Page 5 - Aruba Today 18 April 2015
P. 5
U.S. NEWSSaturday 18 April 2015
GOP Presidential Hopefuls Swarm New Hampshire
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, R-N.J. speaks at a Republican Leadership Summit, Friday, April 17, Continued from front cement them as front-rank
2015, in Nashua, N.H. candidates, earning them
But with less than 10 months a greater share of news
(AP Photo/Jim Cole) until votes are cast in the media attention and, quite
Granite State, some of the possibly, a lift in the polls
candidates are feeling and with fundraising.
more urgency than others Cruz, whose campaign
to stand out during their sent a memo from his
allotted 30 minutes at the pollster Thursday noting
New Hampshire Repub- his growing support from
lican State Committee’s voters in early primary sur-
“First in the Nation” forum. veys, will use the forum to
Gov. Chris Christie of New make the case that he is
Jersey, who has signaled the strongest candidate
that he intends to stake among those vying for sup-
his hopes on success in port from the party’s most
New Hampshire, will be conservative activists.
among the most closely Paul has a base of support
watched attendees. Hav- among New Hampshire’s
ing proposed a sweeping libertarian-leaning activ-
overhaul of Social Security ists, and he is likely to make
and Medicare this week, a full-throated appeal to
Christie is trying to position such voters while also not-
himself as the sort of un- ing his early strength in
varnished truth-teller that polling against Clinton,
New Hampshire’s exact- who formally announced
ing voters have historically on Sunday that she would
warmed to. His proposal is seek the Democratic nomi-
also an attempt to iden- nation.
tify himself with a major But of the three, Rubio may
policy issue after being have the most riding on his
known mostly for his brash first visit to New Hampshire
persona. But many Repub- as a declared candidate.
lican primary voters have Thanks to his profile as a
indicated that they will senator and his oratorical
not consider supporting skills, Rubio has shown con-
Christie, who has not for- siderable promise but has
mally announced his can- generated little support in
didacy, and the Nashua early surveys, and it is un-
forum, along with other clear which of the early
events in New Hampshire, primary states will offer him
could show whether that his best chance for victory.
sentiment is reversible. A If Rubio can do in Nashua
compelling performance what Walker did in Iowa
by Christie could set off earlier this year, it could
talk of a comeback, or at shake up the Republican
least indicate that he has contest.
an opening. But Rubio is not the only
For the three first-term candidate looking for an
senators in the race - Ted early state in which he can
Cruz of Texas, Rand Paul secure a victory.
of Kentucky and Marco Jeb Bush, the former Flor-
Rubio of Florida, each of ida governor, is counting
whom formally began on a strong showing in
his campaign in the past New Hampshire because
month - the gathering pro- of the more centrist orien-
vides a chance to build on tation of its primary elector-
the momentum they have ate: There are fewer evan-
generated so far. A well- gelical Republicans there
received showing could than in other early-voting
U.S. NEWSSaturday 18 April 2015
GOP Presidential Hopefuls Swarm New Hampshire
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, R-N.J. speaks at a Republican Leadership Summit, Friday, April 17, Continued from front cement them as front-rank
2015, in Nashua, N.H. candidates, earning them
But with less than 10 months a greater share of news
(AP Photo/Jim Cole) until votes are cast in the media attention and, quite
Granite State, some of the possibly, a lift in the polls
candidates are feeling and with fundraising.
more urgency than others Cruz, whose campaign
to stand out during their sent a memo from his
allotted 30 minutes at the pollster Thursday noting
New Hampshire Repub- his growing support from
lican State Committee’s voters in early primary sur-
“First in the Nation” forum. veys, will use the forum to
Gov. Chris Christie of New make the case that he is
Jersey, who has signaled the strongest candidate
that he intends to stake among those vying for sup-
his hopes on success in port from the party’s most
New Hampshire, will be conservative activists.
among the most closely Paul has a base of support
watched attendees. Hav- among New Hampshire’s
ing proposed a sweeping libertarian-leaning activ-
overhaul of Social Security ists, and he is likely to make
and Medicare this week, a full-throated appeal to
Christie is trying to position such voters while also not-
himself as the sort of un- ing his early strength in
varnished truth-teller that polling against Clinton,
New Hampshire’s exact- who formally announced
ing voters have historically on Sunday that she would
warmed to. His proposal is seek the Democratic nomi-
also an attempt to iden- nation.
tify himself with a major But of the three, Rubio may
policy issue after being have the most riding on his
known mostly for his brash first visit to New Hampshire
persona. But many Repub- as a declared candidate.
lican primary voters have Thanks to his profile as a
indicated that they will senator and his oratorical
not consider supporting skills, Rubio has shown con-
Christie, who has not for- siderable promise but has
mally announced his can- generated little support in
didacy, and the Nashua early surveys, and it is un-
forum, along with other clear which of the early
events in New Hampshire, primary states will offer him
could show whether that his best chance for victory.
sentiment is reversible. A If Rubio can do in Nashua
compelling performance what Walker did in Iowa
by Christie could set off earlier this year, it could
talk of a comeback, or at shake up the Republican
least indicate that he has contest.
an opening. But Rubio is not the only
For the three first-term candidate looking for an
senators in the race - Ted early state in which he can
Cruz of Texas, Rand Paul secure a victory.
of Kentucky and Marco Jeb Bush, the former Flor-
Rubio of Florida, each of ida governor, is counting
whom formally began on a strong showing in
his campaign in the past New Hampshire because
month - the gathering pro- of the more centrist orien-
vides a chance to build on tation of its primary elector-
the momentum they have ate: There are fewer evan-
generated so far. A well- gelical Republicans there
received showing could than in other early-voting