Page 11 - Aruba Today 18 April 2015
P. 11
WORLD NEWSSaturday 18 April 2015
Al-Qaida in Yemen takes massive weapons depot from army
AHMED AL-HAJ of Hadramawt — Yemen’s week, has so far failed to presence, including Hadra- Thick plumes of smoke
Associated Press largest province where al- halt the rebels’ advance. mawt, where the militant rose high above Sanaa as
SANAA, Yemen (AP) — Al- Qaida has been consoli- Al-Qaida in the Arabian group has long been im- weapons stores in moun-
Qaida’s Yemen branch dating its control. Only the Peninsula, as the Yemeni planted despite U.S. drone tains overlooking the city
routed government forces day before, the militants affiliate is known, is widely strikes and Yemeni coun- exploded and burned,
from a large weapons de- captured a major airport, seen as the global net- terterrorism operations. The while local residents con-
pot in the country’s east an oil terminal and the ar- work’s most dangerous coalition says the airstrikes tinued to flee the violence,
on Friday, seizing dozens ea’s main military base. franchise and has been are aimed at the rebels, said the officials.
known as Houthis, not al- In Taiz, the rebels clashed
Smoke rises after a Saudi-led airstrike on Sanaa, Yemen, Friday, April 17, 2015. Since March 26, a Qaida. with army units loyal to
On Friday evening, hun- Hadi, with tanks and
Saudi-led coalition has been striking the Shiite rebels, known as Houthis, and allied military units dreds of al-Qaida support- heavy machine guns firing
ers and fighters gathered throughout the day and
loyal to ousted President Ali Abdullah Saleh. (AP Photo/Hani Mohammed) at a theater in Mukalla to airstrikes hitting a military
celebrate their victories base of the Houthi-allied
of tanks, Katyusha rocket The gains highlight how al- linked to several failed at- in the Hadramawt region, Republican Guard, the of-
launchers and small arms, Qaida has exploited the tacks on the U.S. The group singing war songs and ficials said.
security officials said, as air- chaos in Yemen, where claimed responsibility for chanting slogans. Airstrikes also continued in
strikes by a Saudi-led coali- Shiite rebels are battling the attack on a French Pro-Hadi forces gained Saada, the Houthis’ north-
tion intensified in the capi- forces loyal to exiled Presi- satirical magazine in Paris some ground elsewhere ern stronghold, and Aden,
tal, Sanaa, and also in Ye- dent Abed Rabbo Man- earlier this year. in Hadramawt on Friday, the southern port city that
men’s second-largest city. sour Hadi. The Saudi-led However, the Saudi-led air with fighters capturing the the rebels have been try-
The seized depot is locat- air campaign in support campaign has not target- province’s Masila oilfield, ing to take for weeks, in
ed in Mukalla, the capital of Hadi, now in its fourth ed areas with an al-Qaida the country’s largest, com- cooperation with forces
mander Ahmed Bammas loyal to former President Ali
said over the telephone. Abdullah Saleh, they add-
On the other side of the ed, speaking on condition
country, Saudi-led coali- of anonymity because
tion airstrikes targeting they were not authorized
the rebels intensified, with to talk to reporters.
bombings in Sanaa and Meanwhile, the United
also Taiz, the country’s sec- Nations urged the inter-
ond-largest city. national community to
The levels of the bombings provide $274 million in aid
were their most intense to help save lives and pro-
levels since the campaign tect some 7.5 million peo-
started on March 26, the ple affected by Yemen’s
security officials said. conflict.q
US troops arrive for training exercises
JIM HEINTZ rious for using an insignia
Associated Press used by many military units
MOSCOW (AP) — About in Nazi Germany, U.S. Em-
300 US Army paratroopers bassy spokesman James
on Friday arrived in Ukraine Hallock said Azov fighters
for training exercises with would not be among those
national guard units, a trained. Though fighting
move criticized by Mos- has diminished substan-
cow and eastern Ukraine’s tially since a February
Russia-backed separatist cease-fire deal was signed
rebels. in Minsk, Belarus, clashes
The troops, from the Italy- continue and each side
based 173rd Airborne Bri- accuses the other of want-
gade, are to spend several ing to resume the conflict.
weeks training a total of Lukashevich said the U.S.
about 900 Ukrainian na- troops’ presence violates
tional guardsmen. the section of the Minsk
Russian Foreign Ministry agreement that bans for-
spokesman Alexander Lu- eign “armed formations”
kashevich denounced from Ukraine. On Friday,
the guardsmen as “ultra- the UN Human Rights Com-
nationalists ... who stained missioner’s office said at
themselves with the blood least 6,116 people have
of women, children and been killed since the fight-
the elderly during their pu- ing broke out a year ago.
