P. 23

                                                                                           TECHNOLOGY Friday 25 august 2017

              Shopping by voice on Amazon or Google device could cost you

            By ANICK JESDANUN                                                                                                   exclusive discounts, but he
            AP Technology Writer                                                                                                prefers  browsing  and  re-
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  In  the                                                                                         viewing  products  for  gen-
            name  of  convenience,                                                                                              eral  shopping.  “I’m  a  less
            Amazon and Walmart are                                                                                              impulsive  shopper  than  I
            pushing people to shop by                                                                                           think their target market is,”
            just  talking  to  a  digital  as-                                                                                  he said.
            sistant.                                                                                                            SHOPPING OUT LOUD
            Shopping by voice means                                                                                             Companies are aware that
            giving  orders  to  the  Al-                                                                                        voice shopping takes get-
            exa assistant on Amazon’s                                                                                           ting used to.
            Echo  speaker  and  other                                                                                             “It’s  not  natural  to  shout
            devices, even if your hands                                                                                         out a purchase desire and
            are  tied  up  with  dinner                                                                                         have  it  be  fulfilled,”  said
            or  dirty  diapers.  And  next                                                                                      Ryne  Misso  of  the  Market
            month,  Walmart  will  start                                                                                        Track retail research firm in
            offering  voice  shopping  ,                                                                                        Chicago.
            too,  with  the  Google  As-                                                                                        Jenny  Blackburn,  Ama-
            sistant  on  the  rival  Home                                                                                       zon’s  director  of  voice
            speaker.                                                                                                            shopping,  believes  it  will
            Voice shopping is still new.                                                                                        catch on once people get
            But once you start using it,                                                                                        used to it.
            look out — you might never                                                                                          To get people started, Am-
            know if it’s offering you the                                                                                       azon has been offering ex-
            best  deal.  Because  these   This file photo provided by Amazon shows models of the Amazon Echo Show.              clusive deals through Alexa
            devices  can’t  say  much                                                                          Associated Press  and a $10 credit on the first
            without  tiring  your  ears,                                                                                        order.  For  its  annual  Prime
            voice  shopping  precludes   Babson  College  in  Massa-  cated  guess  based  on  you’re  considering.  You’re     Day promotion in July, Am-
            some  of  the  savvy  shop-                                                                                         azon gave voice shoppers
            ping  practices  you  may    chusetts.  Voice  shopping  some  undisclosed  mix  of  able  to  compare  similar     a head start of two hours.
                                         eliminates  those  interven-
                                                                      price,  satisfaction  rating  items  and  choose  some-
            have  relied  on  to  find  the                                                                                     Amazon  says  voice  shop-
            best bargains — in particu-  ing steps.                   and shipping time. Amazon  thing cheaper if you’re will-  ping has grown in the year-
                                         And  with  Amazon  so  far  won’t  provide  more  de-
                                                                                                   ing  to  sacrifice  some  fea-
            lar,  researching  products                                                                                         plus  it’s  had  it,  though  it
            and comparing prices.        ahead,  voice  shopping  tails.  You  can  get  a  prod-  tures or take a chance on    wouldn’t  release  figures.
                                                                                                   an unknown manufacturer.
                                         with  Alexa  is  another  way  uct’s  average  customer-
            You’d  be  leaving  much                                                                                            “We’re  really  just  getting
            of  the  buying  decision  to   of  getting  you  hooked  on  satisfaction  rating,  but  not  And,  of  course,  you  can   started  with  it,”  Blackburn
                                                                      specific  reviews,  even  on  also  compare  Amazon’s
                                         Amazon  .  Although  Ama-
            Amazon, Walmart or other                                                                                            said in an interview.
            retailers.                   zon allows some third-party  screen-equipped      Echo  prices  with  those  of  other   VOICE’S LIMITED RANGE
                                         ordering  through  Alexa,  Show devices.
                                                                                                   online merchants.
            HOOKED ON AMAZON                                                                                                    Blackburn said voice shop-
            Amazon  has  had  more       including  pizza  from  Dom-  Brian  Elliott,  general  man-  But  with  Amazon’s  voice   ping  works  best  for  prod-
                                         ino’s  and  hotels  through  ager  of  Google  Express,  shopping, it’s back to what
            than  a  year’s  head  start,                                                                                       ucts  with  “lightweight  de-
            and     dominates    voice   Kayak,  general  shopping  says  that  with  most  affili-  the  company’s  represen-  cisions,”  such  as  batteries,
                                                                                                   tative  recommends.  Alexa
                                         is limited to Amazon’s own  ated  retailers,  personaliza-
            shopping.  Google  intro-                                                                                           cat  food  and  paper  tow-
            duced  shopping  to  Home    store.  If  Alexa  orders  dia-  tion occurs as the assistant  can’t handle the full cata-  els.  Sure,  Alexa  can  order
                                                                                                   log,  just  what’s  eligible  for
                                         pers for you just as you run  learns shoppers’ preferenc-
            in  February,  letting  peo-                                                                                        you  a  TV,  but  you’ll  prob-
            ple  order  essentials  from   out,  for  instance,  Amazon  es, but the integration with  free  shipping  through  the   ably  want  to  do  some  re-
                                         locks  in  the  order  before  Walmart will happen more  Prime  loyalty  program.  Its
            more  than  40  retailers  like                                                                                     search first.
            Target  and  Costco  under   you have a chance to visit  quickly.                      interactions  with  shoppers   Nels Romerdahl, a student
                                                                      In some ways, shopping by  are constrained by the fact
            its  Google  Express  pro-                                                                                          at  the  University  of  Hawaii
            gram.  Its  partnership  with   “You can’t get away from  voice  assistant  is  a  throw-  that listening and speaking   in Maui, said Alexa can be
                                                      Beitelspacher  back  to  the  days  when  can  be  a  lot  slower  than
            Walmart  means  hundreds                                                                                            a  big  improvement  over
            of  thousands  of  items  will   said.  “I  don’t  know  if  gim-  you were largely limited to  reading and clicking.  Amazon  Dash  buttons  —
                                         mick  is  the  right  word,  but  what  sales  representatives  And  while  Amazon’s  web-
            be available to customers                                                                                           plastic  gadgets  that  can
            in late September.           (voice shopping) is part of  recommended  at  a  physi-   site  won’t  necessarily  list   you  place  around  the
                                                                      cal store.
                                                                                                   the  cheapest  option  first
                                         a strategy to be omnipres-
            With  websites  and  apps,                                                                                          house  and  press  anytime
            many  customers  place       ent in consumers’ lives.”    Amazon’s  website  gives  either,  the  alternatives  are   you need to reorder a spe-
                                         ASSISTANT IN CHARGE
                                                                      you  a  lot  of  information  easier to view on a screen.
            items  in  the  cart,  but                                                                                          cific  item.  But  he  doesn’t
            change  their  minds  be-    Ask  Alexa  to  buy  some-   about most products, from  Justin Evans, an engineer in   use either Alexa or Dash for
                                         thing,  and  it  presents  you  color  options  and  sizes  to  Whitman,  Massachusetts,
            fore completing the order,                                                                                          recurring items — he stocks
            said  Lauren  Beitelspacher,   with   something   you’ve  the  specific  reasons  other  bought oatmeal and smart   up  when  his  parents  visit
                                                                      customers hated a product  plugs  using  Alexa  to  claim
                                         bought  before  or  an  edu-
            a  marketing  professor  at                                                                                         Costco every few weeks.q
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