P. 25

BUSINESS                 Friday 25 august 2017

               Pace of US home sales in July reached lowest level of 2017

            By JOSH BOAK                 second  straight  monthly  decline in listings has driven  tate firm Zillow.           market is also causing prop-
            AP Economics Writer          drop, sales are 2.1 percent  up prices and made many  The  number  of  existing  erties  to  sell  more  quickly.
            WASHINGTON       (AP)    —  higher than a year ago.       homes unaffordable: Prices  homes  listed  for  sale  has  The  average  number  of
            Americans  retreated  from   But purchases are starting  are  rising  faster  than  the  plunged  9  percent  over  days on the market was 30
            buying  homes  in  July  as  to slow as fewer properties  wages  of  potential  buyers  the past 12 months to 1.92  in July, compared with 36 a
            sales  sank  to  their  lowest  are  coming  onto  the  mar-  despite a solid job market.  million.                 year ago.
            level of the year.           ket.                         “For  more  than  two  years  In  the  meantime,  the  me-  In  July,  sales  plummeted
            The National Association of  The  real  estate  market  is  now,  inventory  has  been  dian  sales  price  has  risen  14.5  percent  in  the  North-
            Realtors said Thursday that  grappling  with  the  con-   has   been    contracting,  6.2  percent  to  $258,300  east  and  fell  5.3  percent
            sales  of  existing  homes  fell  sequences  of  a  persistent  pushing  the  housing  mar-  —  more  than  double  the  in the Midwest. But buying
            1.3  percent  to  a  season-  shortage of homes for sale  ket into an inventory crisis,”  pace of growth in average  picked  up  2.2  percent  in
            ally  adjusted  annual  rate  despite  strong  demand  said  Svenja  Gudell,  chief  hourly earnings.               the South and 5 percent in
            of  5.44  million.  Despite  the  from would-be buyers. The  economist  at  the  real  es-  The  lack  of  homes  on  the  the West.q

                Up, down, back again: Stocks dip after meandering again

                                                                                                   ter Amazon said it plans to  ed  higher  earnings  for  the
                                                                                                   cut  prices  for  avocados,  spring  quarter  than  ana-
                                                                                                   eggs  and  other  products  lysts  forecast,  along  with
                                                                                                   when  it  takes  control  of  healthier revenue.
                                                                                                   Whole  Foods  next  week.  Hurting  stocks  have  been
                                                                                                   Retailers, meanwhile, were  worries about politics both
                                                                                                   big  winners  after  a  wide  in Washington and abroad.
                                                                                                   variety  said  they  earned  Doubts  are  rising  about
                                                                                                   fatter  profits  last  quarter  how much help the Repub-
                                                                                                   than Wall Street forecast.   lican-led White House and
                                                                                                   The Standard & Poor’s 500  Congress  can  provide  for
                                                                                                   index  fell  5.07  points,  or  businesses.  Several  crucial
                                                                                                   0.2  percent,  to  2,438.97.  deadlines  are  coming  up
                                                                                                   Through the day, it flipped  that  could  damage  the
                                                                                                   between gains of up to 0.3  economy, including a vote
                                                                                                   percent and losses of up to  to  avoid  a  default  on  the
                                                                                                   0.3 percent.                 national debt, though most
                                                                                                   The  Dow  Jones  industrial  investors  expect  calamity
                                                                                                   average  fell  28.69  points,  to be averted.
                                                                                                   or 0.1 percent, to 21,783.40,  This week has also featured
                                                                                                   the Nasdaq composite fell  lighter  trading  than  usual,
                                                                                                   7.08 points, or 0.1 percent,  with  few  market-moving
            Trader Michael Milano works on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. U.S. stock indexes   to 6,271.33 and the Russell  events  on  the  calendar.
            ticked lower on Thursday, but only after a circuitous ride that saw them flip multiple times between   2000  index  of  small-cap  That may be exacerbating
            small gains and losses.                                                                stocks  rose  4.14  points,  or  moves  for  the  market.  For
                                                                           (AP Photo/Richard Drew)  0.3 percent, to 1,373.88.   all  the  noise,  though,  the
                                                                                                   The  market  has  drifted  up  S&P 500 is still within 1.7 per-
            By STAN CHOE                 them  flip  multiple  times  few weeks.                   and  down  since  the  S&P  cent of its record.
            AP Business Writer           between  small  gains  and  Food companies struggled      500 set a record high earlier  One event that could cap-
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  U.S.  losses. It’s the latest mean-   after  the  makers  of  Spam   this  month.  Helping  stocks  ture the market’s attention
            stock  indexes  ticked  lower  dering  course  for  a  mar-  and  Folgers  coffee  report-  has been strong growth in  is  a  symposium  of  central
            on Thursday, but only after  ket  that’s  been  pushed  in  ed  weaker-than-expected   profits,  and  most  S&P  500  bankers  in  Jackson  Hole,
            a  circuitous  ride  that  saw  many  directions  the  last  results,  and  grocers  fell  af-  companies  have  report-  Wyoming. q
                     Amazon to close on Whole Foods buyout Monday

            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Ama-     through,  the purchase.                   that  it  will  join  forces  with  Shares of other big grocery
            zon  will  close  its  $13.7  bil-  AmazonFresh, Prime Pantry  By  buying  Whole  Foods,   Google  to  let  shoppers  businesses  fell.  The  Kroger
            lion buyout of Whole Foods  and Prime Now.                Amazon  is  taking  a  bold   order  goods  by  voice  on  Co. dropped nearly 8 per-
            Market  Inc.  on  Monday  Whole  Foods  sharehold-        step  into  brick-and-mortar,   Google devices.           cent. q
            and plans to cut prices on  ers  approved  the  deal  with  more  than  460  stores
            grocery staples.             Wednesday,  and  the  Fed-   and  potentially  very  lucra-
            Starting  Monday,  Whole  eral Trade Commission said  tive data about how shop-
            Foods will offer lower prices  it would not block the deal.  pers behave offline.
            on bananas, eggs, salmon,  Amazon  will  pay  Whole  Meanwhile,          rivals   are
            beef,  and  other  products.  Foods shareholders $42 per  scrambling  to  catch  up
            Looking ahead,               share,  marking  an  18  per-  with  the  e-commerce  gi-
            the    Seattle   company  cent premium from its stock  ant.  Wal-Mart  Stores  Inc.,
            hopes  to  give  Amazon  price  the  day  before  the  which has the largest share
            Prime  members  special  tie-up  was  announced  on  of the U.S. grocery market,
            savings  and  other  in-store  June 16.                   is  expanding  its  grocery
            benefits.                    Earlier this month, Amazon.  delivery  service  with  ride-
            Also,  certain  Whole  Foods  com Inc. sold $16 billion of  hailing  service  Uber  and
            products  will  be  available  bonds  in  order  to  pay  for  announced   Wednesday
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