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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Wednesday 24 June 2020
            U.S., Russia hold new nuclear arms talks, but without China

            By DAVID RISING                                                                                                     with our Russian colleagues
            Associated Press                                                                                                    but with our Chinese coun-
            BERLIN  (AP)  —  American                                                                                           terparts," he said.
            and  Russian  negotiators                                                                                           In Brussels, NATO Secretary
            have  concluded  a  round                                                                                           General  Jens  Stoltenberg
            of  nuclear  arms  control                                                                                          said he would prefer China
            talks  in  Vienna,  aimed  at                                                                                       to  be  part  of  any  future
            producing  a  new  agree-                                                                                           agreement, but that in the
            ment  to  replace  the  New                                                                                         absence of that extending
            START treaty that expires in                                                                                        New START is the right thing
            February — the last remain-                                                                                         to do. "We should not end
            ing  pact  constraining  the                                                                                        up in a situation where we
            arsenals of the world's two                                                                                         have  no  agreement,"  he
            major nuclear powers.                                                                                               said.  Billingslea  said  China
            U.S. negotiator Marshall Bill-                                                                                      had  refused  an  American
            ingslea told reporters Tues-                                                                                        invitation to be part of the
            day that a day of high-lev-                                                                                         Vienna  talks,  but  that  he
            el  "marathon  discussions"                                                                                         hoped  the  international
            ended  late  Monday  night                                                                                          community would pressure
            and  had  been  productive                                                                                          Beijing  to  take  part  in  the
            enough  to  conclude  with                                                                                          future.
            the establishment of sever-                                                                                         "The United States is not en-
            al technical working groups                                                                                         gaged  in  an  arms  race,"
            to delve deeper into the is-  Marshal Billingslea, U.S. President  Donald  Trump's  special  envoy  for  arms  control  on  talks  with   Billingslea  said.  "Of  course
            sues  with  the  idea  of  pav-  Russia's  Deputy  Foreign  Minister  Sergei  Ryabkov  on  nuclear  arms  control,  informs  the  press  in   we  will  not  be  left  behind,
            ing  the  way  for  a  second   Vienna, Austria, Tuesday, June 23, 2020.                                            but  we  seek  to  avoid  this,
            round  of  talks  by  late  July                                                                   Associated Press  and this is why a three-way
            or early August.                                                                                                    nuclear  arms  control  deal,
            "We  both  agreed  at  the  Forces treaty with Russia, a  "We  presented  our  view  Billingslea  told  reporters  at  in  our  view,  has  the  best
            termination of our talks that  Cold  War-era  agreement  and  will  keep  doing  so,"  a press conference held by  chance of avoiding an in-
            the  strategic  environment  that both sides had repeat-  Ryabkov  told  the  Interfax  the  American  delegation  credibly destabilizing three-
            has  changed  significantly  edly  accused  the  other  of  agency.  "We  are  running  that  any  new  agreement  way nuclear arms race."
            since the New START treaty  violating.                    out of time."                must  include  all  nuclear  Ryabkov  said  Russia  be-
            was signed," he told report-  The INF treaty was also criti-  He  added,  however,  that  weapons and not just stra-  lieves  that  other  nuclear
            ers. "We can all remember  cized  because  it  did  not  the  establishment  of  work-  tegic  nuclear  weapons,  powers  should  join  future
            back  10  years  ago,  the  cover China or missile tech-  ing  groups  was  "a  signifi-  and  also  subject  China  to  nuclear  arms  deals,  but
            world is, in fact, a radically  nology that did not exist a  cant step forward" and said  restrictions.             added  that  a  decision  to
            different place."            generation ago.              the  talks  were  conducted  All options, he said are "def-  join  could  only  be  volun-
            New START, signed in 2010,  New START can be extend-      in  a  positive  atmosphere  initely on the table."       tary.
            imposes limits on the num-   ed by five years by mutual  and reflected a shared de-    "Our   ultimate   decision,  "We are well aware of Chi-
            ber  of  U.S.  and  Russian  consent.                     sire to move forward.        which is in the hands of the  na's  position,  we  respect
            long-range  nuclear  war-    Sergei  Ryabkov,  the  Rus-  U.S. President Donald Trump  president,  whether  he  de-  it  and  we  don't  see  any
            heads and launchers.         sian deputy foreign minister  has called New START "just  cides  to  extend  the  New  sign that the Chinese posi-
            It became the last nuclear  who  led  his  country's  del-  another  bad  deal"  made  START  treaty  or  allow  it  to  tion  could  change  in  the
            arms  pact  between  the  egation in Vienna, told re-     by the Obama administra-     run  its  course,  is  going  to  direction  the  U.S.  desires
            two  nations  after  the  U.S.  porters  in  Moscow  that  he  tion,  and  it  was  not  clear  be very much driven by the  in  a  foreseeable  perspec-
            last  year  scrapped  the  In-  had reiterated the position  whether he would agree to  extent  to  which  we  have  tive," he said, according to
            termediate-range  Nuclear  that it should be.             an extension.                made  progress,  not  just  Interfax.q

               Cyprus probes alleged groping of girls at migrant center

               NICOSIA,   Cyprus    (AP)  meeting on Monday.           elsewhere  while  authori-
               —  Cyprus’  interior  minis-  But Nouris criticized the of-  ties worked to confirm the
               ter  said  Tuesday  that  he  ficial  for  not  immediately  girls’  ages,  a  process  she
               asked  police  to  launch  a  disclosing  the  allegations  said takes too long.
               criminal  investigation  into  to  Cypriot  authorities  and  The UNHCR said in a state-
               allegations  that  girls  stay-  instead  waiting  four  days  ment  that  the  ministry
               ing  at  a  migrants’  recep-  to  report  them  in  parlia-  didn’t  follow  through  with
               tion  center  were  sexually  ment. The children’s rights  a  plan  to  create  a  “safe
               harassed  by  other  resi-  commissioner  of  Cyprus,  zone”  for  children  during
               dents.                      Despo Michaelidou-Livani-   work  to  expand  and  up-
               Interior   Minister   Nicos  ou,  told  The  Associated  grade  the  center.  Boys
               Nouris  told  state  broad-  Press that a number of girls  and  girls  shared  facilities
               caster CyBC that he takes  were allegedly groped as  like  showers  with  adults  A  police  officer  stands  guard  as  migrants  stand  inside  a
               “very seriously” the allega-  they  waited  in  line  for  a  while  separated  only  by   refugee camp in Kokkinotrimithia outside of Nicosia, Cyprus,
               tions  made  by  an  official  meal  at  the  Pournara  mi-  curtain.              on Tuesday, June 23, 2020.
               from  the  Cyprus  office  grant reception center.      “UNHCR  has  communi-                                              Associated Press
               of  the  U.N.’s  High  Com-  The  commissioner  criti-  cated  the  heightened      to  the  Ministries  of  Interior  tion  of  the  unaccompa-
               mission  for  Refugees  at  a  cized  the  Interior  Ministry  protection  risk  this  causes   and Social Insurance, call-  nied  minors,”the  agency
               parliamentary  committee  for not housing the minors  to  the  children  in  writing   ing for adequate segrega-  said. q
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