Page 13 - Aruba Today 18 April 2015
P. 13
WORLD NEWSSaturday 18 April 2015
Chile: Guatemala:
Three dead, dozen injured in nightclub incident Ex-dictator Montt’s
daughter announces
EVA VERGARA club Tsunami, where Brit- and a lot of alcohol,” said 20 and 30-years-old and her presidential bid
Associated Press ish punk group Doom was Santiago city manager seven of the injured were
SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) — playing. Claudio Orrego. in critical condition, said SONIA PEREZ D.
Three people were killed Pressure from the crowd, Several people at the club Dr. Mario Henriquez. Associated Press
and a dozen others injured which pushed through the were detained for ques- One of those killed, GUATEMALA CITY (AP)
Friday after a large crowd door, caused a “structure” tioning. Authorities also said 25-year-old Eduardo An- — The daughter of Efrain
tried to force its way into a to fall on people inside they would interrogate the gladetti, was an Argen- Rios Montt, the Guatema-
nightclub in Chile’s capital. the club, said Police Gen. club’s manager and the tine citizen, according to lan former dictator facing
Authorities say the incident Hugo Insulza. It wasn’t im- group that rents out the the Argentine consulate in charges of genocide for
happened after midnight mediately clear what that space to see if there were Santiago. massacres committed dur-
when a crush of people structure was. any code infractions. The British group is in Santi- ing his 1982-83 regime, is
made a run on the en- “The situation is complex. The dead and injured were ago for a music festival on running for president of this
trance of the Santiago There were a lot of people men and women between Sunday.q Central American nation.
Zury Rios Sosa, a three-time
Colombia: member of congress, an-
nounced Thursday that she
Santos demanding rebels set deadline for peace would accept the nomina-
tion of the Christian conser-
J. GOODMAN Colombia’s President Juan Manuel Santos speaks to the media shock to normally battle- vative Vision with Values
Associated Press hardened Colombians party to compete in gener-
BOGOTA, Colombia (AP) after a welcoming ceremony for South Korea’s President Park because it occurred after al elections later this year.
— President Juan Manual months of steady progress “Before God and all of you,
Santos delivered a sharp Geun-hye at the presidential palace in Bogota, Colombia, in negotiations that saw I take the responsibility and
rebuke to Colombia’s larg- the FARC declare a uni- the decision to return to
est rebel group Friday, call- Friday, April 17, 2015. (AP Photo/Fernando Vergara) lateral cease-fire and the the political arena, to pub-
ing on its leaders to set a government respond with lic politics, to the office of
deadline to reach a peace ity from poor families, who a rural hamlet in southwest- a suspension of air raids on a public servant, to submit
deal following this week’s were killed Tuesday during ern Colombia. rebel camps. myself to the judgment of
slaughter of 11 soldiers a midnight FARC attack in The attack came as a Following the attack, San- the people,” she said.
while they were sleeping. tos ordered the air strikes to Rios Sosa married Jerry
Santos didn’t propose any resume. But conservative Weller, who at the time
cutoff date to conclude critics, and some members was a Republican U.S.
peace talks taking place of the military, want him to congressman from Illinois,
the last two years in Cuba go even further. in 2004.
between the government While Santos said he shares She was 14 years old when
and the Revolutionary Colombians’ outrage over her father, an army gen-
Armed Forces of Colom- the attack, he gave no in- eral, seized power in a
bia. But he warned the dication he is considering coup. The regime he led
guerrillas that the country’s ending talks, saying he was suspended the constitu-
patience is wearing thin elected to pursue peace tion and launched a brutal
“Don’t be deaf to us Co- not perpetuate war. campaign against political
lombians who are clam- The FARC’s leadership in dissidents. In 2013, he was
oring that the time to end Havana is also making an convicted of genocide
the war has come. Time effort to overcome the lat- and crimes against hu-
limits to negotiations need est crisis, saying talks should manity for the killings of
to be put in place,” he said continue at all costs. The 1,771 Mayan Indians by sol-
in remarks at a reception group also blames Santos diers under his command.
