Page 9 - Aruba Today 18 April 2015
P. 9
U.S. NEWSSaturday 18 April 2015
Parents of marathon victim say take death penalty off table
BOSTON (AP) — The par- Boston Marathon survivor Jane Richard holds the hand of her brother Henry, center, as their family, tells WBZ-AM he re-
ents of the youngest victim spects their point of view.
of the Boston Marathon family walks down Boylston Street with Boston Mayor Marty Walsh, left, after a ceremony Jennifer Lemmerman, the
bombing are urging fed- sister of Massachusetts In-
eral authorities to consider honoring victims and survivors at one of two blast sites near the finish line of the Boston Marathon stitute of Technology po-
taking the death penalty lice officer Sean Collier
off the table for the man in Boston. (AP Photo/Charles Krupa) who was killed by Tsarnaev
convicted in the case. and his older brother days
Bill and Denise Richard, brutality of the crimes com- the most painful day of our U.S. Attorney for Boston after the explosions, has
whose 8-year-old son, mitted. We were there. We lives,” they said. Carmen Ortiz says she is also spoken out against
Martin, was one of three lived it. The defendant mur- They wrote that when Tsar- aware of the Richards’ the death penalty on her
people killed by the April dered our 8-year-old son, naev fades from the media view but cannot comment Facebook page, in posts
2013 explosions at the maimed our 7-year-old spotlight and public view on the specifics. that have since been re-
marathon’s finish line, say daughter, and stole part they can start “rebuilding “But as I have previously moved.
in a front-page piece in of our soul. We know that our lives and family.” assured both Bill and De- Relatives of other victims
Friday’s Boston Globe the government has its rea- The Richards never men- nise, I care deeply about have expressed support of
that sentencing Dzhokhar sons for seeking the death tion Tsarnaev by name, their views and the views of the death penalty.
Tsarnaev to death “could penalty, but the continued simply calling him “the the other victims and survi- The penalty phase of Tsar-
bring years of appeals and pursuit of that punishment defendant,” and stressed vors,” Ortiz said. naev’s trial starts Tuesday,
prolong reliving the most could bring years of ap- that they are speaking only Boston Mayor Marty Walsh, the day after this year’s
painful day of our lives.” peals and prolong reliving for themselves. a friend of the Richard marathon.
“We are in favor of and Robert Blecker, a New
would support the De- York Law School professor
partment of Justice in tak- and death penalty expert,
ing the death penalty off said it’s highly doubtful the
the table in exchange for statement by the Richards
the defendant spending will sway the Justice De-
the rest of his life in prison partment.
without any possibility of “Victims and the survivors
release and waiving all of play a role — they should
his rights to appeal,” they have a voice — but the
wrote. reason they don’t get a
The Richards’ daughter, veto and shouldn’t get
Jane, lost a leg in one of a veto is because often
the explosions, and they there are larger interests at
both suffered injuries. stake,” said Blecker, who
“We understand all too said he supports the death
well the heinousness and penalty for Tsarnaev.q
Oklahoma governor signs new bill
that allows nitrogen in executions
KEN MILLER gas ever being used to died 43 minutes after the
Associated Press process began.
OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — execute humans, and crit- States have been scram-
Oklahoma became the bling as European phar-
first U.S. state to approve ics say that one concern maceutical companies
nitrogen gas for execu- have restricted the flow of
tions under a measure the is that the method is un- lethal drugs.
state’s Republican gover- The bill easily passed a Re-
nor signed into law Friday tested. Some states even publican-controlled state
that provides an alterna- Legislature.
tive death penalty method ban its use to put animals Supporters of Oklahoma’s
if lethal injections aren’t plan argue that nitrogen-
possible, either because to sleep. induced hypoxia — or
of a court ruling or a drug a lack of oxygen in the
shortage. “I support that policy, and I blood — is a humane ex-
Executions are on hold in ecution method. “The pro-
Oklahoma while the U.S. believe capital punishment cess is fast and painless,”
Supreme Court considers said Christian, a former
whether the state’s cur- must be performed effec- Oklahoma Highway Patrol
rent three-drug method trooper who wrote the bill.
of lethal injection is con- tively and without cruelty,” “It’s foolproof.”
stitutional. Supporters of Opponents say there’s no
the new law maintain ni- Gov. Mary Fallin said in a way to know whether the
trogen-induced hypoxia method is painless and ef-
is a humane and painless statement announcing fective. “It just hasn’t been
method of execution that tried, so we don’t know,”
requires no medical ex- that she had signed the bill said Rep. Emily Virgin, a
pertise to perform. There Democrat who opposes
are no reports of nitrogen into law. “The bill I signed the death penalty.q
today gives the state of
Oklahoma another death
penalty option that meets
that standard.”
Oklahoma’s changes
come after a botched ex-
ecution last year in which
Oklahoma was using a
new sedative as the first in
a three-drug combination.