nitive operations.” National guard units, many
Although Interior Minister of which began as vol-
Arsen Avakov had said the unteer groupings, have
guardsman units could in- been an important part of
clude the Azov Battalion, Ukrainian forces’ fighting
a far-right formation noto- against the separatists.q
WORLD NEWSSaturday 18 April 2015
Al-Qaida in Yemen takes massive weapons depot from army
AHMED AL-HAJ of Hadramawt — Yemen’s week, has so far failed to presence, including Hadra- Thick plumes of smoke
Associated Press largest province where al- halt the rebels’ advance. mawt, where the militant rose high above Sanaa as
SANAA, Yemen (AP) — Al- Qaida has been consoli- Al-Qaida in the Arabian group has long been im- weapons stores in moun-
Qaida’s Yemen branch dating its control. Only the Peninsula, as the Yemeni planted despite U.S. drone tains overlooking the city
routed government forces day before, the militants affiliate is known, is widely strikes and Yemeni coun- exploded and burned,
from a large weapons de- captured a major airport, seen as the global net- terterrorism operations. The while local residents con-
pot in the country’s east an oil terminal and the ar- work’s most dangerous coalition says the airstrikes tinued to flee the violence,
on Friday, seizing dozens ea’s main military base. franchise and has been are aimed at the rebels, said the officials.
known as Houthis, not al- In Taiz, the rebels clashed
Smoke rises after a Saudi-led airstrike on Sanaa, Yemen, Friday, April 17, 2015. Since March 26, a Qaida. with army units loyal to
On Friday evening, hun- Hadi, with tanks and
Saudi-led coalition has been striking the Shiite rebels, known as Houthis, and allied military units dreds of al-Qaida support- heavy machine guns firing
ers and fighters gathered throughout the day and
loyal to ousted President Ali Abdullah Saleh. (AP Photo/Hani Mohammed) at a theater in Mukalla to airstrikes hitting a military
celebrate their victories base of the Houthi-allied
of tanks, Katyusha rocket The gains highlight how al- linked to several failed at- in the Hadramawt region, Republican Guard, the of-
launchers and small arms, Qaida has exploited the tacks on the U.S. The group singing war songs and ficials said.
security officials said, as air- chaos in Yemen, where claimed responsibility for chanting slogans. Airstrikes also continued in
strikes by a Saudi-led coali- Shiite rebels are battling the attack on a French Pro-Hadi forces gained Saada, the Houthis’ north-
tion intensified in the capi- forces loyal to exiled Presi- satirical magazine in Paris some ground elsewhere ern stronghold, and Aden,
tal, Sanaa, and also in Ye- dent Abed Rabbo Man- earlier this year. in Hadramawt on Friday, the southern port city that
men’s second-largest city. sour Hadi. The Saudi-led However, the Saudi-led air with fighters capturing the the rebels have been try-
The seized depot is locat- air campaign in support campaign has not target- province’s Masila oilfield, ing to take for weeks, in
ed in Mukalla, the capital of Hadi, now in its fourth ed areas with an al-Qaida the country’s largest, com- cooperation with forces
mander Ahmed Bammas loyal to former President Ali
said over the telephone. Abdullah Saleh, they add-
On the other side of the ed, speaking on condition
country, Saudi-led coali- of anonymity because
tion airstrikes targeting they were not authorized
the rebels intensified, with to talk to reporters.
bombings in Sanaa and Meanwhile, the United
also Taiz, the country’s sec- Nations urged the inter-
ond-largest city. national community to
The levels of the bombings provide $274 million in aid
were their most intense to help save lives and pro-
levels since the campaign tect some 7.5 million peo-
started on March 26, the ple affected by Yemen’s
security officials said. conflict.q
US troops arrive for training exercises
JIM HEINTZ rious for using an insignia
Associated Press used by many military units
MOSCOW (AP) — About in Nazi Germany, U.S. Em-
300 US Army paratroopers bassy spokesman James
on Friday arrived in Ukraine Hallock said Azov fighters
for training exercises with would not be among those
national guard units, a trained. Though fighting
move criticized by Mos- has diminished substan-
cow and eastern Ukraine’s tially since a February
Russia-backed separatist cease-fire deal was signed
rebels. in Minsk, Belarus, clashes
The troops, from the Italy- continue and each side
based 173rd Airborne Bri- accuses the other of want-
gade, are to spend several ing to resume the conflict.
weeks training a total of Lukashevich said the U.S.
about 900 Ukrainian na- troops’ presence violates
tional guardsmen. the section of the Minsk
Russian Foreign Ministry agreement that bans for-
spokesman Alexander Lu- eign “armed formations”
kashevich denounced from Ukraine. On Friday,
the guardsmen as “ultra- the UN Human Rights Com-
nationalists ... who stained missioner’s office said at
themselves with the blood least 6,116 people have
of women, children and been killed since the fight-
the elderly during their pu- ing broke out a year ago.
nitive operations.” National guard units, many
Although Interior Minister of which began as vol-
Arsen Avakov had said the unteer groupings, have
guardsman units could in- been an important part of
clude the Azov Battalion, Ukrainian forces’ fighting
a far-right formation noto- against the separatists.q