for visiting South Korean for not committing to a A court later overturned
President Park Geun-hye. two-sided truce ahead of the ruling. A retrial was sup-
Earlier in the day, Santos a peace accord, which it posed to begin in January
attended a memorial for says is the only way to pre- but has been delayed.
the 11 soldiers, the major- vent further bloodshed.q Rios Sosa, 47, declined to
comment on whether her
Jamaica: father’s legal case could
affect her race. She said
Teen suspected of being militant stays in custody women who run for office
often face questions from
KINGSTON, Jamaica (AP) Over the weekend, Surina- State group. dia that the youth is wrong- those who say “she’s run-
— A Jamaican judge ruled me police said the Jamai- He was flown back to Ja- ly accused. They claim he ning because she’s some-
this week that a teenager can teen was denied entry maica, where he has been was traveling to the Neth- one’s daughter or wife.”
suspected of hoping to join after arriving at the South in police custody since Sat- erlands to join his mother, “I respect, love and sup-
Islamic extremists in Syria American nation’s main urday. The counterterror- who resides in England. It’s port my father, just as I re-
must remain in police cus- airport and planning to get ism branch of Jamaica’s not clear what her immi- spect and will support the
tody until next week. on a flight to the Nether- police force is investigat- gration status is. Guatemalan people,” Rios
Defense lawyer Zara Lewis lands. Suriname police said ing. Assistant Police Com- U.S. Gen. John Kelly, who Sosa said.
had filed an application an intelligence agency missioner Devon Watkis has heads the U.S. Southern Before announcing her
seeking the 16-year-old they did not identify had said they will provide de- Command, last month candidacy, Rios Sosa
boy’s release from police provided information that tails about the investiga- identified Jamaica as one spent several months invit-
detention. But the mag- the boy apparently intend- tion as soon as possible. of several Caribbean na- ing Guatemalans to send
istrate ordered Thursday ed to travel to Turkey and The suspect’s relatives in tions where officials believe her messages suggesting
that he remain in custody then cross into Syria to join the farming parish of St. recruits have departed for political changes they wish
until a Tuesday hearing. militants from the Islamic Mary have told local me- Syria.q to see.q
WORLD NEWSSaturday 18 April 2015
Chile: Guatemala:
Three dead, dozen injured in nightclub incident Ex-dictator Montt’s
daughter announces
EVA VERGARA club Tsunami, where Brit- and a lot of alcohol,” said 20 and 30-years-old and her presidential bid
Associated Press ish punk group Doom was Santiago city manager seven of the injured were
SANTIAGO, Chile (AP) — playing. Claudio Orrego. in critical condition, said SONIA PEREZ D.
Three people were killed Pressure from the crowd, Several people at the club Dr. Mario Henriquez. Associated Press
and a dozen others injured which pushed through the were detained for ques- One of those killed, GUATEMALA CITY (AP)
Friday after a large crowd door, caused a “structure” tioning. Authorities also said 25-year-old Eduardo An- — The daughter of Efrain
tried to force its way into a to fall on people inside they would interrogate the gladetti, was an Argen- Rios Montt, the Guatema-
nightclub in Chile’s capital. the club, said Police Gen. club’s manager and the tine citizen, according to lan former dictator facing
Authorities say the incident Hugo Insulza. It wasn’t im- group that rents out the the Argentine consulate in charges of genocide for
happened after midnight mediately clear what that space to see if there were Santiago. massacres committed dur-
when a crush of people structure was. any code infractions. The British group is in Santi- ing his 1982-83 regime, is
made a run on the en- “The situation is complex. The dead and injured were ago for a music festival on running for president of this
trance of the Santiago There were a lot of people men and women between Sunday.q Central American nation.
Zury Rios Sosa, a three-time
Colombia: member of congress, an-
nounced Thursday that she
Santos demanding rebels set deadline for peace would accept the nomina-
tion of the Christian conser-
J. GOODMAN Colombia’s President Juan Manuel Santos speaks to the media shock to normally battle- vative Vision with Values
Associated Press hardened Colombians party to compete in gener-
BOGOTA, Colombia (AP) after a welcoming ceremony for South Korea’s President Park because it occurred after al elections later this year.
