P. 30

                   Friday 25 august 2017
            ‘Bridesmaids’ actor switches gears in ‘Get Shorty,’ films

                                                                      By LYNN ELBER                scenario  where  I  would  But you only learn by doing
                                                                       AP Television Writer        have once been really ex-    it.”  He  takes  a  step  back
                                                                      LOS ANGELES (AP) — Those  cited about a project film-     and  offers  a  broader  take
                                                                      looking  to  spend  qual-    ing  in  Bulgaria,  and  now  on  the  industry  he’s  im-
                                                                      ity time with Chris O’Dowd,  I  don’t  even  read  it,”  he  mersed  in,  using  his  “Get
                                                                      who made a splash as the  said. “I know that creatively  Shorty”  character  as  illus-
                                                                      endearingly patient cop in  it’s not really ideal, but I just  tration. “The reason it works
                                                                      “Bridesmaids,” have plenty  don’t care.”                  out for Miles in the show is
                                                                      of chances now and later.    O’Dowd’s     decision   to  that  honesty  and  straight-
                                                                      There’s  his  role  as  hit  man  leave  steady  work  in  Eng-  forwardness  goes  a  long
                                                                      and  aspiring  movie  pro-   land  to  break  into  Holly-  way  in  this  town,  because
                                                                      ducer  Miles  Daly  in  Epix’s  wood was made as an un-   it’s  such  a  rare  commod-
                                                                      critically  acclaimed  “Get  encumbered  single  man.  ity,” O’Dowd said. “There is
                                                                      Shorty,”  (10  p.m.  EDT  Sun-  He’d  enjoyed  success  on  a lot of (bull) as everybody
            This image released by Epix shows Chris O’Dowd in “Get Shorty,”   day), which gives O’Dowd  Irish and then British TV, in-  knows, but people are very
            airing Sundays on Epix.
                                                     Associated Press  the  chance  to  be  trade-  cluding with the nerd com-  happy to not be (lied) to.”
                                                                      mark  funny  as  well  as  edy  “The  IT  Crowd,”  but  “Get  Shorty,”  a  new  take
                                                                      tough. It’s already renewed  liked  American  entertain-  on the Elmore Leonard tale
                                                                      for  season  two.He’s  shoot-  ment and, besides, was just  brought  to  the  big  screen
                                                                      ing the film “Juliet, Naked”  off  a  big  breakup.  “I  felt  in 1995 with John Travolta,
                                                                      with Rose Byrne and Ethan  like  I  needed  to  leave  the  pairs O’Dowd with Ray Ro-
                                                                      Hawke  for  producer  Judd  country,”  he  said,  drolly.  It  mano,  another  performer
                                                                      Apatow.  O’Dowd’s  up-       was a move he considered  adroit  at  balancing  dark-
                                                                      coming  movies  include  risk-free     and    reversible.  ness and light.
                                                                      indies  “Love  After  Love”  “What’s the vision of failure  “We’ve got two very funny
                                                                      and  “Loving  Vincent”;  J.J.  in  that  scenario?  So  low,”  actors, (and) part of what is
                                                                      Abrams’  next  chapter  in  he  said,  especially  if  you  so wonderful about watch-
                                                                      the “Cloverfield” franchise;  don’t  make  a  fuss  about  ing  them  be  funny  is  they
                                                                      and Aaron Sorkin’s “Molly’s  venturing across the pond.  bring   seriousness   under
                                                                      Game.”                       “I always roll my eyes when  that,”  said  series  creator
                                                                      In other words, the Irish-born  I  see  people  are  having  Davey Holmes.
                                                                      actor  who’s  adopted  Los  (farewell) parties,” O’Dowd  O’Dowd is also a writer (on
                                                                      Angeles  as  his  home  base  said. “Talk about tempting  the  warmly  funny  2012-
                                                                      is in demand and moving in  fate.  I  didn’t  tell  anyone  15  TV  series  “Moone  Boy,”
                                                                      impressive creative circles.  I  was  going  anywhere.  I  about  an  eccentric  Irish
                                                                      But  he’s  modestly  low-key  would  reply  to  texts  as  if  I  family) and has stage cred,
                                                                      in  a  recent  conversation  was  still  down  the  road.”  with  his  Broadway  debut
                                                                      over a smoothie at a cafe  That demonstration of com-     in “Of Mice and Men” op-
                                                                      near  his  home.  (In-person  mon  prompts  this  query:  posite  James  Franco  in
                                                                      checklist: charming accent  What  advice  can  he  pass  2014  earning  him  a  Tony
                                                                      and  charmingly  tousled  on about what did he right,  nomination.  He’s  eyeing
                                                                      hair, sweet-eyed smile and  or  wrong,  as  a  Hollywood  a  London  play  next  year.
                                                                      lanky frame, all accounted  newcomer? O’Dowd mulls  The ideal scenario, he said,
                                                                      for.)  O’Dowd  also  demon-  the question, attempting to  is three months in England
                                                                      strates an impressive sense  be helpful.                  and the rest of the year in
                                                                      of  perspective.  His  family  “Even  if  I  wasn’t  doing  a  Los Angeles.
                                                                      — his wife, journalist Dawn  great  audition,  I  felt  like  I  He’s  an  unabashed  fan
                                                                      O’Porter,  a  baby  and  a  always  did  a  very  good  of  LA,  appreciating  the
                                                                      toddler — get precedence  meeting,” he said. “It’s not  weather,  the  neighbor-
                                                                      over his career.             about  the  job  you’re  go-  hood  friends  he’s  made
                                                                      “I’m looking for jobs closer  ing in for, it’s about the job  and the city’s relative lack
                                                                      to  home.  It’s  definitely  a  that’s  coming  after  that.  of oppressive skyscrapers.q

                                                                      Star Wars toy launch to unveil

                                                                      new ‘Last Jedi’ character

                                                                      LOS ANGELES (AP) — “Star  the 20,000 participating lo-
                                                                      Wars: The Last Jedi” is still a  cations in 30 countries, fans
                                                                      few months away from hit-    can  snap  photos  of  the
                                                                      ting theaters, but BB-8-hap-  Find  the  Force  symbol  to
                                                                      py fans are about to get a  find  old  favorites,  like  Ad-
                                                                      glimpse at a new charac-     miral Ackbar, and discover
                                                                      ter as a part of a three-day  a new character from “The
                                                                      marketing  rollout  of  toys  Last Jedi” too.
                                                                      and  products  inspired  by  “Star  Wars  has  always
                                                                      the film.                    championed new technol-
                                                                      The Walt Disney Company  ogy,  and  we  are  excited
                                                                      said Thursday that the glob-  that augmented reality will
                                                                      al event, dubbed Force Fri-  allow  fans  to  experience   This   image   released   by
                                                                      day II, will feature an aug-  the  universe  in  a  whole   LucasFilm shows a promotional
                                                                      mented  reality  treasure  new  way,”  said  Lucasfilm    poster for the upcoming “Star
                                                                      hunt called Find the Force.  president Kathleen Kenne-    Wars: The Last Jedi,” film to be
                                                                      Using the Star Wars app in  dy in a statement.q           released in December.
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