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                                                                                     people & arts Friday 25 august 2017

             In this April 9, 2016 file photo, Ed Skrein arrives at the MTV Movie
            Awards in Burbank, Calif.
            ‘Hellboy’ casting

            prompts backlash                                          This March 14, 2013, file photo shows Sam Beam, of Iron & Wine, during the SXSW Music Festival in

            over ‘whitewashing’                                       Austin, Texas.                                                        Associated Press

            By JAKE COYLE                manga adaptation “Death  Coming full circle for
                                         flix  release,  the  Japanese
             AP Film Writer
            NEW YORK (AP) — A Holly-     Note”  also  drew  criticism
            cial-media outcry over the  Asian  actors.  Though  Ma- balladeer Sam Beam
            wood  film  yet  again  finds  for transferring a Japanese
                                         story to Seattle without any
            itself  responding  to  a  so-

            casting of a white actor in  samune Shirow, director of
            a  role  that  was  originally  the  original  “Ghost  in  the
            Asian-American.              Shell,”  defended  Johans-   By DAVID BAUDER              Sub  Pop,  which  released  Beam left Sub Pop to record
            British actor Ed Skrein earlier  son’s  casting,  many  lam-   Associated Press        the first Iron & Wine disc in  at a couple of larger labels
            this week joined the cast of  basted  the  choice.  When   NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Song-   2002.                        but  returned  for  “Beast
            the  “Hellboy”  reboot  “Rise  the $110 million film flopped   writer Sam Beam prefers to  He  describes  much  of  his  Epic.”  Poneman  said  Sub
            of the Blood Queen,” which  in April, Paramount Pictures   think of his career direction  subsequent  work  as  trying  Pop  isn’t  big  on  prodigal
            is to be the third film in the  said  the  casting  conver-  less  as  looking  back  and  on  different  sounds  and  son stories, but Beam “is so
            comic  adaptation  fran-     sation  impacted  reviews  ,   more as going full circle.  styles to see what fits.    beloved  and  respected  in
            chise  previously  helmed  and  thus  its  disappointing   Whatever  terminology  is  “I was just sort of doing mu-  our organization that doing
            by  Guillermo  del  Toro.  The  box-office debut.         employed,  Beam  —  who  sic  for  a  hobby  and  won  anything  other  than  pro-
            character,  Ben  Daimio,  Studies  have  shown  that      records  under  the  name  the  lottery,  basically,  and  ceeding  would  have  felt
            is  Japanese-American  in  diverse casts often lead to    Iron & Wine — has returned  had  a  music  career,”  he  wrong.”
            Mike  Mignola’s  “Hellboy”  better  box  office.  And  yet   both  to  the  Sub  Pop  label  said.  “So  I  had  to  figure  Like many artists, Beam likes
            comics  and  his  heritage  the  top  100  films  of  2015,   where  his  career  started  out  what  I  wanted  to  be,  something to tie an album
            is  central  to  his  backstory.  a  USC  study  found,  con-  and  the  warm,  acoustic  because  I  hadn’t  thought  together;  his  2007  album,
            Daimio’s grandmother was  tained not one leading role     sound  of  his  early  mate-  about it.”                  “The Shepherd’s Dog,” had
            a Japanese Imperial assas-   for an Asian-American.       rial.  His  sixth  album,  “Beast  Beam  makes  some  of  the  a  dog  in  every  song.  This
            sin in World War II.         That  has  led  to  increasing   Epic,”  comes  out  Friday  loveliest  music  in  the  in-  time  the  characters  in  his
            Many objected to the role  frustration for many promi-    and is much anticipated in  die  rock  world.  He  dates  songs all had some degree
            not  going  to  an  Asian-   nent  Asian-American  ac-    the indie rock world. Some  his  melodic  sense  to  the  of frailty.
            American actor and called  tors  and  produced  some      dates in his fall tour of small  hymns  he  heard  while  go-  Now  43,  this  father  of  five
            it another example of Hol-   clever parodies. A New York   theaters  are  already  sold  ing  to  church  as  a  boy,  daughters is less interested
            lywood     “whitewashing”  digital  strategist  named     out.                         and  his  parents’  Motown  in  the  problems  of  youth
            Asian  characters.  “I  guess  William  Yu,  inspired  by  the   “You  can’t  really  listen  to  records. He enjoys listening  than in people who perse-
            they want this to fail,” said  “OscarsSoWhite” backlash,   this record and say it sounds  to harder stuff, to punk and  vere  after  being  knocked
            actress Cindy Chu on Twit-   created  the  website  and   like the old records,” Beam  metal,  but  he  recognizes  around by life.
            ter.  The  film’s  distributor,  hashtag   “StarringJohn-  said.  “There’s  a  lot  more  his  strengths  and  what  fits  The  cover  of  “Beast  Epic”
            Lionsgate,  declined  com-   Cho.”  In  photo-shopped     going on. But at the same  his voice.                     is  a  caricature  of  Beam
            ment.  A  representative  for  movie posters, he imagines   time, the approach felt fa-  Jonathan  Poneman,  co-    —  you  can  tell  it’s  him  by
            Skrein  didn’t  respond  to  Cho  single-handedly  filling   miliar  again.  I  was  writing  founder  of  Sub  Pop,  said  the  guitar  and  big,  bushy
            queries Wednesday.           the  Asian-American  lead-   more  introspective  songs  Beam  has  a  devotion  to  beard — with a blindfold.
            The  backlash  follows  pre-  ing-man void in everything   and approached the mak-     craft with a rival impulse to  “All  these  things  keep  hit-
            vious  controversies  includ-  from “The Martian” to “Me   ing of this record in a more  cast aside orthodoxy.      ting  us  over  the  head,  no
            ing  the  castings  of  Emma  Before You.”                intuitive  way.  It  felt  similar,  “Sam  is  thoughtful,  rebel-  matter  how  old  you  are,”
            Stone  as  a  half-Hawaiian,  “With  every  instance  of   but it felt like it took me do-  lious  but  disciplined,  so  he said. “You say one day
            half-Chinese  Air  Force  pi-  whitewashing,”  Yu  posted   ing all of the other records  that  he  can  leverage  a  I’ll  be  all  grown  up  and
            lot  in  Cameron  Crowe’s  in  response  to  the  Skrein   to get to this one.”        huge  natural  gift  to  serve  I’ll  figure it  all  out, but you
            “Aloha”  and  Scarlett  Jo-  casting,  “an  (Asian-Ameri-  The  North  Carolina-born  something as fleeting as a  don’t.  You  just  keep  on
            hansson as the cyborg pro-   can) is subliminally told that   Beam  was  a  film  professor  mood, idea or feeling and  learning  the  lessons  over
            tagonist  in  the  Japanese  they  are  not  worth  atten-  who  painted  and  wrote  do so with an unerring feel  and over again. And that’s
            anime  remake  “Ghost  in  tion,  not  worth  a  place  in   songs  on  the  side  before  —  what  some  would  call  what  these  songs  are  all
            the Shell.” This week’s Net-  this society.”q             he caught the attention of  soul,” Poneman said.          about.”q
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