— President Juan Manual months of steady progress “Before God and all of you,
Santos delivered a sharp Geun-hye at the presidential palace in Bogota, Colombia, in negotiations that saw I take the responsibility and
rebuke to Colombia’s larg- the FARC declare a uni- the decision to return to
est rebel group Friday, call- Friday, April 17, 2015. (AP Photo/Fernando Vergara) lateral cease-fire and the the political arena, to pub-
ing on its leaders to set a government respond with lic politics, to the office of
deadline to reach a peace ity from poor families, who a rural hamlet in southwest- a suspension of air raids on a public servant, to submit
deal following this week’s were killed Tuesday during ern Colombia. rebel camps. myself to the judgment of
slaughter of 11 soldiers a midnight FARC attack in The attack came as a Following the attack, San- the people,” she said.
while they were sleeping. tos ordered the air strikes to Rios Sosa married Jerry
Santos didn’t propose any resume. But conservative Weller, who at the time
cutoff date to conclude critics, and some members was a Republican U.S.
peace talks taking place of the military, want him to congressman from Illinois,
the last two years in Cuba go even further. in 2004.
between the government While Santos said he shares She was 14 years old when
and the Revolutionary Colombians’ outrage over her father, an army gen-
Armed Forces of Colom- the attack, he gave no in- eral, seized power in a
bia. But he warned the dication he is considering coup. The regime he led
guerrillas that the country’s ending talks, saying he was suspended the constitu-
patience is wearing thin elected to pursue peace tion and launched a brutal
“Don’t be deaf to us Co- not perpetuate war. campaign against political
lombians who are clam- The FARC’s leadership in dissidents. In 2013, he was
oring that the time to end Havana is also making an convicted of genocide
the war has come. Time effort to overcome the lat- and crimes against hu-
limits to negotiations need est crisis, saying talks should manity for the killings of
to be put in place,” he said continue at all costs. The 1,771 Mayan Indians by sol-
in remarks at a reception group also blames Santos diers under his command.
for visiting South Korean for not committing to a A court later overturned
President Park Geun-hye. two-sided truce ahead of the ruling. A retrial was sup-
Earlier in the day, Santos a peace accord, which it posed to begin in January
attended a memorial for says is the only way to pre- but has been delayed.
the 11 soldiers, the major- vent further bloodshed.q Rios Sosa, 47, declined to
comment on whether her
Jamaica: father’s legal case could
affect her race. She said
Teen suspected of being militant stays in custody women who run for office
often face questions from
KINGSTON, Jamaica (AP) Over the weekend, Surina- State group. dia that the youth is wrong- those who say “she’s run-
— A Jamaican judge ruled me police said the Jamai- He was flown back to Ja- ly accused. They claim he ning because she’s some-
this week that a teenager can teen was denied entry maica, where he has been was traveling to the Neth- one’s daughter or wife.”
suspected of hoping to join after arriving at the South in police custody since Sat- erlands to join his mother, “I respect, love and sup-
Islamic extremists in Syria American nation’s main urday. The counterterror- who resides in England. It’s port my father, just as I re-
must remain in police cus- airport and planning to get ism branch of Jamaica’s not clear what her immi- spect and will support the
tody until next week. on a flight to the Nether- police force is investigat- gration status is. Guatemalan people,” Rios
Defense lawyer Zara Lewis lands. Suriname police said ing. Assistant Police Com- U.S. Gen. John Kelly, who Sosa said.
had filed an application an intelligence agency missioner Devon Watkis has heads the U.S. Southern Before announcing her
seeking the 16-year-old they did not identify had said they will provide de- Command, last month candidacy, Rios Sosa
boy’s release from police provided information that tails about the investiga- identified Jamaica as one spent several months invit-
detention. But the mag- the boy apparently intend- tion as soon as possible. of several Caribbean na- ing Guatemalans to send
istrate ordered Thursday ed to travel to Turkey and The suspect’s relatives in tions where officials believe her messages suggesting
that he remain in custody then cross into Syria to join the farming parish of St. recruits have departed for political changes they wish
until a Tuesday hearing. militants from the Islamic Mary have told local me- Syria.q to see.q