P. 22

A22    sports
                   Friday 25 august 2017
            U.S. OPEN ‘17: Federer says 3rd major of year would be surreal

            By HOWARD FENDRICH                                                                     U.S.  Open  and  other  tour-  was  the  last  time  Federer
             AP Tennis Writer                                                                      naments  allowed  him  to  was in action; he tweaked
            Even Roger Federer finds it                                                            return  to  the  ATP  Tour  re-  his  back  and  withdrew
            all a little surprising.                                                               freshed  and  reinvigorated,  from a tuneup in Ohio the
            After going 4 ½ years with-                                                            not to mention fully fit.    following week.
            out  collecting  a  major                                                              The payoff? He is 35-3 with  If his back is problematic at
            championship,  now  firmly                                                             five titles this season.     Flushing Meadows, it could
            in  his  mid-30s,  he  heads                                                           “The  long  break  last  year  stand  in  Federer’s  way.
            into  Monday’s  start  of  the                                                         really  helped  him.  He  Otherwise, he could be the
            U.S. Open with a chance to                                                             (went)  a  little  bit  away  last man standing there for
            win his third such trophy of                                                           and  looked  at  everything  the  first  time  since  winning
            2017.                                                                                  from  the  outside  again.  It  his  last  of  five  consecutive
            “I  mean,  I  have  a  hard                                                            gives you a little bit of dis-  U.S. Open titles in 2008.
            time  thinking  I  could  win                                                          tance,”  said  Severin  Luthi,  That would please Federer,
            three  Slams  in  one  year.  It                                                       one  of  Federer’s  coaches.  of course. But what he real-
            just  sounds  totally  surreal                                                         “In general, I know with him  ly  derives  satisfaction  from
            to me,” Federer said in an                                                             that if he takes a break and  lately is his aggressive style
            interview  with  The  Associ-  This  Sept.  8,  2008  file  photo  shows  Roger  Federer,  of   if he’s fresh, happy to play,  on court. “I like the way I’m
            ated Press. “But I’ll prepare   Switzerland,  kissing  the  championship  trophy  after   motivated  ...  that’s  one  of  playing.  I’m  playing  going
            myself  the  best  way  pos-  winning the men’s finals championship over Andy Murray,   his biggest strengths.”     forward. I’m going for it. I’m
            sible, so that I will have the   of Britain, at the U.S. Open tennis tournament in New York.   The  day  before  beating  not holding back. I’m play-
            best chance to really excel                                           Associated Press  Cilic  in  the  final  at  the  All  ing  the  kind  of  tennis  I  like
            there in New York.”          I’m  a  better  player  today,  with a sore hip and hasn’t  England  Club  to  claim  his  to  play,  personally,  myself.
            Yes,  Federer  is  most  cer-  just (by) virtue of time that’s  played  since  Wimbledon.  eighth Wimbledon champi-  And I’m not, like, doing ev-
            tainly  back.  All  the  way  gone by and I’ve had time  Neither has 2014 U.S. Open  onship and 19th at a major  erything  only  for  success.
            back. He’s back in the field  to  practice  and  train  and  champion Marin Cilic, side-  overall  —  both  records  for  I’m actually letting it fly off
            at  Flushing  Meadows  after  all that stuff,” he said with a  lined by a foot blister. Last  a man — Federer sat down  my racket. And that makes
            sitting  out  the  hard-court  sigh. “But better? In a way I  year’s  Wimbledon  runner-  with Luthi to discuss prepa-  me happy,” he said.
            tournament  a  year  ago  would hope so.”                 up,  Milos  Raonic,  with-   ration for the U.S. Open.    “People    who’ve    been
            while taking off the last half  Federer turned 36 on Aug.  drew  from  the  U.S.  Open  Yes,  time  marches  on,  waiting  for  me  to  come
            of the season to let his sur-  8, making him older than all  because  of  an  injured  left  even for Federer, although  back  strong,  maybe  one
            gically  repaired  left  knee  but two men to have ever  wrist.  Reigning  U.S.  Open  it  doesn’t  really  seem  as  if  more time, I’ve given them
            heal. And he’s back in the  won  the  most  important  champion  Stan  Wawrinka,  that’s the case at the mo-        even  more  now  by  win-
            role of Grand Slam title fa-  tennis  tournament  held  in  who  had  knee  surgery,  ment.  “He’s  been  play-     ning a couple of Slams this
            vorite after winning the past  the United States, an event  and 2016 runner-up Novak  ing  amazing  tennis,”  said  year. So it’s extremely spe-
            two majors he entered, the  first held in 1881.           Djokovic  ,  whose  right  el-  20-year-old   Alexander  cial  times.  I’m  aware  of
            Australian Open in January  He will be facing a deplet-   bow  is  injured,  are  out  for  Zverev,   considered   the  that. I know it’s just only bo-
            and Wimbledon in July.       ed draw in New York as he  the rest of the season. So is  sport’s  “Next  Big  Thing.”  nus,  whatever  is  about  to
            Is  he  playing  as  well  as  —  seeks  his  first  title  there  in  2014 runner-up Kei Nishikori,  “He pretty much won every  come,” Federer continued,
            or  perhaps  better  than  —  nearly a decade .           because of a hurt wrist.     single  big  tournament  he  with a hint of a smile. “So I
            ever?                        Three-time  major  cham-     That  trio  of  top-10  players  played  this  year,”  added  hope  I  can  keep  this  level
            “I  don’t  know.  It’s  hard  to  pion Andy Murray, recently  is  following  Federer’s  ex-  Zverev,  who  defeated  Fe-  up and then maybe good
            tell. It doesn’t really matter  replaced at No. 1 by Rafael  ample.  Skipping  the  Rio  derer in the hard-court final  things  can  continue.  We’ll
            to  me.  I  would  hope  that  Nadal,  has  been  dealing  de  Janeiro  Olympics,  the  at Montreal this month. That  see.”q
            Froome holds Vuelta lead after Van Garderen crashes twice

