Page 14 - Aruba Today 18 April 2015
P. 14
Saturday 18 April 2015

Team Canada places 3rd in “Copa Himno y Bandera”

the sponsor Team Splash
thanking the teams espe-
cially Team Canada for
their participation.
Canadian team manager
Earl Sutherland, he was
happy with his choice of
ladies to play. He stated
“in the 4 years that I’ve
brought a team to play,

By Nathallie Winterdaal tournament is slow-pitch tournament with a 3-1 re- was upstart El Piston of Cu- this team was the best.”
Bon Dia Aruba Sports writer softball Team Canada had cord, they didn’t compete racao defeating reigning Sutherland also added,
ORANJESTAD - This past to be warned about their in the title game due to run champions Sweet Devils “From the time they have
weekend, the female soft- pitching speed, Splash was differential. In the end it for the championship. met, these ladies had a
ball team from Canada barely able to hit, slower clicked. That is the reason
was on the island to play speeds and all, Team Can- At the end of game they could play very well
in the “Copa Himno y Ban- ada walked away the win- there was ceremony with together.”q
dera” against two team ner.
Aruban and two teams One the next night, Team
from Curacao. Canada had to play
On Friday night they against the second Aruban
played, but due to a team, the Sweet Devils. The
change in schedule, the Lady Canucks were con-
Team Canada ended up fident entering the game,
playing a double-header. but soon found their selves
Their first game was against in a battle and eventu-
El Piston of Curacao. ally lost to the defending
Team Canada started the champion, Sweet Devils.
game slow, but once that Sunday morning they
they got rolling El Piston played against Team Uni-
was in trouble. dos of Curacao and went
In the second game, Can- on to record their third vic-
ada had to play against, tory.
the tournament organizers, Although they went
Splash of Aruba. Being the through the round-robin
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