Page 16 - Aruba Today 18 April 2015
P. 16
Saturday 18 April 2015

At Arawak Garden:

Mike and Coco from Boston Love Salt & Pepper Aruba!

PALM BEACH - Mike and One of those great restau- several wonderful restau- choice when they were needs to do is enjoy their
Coco from Boston, Mass, rants is Salt & Pepper, which rants as well as the Sopra- presented with the menu: vacation a few days more
are having the time of their they discovered when they nos Piano Bar. they both chose the red and come back soon,
lives on Aruba. They love walked past the Arawak For Coco and Mike it was snapper and were not sorry please. At Salt & Pepper
the friendly people, the re- Garden. The Garden of- not difficult to make a at all.Now all the couple they are waiting for you!q
laxed vibes on the island fers nightly live music, night
and the great restaurants. shopping in the kiosks and
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