State officials tried to halt
the lethal injection after
the inmate writhed on the
gurney and moaned. He
U.S. NEWSSaturday 18 April 2015
Parents of marathon victim say take death penalty off table
BOSTON (AP) — The par- Boston Marathon survivor Jane Richard holds the hand of her brother Henry, center, as their family, tells WBZ-AM he re-
ents of the youngest victim spects their point of view.
of the Boston Marathon family walks down Boylston Street with Boston Mayor Marty Walsh, left, after a ceremony Jennifer Lemmerman, the
bombing are urging fed- sister of Massachusetts In-
eral authorities to consider honoring victims and survivors at one of two blast sites near the finish line of the Boston Marathon stitute of Technology po-
taking the death penalty lice officer Sean Collier
off the table for the man in Boston. (AP Photo/Charles Krupa) who was killed by Tsarnaev
convicted in the case. and his older brother days
Bill and Denise Richard, brutality of the crimes com- the most painful day of our U.S. Attorney for Boston after the explosions, has
whose 8-year-old son, mitted. We were there. We lives,” they said. Carmen Ortiz says she is also spoken out against
Martin, was one of three lived it. The defendant mur- They wrote that when Tsar- aware of the Richards’ the death penalty on her
people killed by the April dered our 8-year-old son, naev fades from the media view but cannot comment Facebook page, in posts
2013 explosions at the maimed our 7-year-old spotlight and public view on the specifics. that have since been re-
marathon’s finish line, say daughter, and stole part they can start “rebuilding “But as I have previously moved.
in a front-page piece in of our soul. We know that our lives and family.” assured both Bill and De- Relatives of other victims
Friday’s Boston Globe the government has its rea- The Richards never men- nise, I care deeply about have expressed support of
that sentencing Dzhokhar sons for seeking the death tion Tsarnaev by name, their views and the views of the death penalty.
Tsarnaev to death “could penalty, but the continued simply calling him “the the other victims and survi- The penalty phase of Tsar-
bring years of appeals and pursuit of that punishment defendant,” and stressed vors,” Ortiz said. naev’s trial starts Tuesday,
prolong reliving the most could bring years of ap- that they are speaking only Boston Mayor Marty Walsh, the day after this year’s
painful day of our lives.” peals and prolong reliving for themselves. a friend of the Richard marathon.
“We are in favor of and Robert Blecker, a New
would support the De- York Law School professor
partment of Justice in tak- and death penalty expert,
ing the death penalty off said it’s highly doubtful the
the table in exchange for statement by the Richards
the defendant spending will sway the Justice De-
the rest of his life in prison partment.
without any possibility of “Victims and the survivors
release and waiving all of play a role — they should
his rights to appeal,” they have a voice — but the
wrote. reason they don’t get a
The Richards’ daughter, veto and shouldn’t get
Jane, lost a leg in one of a veto is because often
the explosions, and they there are larger interests at
both suffered injuries. stake,” said Blecker, who
“We understand all too said he supports the death
well the heinousness and penalty for Tsarnaev.q
Oklahoma governor signs new bill
that allows nitrogen in executions
KEN MILLER gas ever being used to died 43 minutes after the
Associated Press process began.
OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — execute humans, and crit- States have been scram-
Oklahoma became the bling as European phar-
first U.S. state to approve ics say that one concern maceutical companies
nitrogen gas for execu- have restricted the flow of
tions under a measure the is that the method is un- lethal drugs.
state’s Republican gover- The bill easily passed a Re-
nor signed into law Friday tested. Some states even publican-controlled state
that provides an alterna- Legislature.
tive death penalty method ban its use to put animals Supporters of Oklahoma’s
if lethal injections aren’t plan argue that nitrogen-
possible, either because to sleep. induced hypoxia — or
of a court ruling or a drug a lack of oxygen in the
shortage. “I support that policy, and I blood — is a humane ex-
Executions are on hold in ecution method. “The pro-
Oklahoma while the U.S. believe capital punishment cess is fast and painless,”
Supreme Court considers said Christian, a former
whether the state’s cur- must be performed effec- Oklahoma Highway Patrol
rent three-drug method trooper who wrote the bill.
of lethal injection is con- tively and without cruelty,” “It’s foolproof.”
stitutional. Supporters of Opponents say there’s no
the new law maintain ni- Gov. Mary Fallin said in a way to know whether the
trogen-induced hypoxia method is painless and ef-
is a humane and painless statement announcing fective. “It just hasn’t been
method of execution that tried, so we don’t know,”
requires no medical ex- that she had signed the bill said Rep. Emily Virgin, a
pertise to perform. There Democrat who opposes
are no reports of nitrogen into law. “The bill I signed the death penalty.q
today gives the state of
Oklahoma another death
penalty option that meets
that standard.”
Oklahoma’s changes
come after a botched ex-
ecution last year in which
Oklahoma was using a
new sedative as the first in
a three-drug combination.
State officials tried to halt
the lethal injection after
the inmate writhed on the
gurney and moaned. He