients  60+  interested  to
            very  attractive  rates  for  choose from and a higher  apply  for  the  service  must
            senior  clients  at  the  age  internet  speeds  of  170  to  pass by any Setar Teleshop
            of  60  years  and  older.  The  250 Mbs. All these great ser-  or Setar Store. q

              Send us your home greetings video                                                    How does your

                                                                                                   consumption impact our
              ORANJESTAD — Aruba To-      Please  do  note:  By  sub-
              day has a column called  mitting photos, text or any
              Aruba To Me where read-     other  materials,  you  give                             environment and nature?
              ers  are  invited  to  send  permission  to  The  Aruba
              their  favorite  vacation  Today Newspaper, Carib-
              picture  along  with  a  text  bean  Speed  Printers  and                            ORANJESTAD — The Central Bank of Aruba (CBA) is con-
              starting  with  the  words  any  of  its  affiliated  com-                           ducting a digital survey on sustainable consumption and
              “Aruba  to  me  is  …”.  The  panies  to  use  said  ma-                             circular household practices in collaboration with the Uni-
              column  grew  in  popular-  terials,  as  well  as  names,                           versity of Aruba.
              ity  as  many  of  you  want  likeness,  etc.  for  promo-
              to share their love for the  tional  purposes  without                               Therefore,  we  kindly  request  15  minutes  of  your  time  to
              island.                     compensation.q                                           share  your  valuable  insights  and  complete  their  digital
                                                                                                   survey,  which  is  completely  anonymous.  Please  copy/
              It  is  wonderful  to  share  a                                                      click the following links to start the survey:
              message  from  you  and                                                              Papiamento:
              therefore we invite you to                                                 
              either send us your picture                                                          English:
              with  words  or  send  us  a                                               
              video greeting.
                                                                                                   The  results  of  the  Aruban  Consumers  Circular  Economy
                                                                                                   Survey  will  be  posted  on  the  banks  Facebook  page.
                What Do You Do                                                                     Please share this invitation with your friends and family. q
                The  only  thing  you
                need to do is to record
                a  short  (maximum  1
                minute)  video  with
                your phone and send
                it  by  email  to:  news@
                do  not  forget  to  say
                your name and where
                you  are  from.  We  will
                post  your  video  on
                the  Facebook  page
                of Aruba Today! If you
                prefer  a  picture  with
                words the same email
                address  is  applicable.
                We  look  forward  to
                share your message.
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