P. 20

                   Friday 25 august 2017
            Hill loses no-hit try on HR in 10th, Pirates top Dodgers 1-0

             By The Associated Press     the  Reds.  Schwarber  pro-  Kyle Seager added a three-   final  four  outs  —  including  walked four and struck out
            PITTSBURGH  (AP)  —  Dodg-   vided  an  opposite-field  run homer in the eighth in-    three strikeouts in the ninth  five.
            ers lefty Rich Hill lost his per-  shot in the fourth inning off  ning off Dan Winkler.  —  for  his  29th  save  in  33  AJ  Ramos  worked  around
            fect  game  on  an  error  in  Asher  Wojciechowski  (3-3),  After blowing a 4-3 lead in  chances.                  a two-out walk for his 23rd
            the ninth inning, then lost his  his  ninth  since  he  returned  the  seventh,  the  Mariners  METS 4, DIAMONDBACKS 2  save in 25 chances.
            no-hitter on a leadoff home  from a stint in the minors.  rallied against Jim Johnson  NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Chris  He has converted all three
            run in the 10th by Josh Harri-                                                                                      save opportunities with the
            son that sent the Pittsburgh                                                                                        Mets.  Zack  Godley  (5-7)
            Pirates over Los Angeles 1-0                                                                                        pitched five innings.
            Wednesday night.                                                                                                    PHILLIES 8, MARLINS 0
            The  Pirates  didn’t  have                                                                                          PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Mark
            a  runner  until  Jordy  Mer-                                                                                       Leiter  Jr.  allowed  one  hit
            cer  led  off  the  ninth  with                                                                                     over  seven  innings,  Rhys
            a  sharp  grounder  that                                                                                            Hoskins   homered     and
            smacked off third baseman                                                                                           drove in five runs and Phil-
            Logan    Forsythe’s   glove                                                                                         adelphia  rode  that  rookie
            for  an  error.  Hill  retired  the                                                                                 tandem  to  a  victory  over
            next three batters. Hill (9-5)                                                                                      Miami.
            came back out for the 10th                                                                                          Leiter (2-3) didn’t allow a hit
            and  Harrison  sent  his  99th                                                                                      until  Miguel  Rojas  doubled
            pitch  of  the  night  into  the                                                                                    to lead off the sixth with a
            first row of seats in left field,                                                                                   hard chopper that bound-
            just out of the reach of left                                                                                       ed over the head of drawn-
            fielder  Curtis  Granderson.                                                                                        in  third  baseman  Maikel
            Hill  struck  out  10  without  a                                                                                   Franco.  He  struck  out  five
            walk.  Hill  became  the  first                                                                                     and  walked  two  to  help
            pitcher  since  Pedro  Marti-                                                                                       the  Phillies  rebound  from
            nez in 1995 to take a no-hit                                                                                        a  doubleheader  sweep
            try  into  extra  innings.  Mar-                                                                                    Tuesday in which the Mar-
            tinez,  then  with  Montreal,                                                                                       lins homered six times while
            lost his perfect game in the                                                                                        scoring 19 runs.
            10th at San Diego.                                                                                                  Hoskins has clubbed seven
            After  Mercer  reached  in                                                                                          homers  in  14  games  since
            the  ninth,  Hill  quickly  re-                                                                                     his call-up from Triple-A ear-
            tired the next three batters.                                                                                       lier this month.
            Chris  Stewart  laid  down  a                                                                                       He  has  16  RBIs  during  that
            sacrifice  bunt,  Jose  Osuna                                                                                       time.
            grounded  out  to  Forsythe                                                                                         Justin  Nicolino  (2-2)  lasted
            and  when  shortstop  Co-                                                                                           just 2 1/3 innings, giving up
            rey  Seager  gobbled  up  a                                                                                         six runs on eight hits.
            grounder by Starling Marte,                                                                                         GIANTS 4, BREWERS 2
            Hill had held the Pirates hit-                                                                                      SAN  FRANCISCO  (AP)  —
            less for nine innings.                                                                                              Jarrett  Parker  hit  a  go-
            Juan  Nicasio  (2-5)  picked                                                                                        ahead  two-run  double  in
            up  the  win  after  working                                                                                        the  seventh,  Buster  Posey
            the top of the 10th.                                                                                                hit  a  sacrifice  fly  and  San
            CUBS 9, REDS 3                                                                                                      Francisco  beat  contend-
            CINCINNATI  (AP)  —  Kyle                                                                                           ing   Milwaukee.    Hunter
            Schwarber  hit  a  three-run                                                                                        Strickland (3-3) pitched the
            homer in the ballpark near                                                                                          seventh  for  the  victory  as
            his home, Tommy La Stella                                                                                           San Francisco took the se-
            added a two-run shot while                                                                                          ries  against  a  Milwaukee
            subbing for Kris Bryant, and                                                                                        club  that  had  hoped  to
            Chicago  kept  its  second-                                                                                         grab some momentum go-
            half surge going with a vic-                                                                                        ing  into  a  tough  weekend
            tory over Cincinnati.                                                                                               ahead on the road against
            The defending World Series                                                                                          baseball’s  best  Dodgers.
            champions have won eight                                                                                            The Brewers began the day
            of 10.                       Los Angeles Dodgers starting pitcher Rich Hill throws a warmup pitch at the top of the seventh   2  1/2  games  behind  the
            They  are  11  games  over   inning of a baseball game against the Pittsburgh Pirates, Wednesday, Aug. 23, 2017, in Pittsburgh.  first-place  Cubs  in  the  NL
            .500  for  the  first  time  this                                                                  Associated Press  Central,  having  won  six  of
            season and have their big-                                                                                          seven  games  before  arriv-
            gest lead in the NL Central,  MARINERS 9, BRAVES 6        (6-3) in the eighth.         Flexen  pitched  six  effec-  ing at AT&T Park.
            3 1/2 games ahead of Mil-    ATLANTA  (AP)  —  Taylor  Motter’s  single  to  center  tive innings, rookie Dominic  Carlos  Moncrief  added  a
            waukee.  Left-hander  Mike  Motter replaced an injured  field drove in Jean Segura,  Smith  homered  and  New  sacrifice  fly  in  the  eighth
            Montgomery  (4-6)  allowed  Robinson  Cano  and  gave  who doubled, and Yonder  York  ended  a  three-game  before  Sam  Dyson,  San
            four  hits  in  six  shutout  in-  Seattle the lead with a two-  Alonso, who walked.   skid.  The  Mets  won  for  Francisco’s third reliever af-
            nings, filling in for Jon Lester  run  single  in  the  eighth  in-  David  Phelps  (4-5,  2-1  AL)  just  the  second  time  in  10  ter  Mark  Melancon  tossed
            in the rotation.             ning.  Cano  had  two  dou-  recorded  two  outs  in  the  games.                      a 1-2-3 eighth, closed it out
            Joey  Votto,  Eugenio  Su-   bles  before  leaving  with  seventh  after  coming  off  Making his sixth big league  for  his  12th  save  in  13  op-
            arez  and  Scott  Schebler  tightness  in  his  left  ham-  the disabled list.         start,  Flexen  (3-2)  gave  up  portunities.  Jacob  Barnes
            homered  in  the  ninth  for  string in the third.        Edwin  Diaz  recorded  the  two  runs  and  six  hits.  He  (3-4) took the loss.q
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