P. 24

Friday 25 august 2017 BUSINESS

              Sears to close more stores; sales fall in 2Q                                           A puzzle for central bankers:

            By A. D’INNOCENZIO           keep Sears afloat, has long   been  sprucing  up  their     Solid growth but low inflation
            DAMIAN TROISE                pledged  to  turn  the  com-  stores.  J.C.  Penney  has
            AP Business Writers          pany’s  fortunes  around     brought  back  to  its  floors   By M. CRUTSINGER         certainly  timely.  Though
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Sears    and that the retailer would   major  appliances  more      AP Economics Writer         the  global  economy  ap-
            continued to struggle in its   find  ways  capitalize  on  its   than  30  years  after  aban-  JACKSON  HOLE,  Wyo-  pears  more  stable  than
            second  quarter  with  de-   best-known  brands  like     doning  the  sale  of  refrig-  ming  (AP)  —  Against  a  at  any  other  point  in  the
            clining  sales  amid  height-  Kenmore  appliances  and   erators  and  stoves.  And    backdrop  of  strengthen-   past   decade,    growth
            ened competition from the    DieHard  car  batteries,  as   Walmart  announced  ear-    ing  growth  but  chroni-   since the 2008-2009 reces-
            likes  of  Walmart  to  Ama-  well  as  its  vast  holdings  of   lier  this  week  that  it  was   cally  low  inflation,  Fed-  sion  has  remained  slug-
            zon. It now says it will close   land.                    joining forces with Google    eral  Reserve  Chair  Janet  gish  in  the  United  States
            even more stores.            Last month, it began selling   to  offer  hundreds  of  thou-  Yellen  and  other  central  and  most  other  industrial
            The Hoffman Estates, Illinois   its appliances on Amazon.  sands  of  items  for  voice   bankers  are  taking  their  countries.  One  conse-
            retailer,  which  operates   com,  including  Kenmore     shopping  through  Google     measure  of  the  global  quence is that discontent
            Sears and Kmart stores, has   smart appliances that can   Assistant as it tries to chal-  economy at their annual  has grown among groups
                                                                                                    conference  in  the  shad-  that feel left behind, hav-
                                                                                                    ow  of  Wyoming’s  Grand  ing  helped  fuel  Donald
                                                                                                    Teton Mountains.            Trump’s  election  victory
                                                                                                    With the prospect of new  and  Britain’s  vote  to  exit
                                                                                                    leadership  at  the  Fed  the European Union.
                                                                                                    within  months,  investors  The  stated  topic  of  Yel-
                                                                                                    will  be  listening  for  any  len’s speech Friday will be
                                                                                                    hint of shifting interest rate  financial  stability,  which
                                                                                                    plans from the policymak-   may  provide  a  platform
                                                                                                    ers.  The  most  watched  to     address    concerns
                                                                                                    events  will  come  Friday,  that  the  Fed’s  ultra-low
                                                                                                    when  Yellen  and  Mario  rates  have  fueled  asset
                                                                                                    Draghi,  head  of  the  Eu-  bubbles in the stock mar-
                                                                                                    ropean Central Bank, will  ket.  Many  Fed  officials,
                                                                                                    each address the confer-    including  Yellen,  have
                                                                                                    ence.                       said in the past that they
                                                                                                    Though  a  surprise  an-    do  not  think  asset  prices
                                                                                                    nouncement  can’t  be  have  reached  danger-
                                                                                                    ruled  out,  most  analysts  ous  heights.  The  Fed  has
                                                                                                    expect  no  major  poli-    raised  its  key  policy  rate
                                                                                                    cy  changes  to  be  an-    twice  this  year,  in  March
