P. 19

                                                                                                       SPORTS Friday 25 august 2017

            Northern Trust

               Continued from Page 17    66, and it was an important
            Seven  of  them  were  from  start for Villegas and Kirk.
            12  feet  or  closer,  a  testa-  The  top  100  in  the  FedEx
            ment  to  how  well  he  was  Cup  after  this  week  ad-
            playing. He also chipped in  vance to the second play-
            from 80 feet.                off event at the TPC Boston.
            “I don’t know what the key  Kirk  is  at  No.  97,  Villegas  is
            is,  or  the  secret,”  Henley  one  spot  behind.  It  was
            said.                        even better for a few play-
            “I just tried to hit the fairway,  ers who opened with a 67,
            make  sure  I  hit  the  green  such as Bubba Watson (No.
            when I was in the fairway,  113), Martin Flores (No. 118)
            and  the  greens  are  great  and  Harold  Varner  III  (No.
            and I rolled in a couple of  123).
            putts.”                      Flores only got into the top
            Scott  Brown,  Camilo  Ville-  125  by  finishing  with  an
            gas and Chris Kirk were at  ace, a par and a birdie at

            Alex leads at Ottawa

            Hunt; Canadian star                                       Dustin Johnson hits from the bunker on the second hole during the second round of the PGA
                                                                      Championship golf tournament at the Quail Hollow Club Saturday, Aug. 12, 2017, in Charlotte,
            Henderson struggles                                                                                                             Associated Press

                                                                      the  Wyndham  Champion-      early  before  he  rallied  for  bogeys  on  the  back  nine
            OTTAWA,  Ontario  (AP)  —                                 ship.                        a 68.                        and shot 73.
            Marina Alex shot a 5-under                                Phil  Mickelson,  meanwhile,  In his first start since his two-  Johnson switched to a Tay-
            66 on Thursday to take the                                needs to see a score much  shot  victory  at  Quail  Hol-  lorMade Spider putter dur-
            lead  in  the  Canadian  Pa-                              better  than  his  72,  which  low, Thomas was not intro-  ing  the  playoffs  last  year,
            cific Women’s Open, while                                 featured  two  straight  bird-  duced  on  the  tee  as  the  and  he  stuck  with  that  up
            Canadian star Brooke Hen-                                 ies  at  the  end  but  also  a  PGA champion.            until  returning  this  week
            derson  was  in  danger  of                               pair  of  double  bogeys.  “After  the  drive  I  hit,  I’m  and  going  back  to  what
            missing  the  cut  after  a  74.                          Mickelson has played in ev-  kind  of  glad  they  didn’t,”  he used when he won the
            Alex had four birdies on her                              ery Presidents Cup or Ryder  he said.                     U.S.  Open  last  summer  at
            opening  nine  —  the  back                               Cup  since  1994,  and  he  is  He  hit  it  on  the  toe  of  the  Oakmont.
            nine at Ottawa Hunt — and                                 in danger of being left out  driver,  a  duck-hook  that  “I  got  a  little  bit  more  feel
            added  two  birdies  and  a                               of the Presidents Cup next  he  says  would  have  gone  with  the  putter  instead  of
            bogey on her second nine.                                 month at Liberty National.   about 130 yards.             the Spider I was using,” he
            The American is winless on                                U.S.  captain  Steve  Stricker  He   was   exaggerating.  said.
            the PGA Tour. “I got off to   Marina  Alex  acknowledges   has  said  he  needs  to  see  It  went  221  yards  after  it  “I  was  getting  a  little  bit
            a  great  start,”  Alex  said.   applause after making a shot   signs from the five-time ma-  clanged  out  of  the  trees  too mechanical and I was
            “Then  the  conditions  start-  on the eighth hole during first   jor  champion,  and  Mickel-  and into the fairway, leav-  worrying  about  too  many
                                         round  play  at  the  Canadian
            ed to pick up a little bit. The   Pacific  Women’s  Open  in   son knows that.         ing  him  a  2-iron  to  the  things  when  I  was  putting
            wind  picked  up.  It  started   Ottawa,  Thursday,  Aug.  24,   “I would love to be on that  green  when  most  players  instead of just putting.”
            to get tough definitely the   2017.                       team, but I’ve got to bring  are hitting a wedge or short  He  ran  a  long  birdie  putt
            second  nine,  so  I  kind  of           Associated Press  something  to  the  table,”  iron.                       some 15 feet by the hole at
            just held in there the best I  bit.” Henderson, from near-  Mickelson said.            British Open champion Jor-   No. 2 and three-putted for
            could.” She had 28 putts.    by  Smiths  Falls,  struggled   PGA   champion    Justin  dan Spieth had a 69, while  bogey.
            “Putted  unbelievably  well  on the greens. She had 32    Thomas, still sluggish from a  Hideki Matsuyama, the No.  After  that,  his  speed  was
            today,”  Alex  said.  “I  rolled  putts. “I hit the ball for the   busy week of trying to deal  1 seed going into the PGA  better  and  his  game  was
            it  so  good.  I  hope  I  can  majority extremely well and   with his new status as major  Tour’s  version  of  the  post-  sharp.
            just carry that into the next  just the putter kind of let me   champion,  wasn’t  expect-  season, didn’t make a bird-  The  65  was  his  best  round
            couple  days  and  just  tidy  down at times,” Henderson   ing  much  out  of  his  game  ie  and  opened  with  a  74.  since  a  64  in  the  second
            up  the  ball-striking  a  little  said. q                and  dropped  two  shots  Rory  McIlroy  made  three  round at Riviera.q
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