Page 12 - Aruba Today 18 April 2015
P. 12
Saturday 18 April 2015
Germanwings memorial service held at Cologne cathedral
JACK EWING screens outside, illustrated From left: Volker Bouffier, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Norbert Lammert, Daniela
© 2015 New York Times the extent to which Ger-
COLOGNE, Germany - The many has been affected Schadt, German President Joachim Gauck and Hannelore Kraft during a memorial service
leaders of Germany on more than any other.
Friday joined hundreds About half the people on- for passengers and crew members who died in the crash of Germanwings Flight 9525, at the
of mourning relatives in board the plane were from
one of the country’s most Germany, as was the co- Cologne Cathedral in Germany, April 17, 2015. (Oliver Berg/Pool via The New York Times)
hallowed cathedrals to pilot, Andreas Lubitz. There
honor the passengers and were 150 candles burning gion in western Germany, from the town of Haltern The students were return-
crew members who died in the cathedral on Friday, including 16 high school am See, which is about ing from an exchange pro-
when a jet smashed into a one for each person on students and two teachers 60 miles north of Cologne. gram in Spain.q
French mountainside last the plane, including Lubitz.
month, a crash that horri- “We don’t know what was
fied the world after inves- going on inside the head
tigators said the co-pilot of the co-pilot in the de-
had deliberately brought cisive second, in the deci-
down the plane. sive minutes,” Gauck said,
President Joachim Gauck, referring to the time in
once a Lutheran pastor in which Lubitz blocked the
Communist East Germany, captain of the plane from
and Chancellor Angela re-entering the cockpit
Merkel were among the and set a course into the
state and national lead- French Alps. But, Gauck
ers who gathered in the noted, “we do know that
Cologne Cathedral for the his family also lost some-
two-hour, nationally tele- one they loved on March
vised memorial service. 24.”
Although the crash of the The crash has also shaken
Germanwings flight on confidence in Lufthansa,
March 24 has been the the parent company of
subject of intense discus- Germanwings, after the
sion, the memorial service airline admitted it had
Friday marked the first time known since 2009 that Lu-
in which Germany mourn- bitz had a history of severe
ed as a nation. depression.
Gauck articulated many The heads of both Lufthan-
of the emotions that arose sa and Germanwings were
not only from the loss of life among the 1,400 mourn-
but also from the revela- ers in the cathedral, most
tion in the days after the of them relatives of vic-
crash that the co-pilot had tims, including many from
almost certainly respon- Spain and other countries,
sible for it. or invited dignitaries. Em-
“We lack words for this ployees of Germanwings
deed,” Gauck said, not- watched the service on
ing that it gave rise to a a screen at a different
“dreadfully oppressive church, which was closed
burden of feelings.” to outsiders.
“There was this unbeliev- The headquarters of Ger-
able shock, this incom- manwings is less than 10
prehension, the sadness, miles from the cathedral
which for many turned to near the Cologne-Bonn
rage and anger,” he said. airport. Montabaur, the
There have been many hometown of Lubitz, is
memorial services in Ger- about 60 miles to the south
many, Spain and else- of Cologne.
where since the crash of The plane was bound from
Germanwings Flight 9525. Barcelona, Spain, to Düs-
But the ceremony in Co- seldorf, and more than a
logne, watched by hun- third of the victims were
dreds of people on large from the surrounding re-
Saturday 18 April 2015
Germanwings memorial service held at Cologne cathedral
JACK EWING screens outside, illustrated From left: Volker Bouffier, German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Norbert Lammert, Daniela
© 2015 New York Times the extent to which Ger-
COLOGNE, Germany - The many has been affected Schadt, German President Joachim Gauck and Hannelore Kraft during a memorial service
leaders of Germany on more than any other.
Friday joined hundreds About half the people on- for passengers and crew members who died in the crash of Germanwings Flight 9525, at the
of mourning relatives in board the plane were from
one of the country’s most Germany, as was the co- Cologne Cathedral in Germany, April 17, 2015. (Oliver Berg/Pool via The New York Times)
hallowed cathedrals to pilot, Andreas Lubitz. There
honor the passengers and were 150 candles burning gion in western Germany, from the town of Haltern The students were return-
crew members who died in the cathedral on Friday, including 16 high school am See, which is about ing from an exchange pro-
when a jet smashed into a one for each person on students and two teachers 60 miles north of Cologne. gram in Spain.q
French mountainside last the plane, including Lubitz.
month, a crash that horri- “We don’t know what was
fied the world after inves- going on inside the head
tigators said the co-pilot of the co-pilot in the de-
had deliberately brought cisive second, in the deci-
down the plane. sive minutes,” Gauck said,
President Joachim Gauck, referring to the time in
once a Lutheran pastor in which Lubitz blocked the
Communist East Germany, captain of the plane from
and Chancellor Angela re-entering the cockpit
Merkel were among the and set a course into the
state and national lead- French Alps. But, Gauck
ers who gathered in the noted, “we do know that
Cologne Cathedral for the his family also lost some-
two-hour, nationally tele- one they loved on March
vised memorial service. 24.”
Although the crash of the The crash has also shaken
Germanwings flight on confidence in Lufthansa,
March 24 has been the the parent company of
subject of intense discus- Germanwings, after the
sion, the memorial service airline admitted it had
Friday marked the first time known since 2009 that Lu-
in which Germany mourn- bitz had a history of severe
ed as a nation. depression.
Gauck articulated many The heads of both Lufthan-
of the emotions that arose sa and Germanwings were
not only from the loss of life among the 1,400 mourn-
but also from the revela- ers in the cathedral, most
tion in the days after the of them relatives of vic-
crash that the co-pilot had tims, including many from
almost certainly respon- Spain and other countries,
sible for it. or invited dignitaries. Em-
“We lack words for this ployees of Germanwings
deed,” Gauck said, not- watched the service on
ing that it gave rise to a a screen at a different
“dreadfully oppressive church, which was closed
burden of feelings.” to outsiders.
“There was this unbeliev- The headquarters of Ger-
able shock, this incom- manwings is less than 10
prehension, the sadness, miles from the cathedral
which for many turned to near the Cologne-Bonn
rage and anger,” he said. airport. Montabaur, the
There have been many hometown of Lubitz, is
memorial services in Ger- about 60 miles to the south
many, Spain and else- of Cologne.
where since the crash of The plane was bound from
Germanwings Flight 9525. Barcelona, Spain, to Düs-
But the ceremony in Co- seldorf, and more than a
logne, watched by hun- third of the victims were
dreds of people on large from the surrounding re-