Page 10 - Aruba Today 18 April 2015
P. 10
Saturday 18 April 2015

Iraqi officials believe Saddam’s top deputy killed 

QASSIM ZAHRA and no casualties among In this Sunday, Dec. 1, 2002 file photo, Iraqi Vice chairman of the Revolutionary Command
VIVIAN SALAMA consulate personnel or Council, Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri salutes during a ceremony at the Martyrs Monument in Baghdad,
Associated Press guards. Iraq. Salahuddin province Gov. Raed al-Jabouri says soldiers and allied Shiite militiamen killed
BAGHDAD (AP) — He was An Associated Press re- al-Douri early Friday, April 17, 2015 in an operation east of the city of Tikrit. A graphic photo
the last member of Sad- porter at the scene said issued by the government purports to be of al-Douri’s corpse, but DNA tests are still pending.
dam Hussein’s inner circle the blast went off outside
still on the run, depicted a cafe next to the building (AP Photo/Jassim Mohammed)
with his distinctive red in the Ankawa neighbor-
moustache as the “king of hood, setting several near- several photos showing making him distinctive tests, which should be
clubs” on the U.S. military’s by cars on fire. Shortly af- a body purported to be among the members of completed within 48 hours.
deck of cards of most- terward, the Islamic State al-Douri. The body had a Saddam’s inner circle. Col. Pat Ryder, spokes-
wanted Iraqi regime fugi- group claimed responsibil- bright red beard, perhaps Karim al-Nouri, a spokes- man for U.S. Central Com-
tives. ity, according to the SITE dyed, and a ginger-col- man for the Popular Mo- mand, said the U.S. had no
Now, officials say they be- Intelligence Group, which ored moustache. Al-Douri bilization Forces, said the information to corroborate
lieve government forces tracks militant websites. was a fair-skinned redhead body was brought Friday the reported death of al-
killed Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri The report of al-Douri’s with a ginger moustache, night to Baghdad for DNA Douri.q
near Tikrit, where the for- death was not the first time
mer deputy to Saddam Iraqi officials have claimed
was working alongside Is- to have killed or captured
lamic State militants. the 72-year-old former
Reports of al-Douri’s death aide to Saddam.
came Friday as Iraqi forces According to Raed al-Ja-
tried to push back Islamic bouri, the governor of Sala-
State group fighters in Sala- huddin province, al-Douri
huddin province, where Ti- was killed by Iraqi troops
krit is located. Government and Shiite militiamen in an
troops took back several operation in the Talal Ham-
towns near Iraq’s largest reen mountains east of Ti-
oil refinery at Beiji, officials krit, Saddam’s hometown,
said. which was retaken from
Farther north, a car bomb the Islamic State group
exploded next to the U.S. earlier this month.
Consulate in the city of Irbil, Troops opened fire at a
a rare attack in the capital convoy carrying al-Douri
of the Kurdish autonomous and nine bodyguards, kill-
zone that killed three peo- ing all of them, Gen. Haid-
ple and wounded five, po- er al-Basri, a senior com-
lice said. U.S. officials said mander, told state TV.
no Americans were hurt The government issues

Hezbollah blames Saudi Arabia for spread of extremism 

BASSEM MROUE tory. Muslim world to pressure the they withdraw and stop it funds in Muslim nations.
Associated Press Since March 26, the Sau- Saudis to end the airstrikes the violence. The council “Who is teaching this ide-
BEIRUT (AP) — The leader di-led coalition has been and work for a political solu- also imposed an arms em- ology in elementary, sec-
of Lebanon’s militant Hez- pounding the rebels known tion in Yemen. bargo on Saleh, who now ondary and high schools
bollah group launched his as Houthis and allied fight- However, he said no solu- has aligned himself with and universities?” Nasrallah
harshest criticism yet of Sau- ers loyal to Yemen’s oust- tion will restore Western- the Houthis. Nasrallah also asked. Nasrallah’s Hezbol-
di Arabia on Friday, blaming ed President Ali Abdullah backed President Abed lashed out at Saudi Ara- lah has joined the fray in the
the kingdom for the spread Saleh. Rabbo Mansour Hadi who bia’s strict ultraconservative civil war next door in Syria,
of extremist ideology in the Nasrallah said that the king- fled the country as his gov- Wahhabi brand of Sunni fighting on the side of gov-
Muslim world and the killing dom will soon realize that ernment crumbled. Saudi Islam, which has been ad- ernment forces of President
of civilians in Yemen. “the only choice left” is a officials and the interna- opted as the ideology of Bashar Assad, who hails
Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah ground operation in Yemen tional community say Hadi militant groups such as al- from the Alawite commu-
told hundreds of support- — a “ground invasion will is the legitimate president Qaida, the Islamic State nity, a Shiite offshoot.
ers at a rally in southern Bei- be costly and will end with of Yemen. and al-Qaida’s branch in “Time has come for Muslims,
rut organized in support of a defeat.” The U.N. Security Council Syria known as the Nusra Arabs and the Muslim world
Yemen’s Shiite rebels that Both the Houthis and Hez- this week imposed an arms Front. He accused the king- to tell the Kingdom of Sau-
Saudi-led airstrikes targeting bollah are backed by Iran. embargo on Houthi leaders dom of spreading extremist di Arabia: ‘Enough,’” said
them have not led to vic- Nasrallah called on the and again demanded that ideology through schools Nasrallah.q
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