            SAGUNT, Spain (AP) — Chris  Sagunt  that  included  four  after  his  home  race,  said
            Froome    maintained    his  category-three  and  one  he knew the terrain was the
            lead of the Spanish Vuelta  category-two climbs.          perfect place to strike.
            after  Tejay  van  Garderen  It  was  the  Loto  Soudal  rid-  “I  planned  the  attack.
            crashed  twice  during  the  er’s first win at a grand tour.  I  thought  it  was  a  good
            sixth stage on Thursday.     “It’s an incredible emotion.  day to get rid of some rid-
            Van Garderen entered the  I came here really wanting  ers,”  said  Contador,  who
            stage  in  second  place  at  to fight for a stage,” Marc-  remained more than three
            10 seconds behind Froome.  zynski said. “I believed that  minutes behind.
            But  the  American  slipped  I would do it and today was  Van  Garderen  crashed
            to fourth place and :30 sec-  the day.”                   shortly after on that ascent.
            onds  back  after  his  error-  After  a  large  breakaway  He then went down again
            prone day.                   group  set  off,  the  long  going  through  a  round-
            Esteban  Chaves  relieved  stage  became  a  frantic  about.
            Van Garderen as Froome’s  chase  when  Alberto  Con-      Chaves,  Roche,  Fabio  Aru
            closest  chaser  at  :11  be-  tador  attacked  the  top  and  Vincenzo  Nibali  all
            hind,  followed  by  Nicolas  riders  on  the  final  ascent  managed to make up the
            Roche at :13 back.           over  the  Puerto  del  Garbi  distance in the descent to
            Poland’s  Tomasz  Marczyn-   summit.  Froome  was  the  the finish line.
            ski claimed the stage after  only title rival able to keep  Friday’s  stage  is  a  hilly
            beating  two  other  break-  up, leaving the rest to play  207-kilometer   (128-miles)
            away riders to the finish line  catch up.                 ride from Lliria to Cuenca.
            of  the  204-kilometer  (127-  Contador,  a  three-time  The  three-week  race  ends
            mile)  run  from  Vila-real  to  champion  who  will  retire  in Madrid on Sept. 10.q
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