Page 6 - Aruba Today 18 April 2015
P. 6
Saturday 18 April 2015
Oklahoma volunteer deputy disputes claim he lacked training
TULSA, Oklahoma (AP) — straining him after an un-
A 73-year-old Oklahoma
volunteer deputy charged dercover gun deal. Bates
in the fatal shooting of a
suspect in Tulsa went on said he shot the 44-year-
national television Friday
to counter criticisms of his old suspect after confusing
Speaking publicly for the his stun gun and handgun.
first time since the April 2
shooting, Robert Bates told “You must believe me, it
NBC’s “Today” show that
characterizations of himself can happen to anyone,”
as a wealthy donor who
paid to join the force are Bates said.
“unbelievably unfair.”
The Tulsa County Sher- Bates said the shooting
iff’s Office volunteer also
disputed anonymously was accidental and apolo-
sourced comments in the
Tulsa World newspaper gized to Harris’ family.
that sheriff’s office supervi-
sors were ordered to falsify “I rate this as number one
his training records.
Bates previously said he on my list of things in my life
received active shooter
training from Arizona’s Mar- that I regret,” he said.
icopa County Sheriff’s Of-
fice, but a spokeswoman The Tulsa district attorney
said Thursday the office has
no record of that. has charged Bates with
Bates said Friday that he
is certified to be a reserve second-degree man-
“I have it in writing,” Bates slaughter.
Video released by the sher- It was the latest fatal shoot-
iff’s office shows Eric Harris
running and deputies re- ing by a police officer to Robert Bates, right, arrives at the Tulsa County Jail with his attorney, Clark Brewster, in Tulsa, Okla.
Bates went on national television Friday to counter criticisms of his qualifications.
draw widespread attention
(Matt Barnard/Tulsa World via AP)
after months of investiga-
tions and protests of other
deaths in Ferguson,
Missouri, New York City,
South Carolina and else-
Many of the cases have
led to debate about the
treatment of black men
and boys by law enforce-
ment agencies in the Unit-
ed States.
Bates is white and Harris,
55, was black. However,
Andre Harris, the victim’s
brother, has said he does
not believe the shooting
was racially motivated.q
Days after killing, threats close
down North Carolina university
GOLDSBORO, North Caroli- College President Kay Alb-
na (AP) — A North Carolina ertson said there wasn’t a
community college is clos- bomb threat.
ing for the weekend after She said the college re-
receiving threatening tele- ceived several threatening
phone calls that followed a phone calls over two days,
shooting death involving a but law officers traced the
self-avowed neo-Nazi. caller.
Wayne Community Col- She said that after local of-
lege officials closed the ficials opted to close a high
Goldsboro campus Friday school operating on the
morning and canceled campus, college officials
weekend classes and ac- did likewise to lessen con-
tivities. fusion. q
Saturday 18 April 2015
Oklahoma volunteer deputy disputes claim he lacked training
TULSA, Oklahoma (AP) — straining him after an un-
A 73-year-old Oklahoma
volunteer deputy charged dercover gun deal. Bates
in the fatal shooting of a
suspect in Tulsa went on said he shot the 44-year-
national television Friday
to counter criticisms of his old suspect after confusing
Speaking publicly for the his stun gun and handgun.
first time since the April 2
shooting, Robert Bates told “You must believe me, it
NBC’s “Today” show that
characterizations of himself can happen to anyone,”
as a wealthy donor who
paid to join the force are Bates said.
“unbelievably unfair.”
The Tulsa County Sher- Bates said the shooting
iff’s Office volunteer also
disputed anonymously was accidental and apolo-
sourced comments in the
Tulsa World newspaper gized to Harris’ family.
that sheriff’s office supervi-
sors were ordered to falsify “I rate this as number one
his training records.
Bates previously said he on my list of things in my life
received active shooter
training from Arizona’s Mar- that I regret,” he said.
icopa County Sheriff’s Of-
fice, but a spokeswoman The Tulsa district attorney
said Thursday the office has
no record of that. has charged Bates with
Bates said Friday that he
is certified to be a reserve second-degree man-
“I have it in writing,” Bates slaughter.
Video released by the sher- It was the latest fatal shoot-
iff’s office shows Eric Harris
running and deputies re- ing by a police officer to Robert Bates, right, arrives at the Tulsa County Jail with his attorney, Clark Brewster, in Tulsa, Okla.
Bates went on national television Friday to counter criticisms of his qualifications.
draw widespread attention
(Matt Barnard/Tulsa World via AP)
after months of investiga-
tions and protests of other
deaths in Ferguson,
Missouri, New York City,
South Carolina and else-
Many of the cases have
led to debate about the
treatment of black men
and boys by law enforce-
ment agencies in the Unit-
ed States.
Bates is white and Harris,
55, was black. However,
Andre Harris, the victim’s
brother, has said he does
not believe the shooting
was racially motivated.q
Days after killing, threats close
down North Carolina university
GOLDSBORO, North Caroli- College President Kay Alb-
na (AP) — A North Carolina ertson said there wasn’t a
community college is clos- bomb threat.
ing for the weekend after She said the college re-
receiving threatening tele- ceived several threatening
phone calls that followed a phone calls over two days,
shooting death involving a but law officers traced the
self-avowed neo-Nazi. caller.
Wayne Community Col- She said that after local of-
lege officials closed the ficials opted to close a high
Goldsboro campus Friday school operating on the
morning and canceled campus, college officials
weekend classes and ac- did likewise to lessen con-
tivities. fusion. q