                                                                                                    nounced by either leader.  and June. It’s still signaling
                                                                                                    Still,  central  bankers  go-  that it plans to raise rates
            This Wednesday, March 22, 2017, photo shows a Sears sign outside the department store at the Tri-  ing back to Alan Greens-  a third time before year’s
            County Mall, in Springdale, Ohio. Sears Holdings Corp. reports earnings, Thursday, Aug. 24, 2017.   pan’s appearances in the  end  and  to  begin  par-
                                                                          (AP Photo/John Minchillo)  1980’s  have  sometimes  ing its bond portfolio — a
                                                                                                    used  the  annual  confer-  move that could increase
            been trying to cut costs by   be  synced  with  Amazon’s   lenge  Amazon’s  Alexa-
            closing  stores,  including   voice  assistant,  Alexa.  The   powered Echo devices.    ence  to  send  messages  rates  on  mortgages  and
            180  this  year  and  already   announcement  that  day   While  Sears  said  in  a  pre-  to the financial markets.  some other loans.
            had  plans  to  cut  another   sent  shares  of  Sears  soar-  recorded  transcript  that   Yellen’s predecessor, Ben  Many  analysts  say  they
            150  stores.  It  now  plans  to   ing.                   it  was  seeing  “significant   Bernanke, signaled a new  think  the  Fed  will  keep
            shutter  an  additional  28   But  Sears  is  battling  chal-  progress” in its transforma-  round  of  Fed  bond  pur-  raising rates at only a very
            Kmart stores.                lenges  on  all  fronts.  Like   tion,  analysts  see  a  differ-  chases  in  2010  to  try  to  gradual  pace  until  it’s
            “The  retail  environment    many  department  stores,    ent picture.                  invigorate  a  weak  U.S.  confident  that  a  recent
            remained     challenging,”   Sears  is  feeling  pain  as   “As  much  as  Sears  de-   recovery.  And  last  year,  puzzling  slowdown  in  in-
            Sears  Holdings  Corp.  said   shoppers   change   their   serves credit for the various   Yellen  let  markets  know  flation  reflects  temporary
            in a statement.              preferences and behavior.    actions it has been taking    that more rate hikes were  factors  and  will  reverse
            The  company  reported       They’re spending more on-    to shore up the company,      coming.    The   Jackson  course as low unemploy-
            Thursday  that  its  second-  line  and  spending  less  on   there  is  no  denying  that   Hole  conference,  spon-  ment starts boosting wag-
            quarter  loss  narrowed  to   clothing  and  more  on  ex-  this  is  a  miserable  set  of   sored  by  the  Federal  Re-  es and spending. Inflation
            $251  million,  or  $2.34  per   periences like spas. But an-  numbers,” wrote Neil Saun-  serve Bank of Kansas City,  has  been  running  below
            share.  Losses,  adjusted  for   alysts  say  Sears  has  much   ders,  managing  director   is in its 41st year.   the  Fed’s  2  percent  tar-
            one-time  gains  and  costs,   to blame for its woes. While   of  GlobalData  Retail  in  a   The conference occurs as  get for five years. Chroni-
            came to $1.16 per share.     Sears  has  ramped  up  on-  report  published  Thursday.   the Fed is in the midst of  cally low inflation can de-
            Revenue fell 23 percent to   line  services,  it’s  having   “Indeed,  the  precipitous   gradually  and  modestly  press  economic  growth
            $4.37  billion  in  the  period.   a  hard  time  disguising  its   drop  in  comparable  sales   raising its benchmark rate  because  consumers  typi-
            Sales at stores open at least   age. Stores are in need of   and the continued lack of   to reflect a strengthened  cally  delay  purchases
            a year, a key measure of a   a major redo.                progress on profit suggests   U.S.  economy.  By  con-    when they think prices will
            retailer’s  health,  dropped   And old rivals have made   the company isn’t moving      trast, the ECB is still buying  stay the same or even de-
            11.5 percent. At Kmart, the   it  tougher  as  they  aim  to   far  or  fast  enough  to  en-  bonds  to  keep  keeping  cline.
            measure dropped 9.4 per-     compete with online lead-    sure its long-term survival.”  rates  at  ultra-low  levels  On  Friday,  Yellen  could
            cent, while at Sears stores,   er,  which  is   In  March,  Sears  said  there   but may be preparing to  offer  guidance  on  what
            that  figure  was  down  13.2   pushing  ahead  with  inno-  is  “substantial  doubt”  it   slowly taper its purchases  the Fed might announce
            percent.                     vative services as part of its   could continue as a viable   next year.               at its next meeting, Sept.
            Chairman  and  CEO  Ed-      juggernaut  Amazon  Prime    concern, with intense pres-   The  official  theme  of  this  19-20, about its key short-
            ward    Lampert,    whose    membership.                  sure coming from compa-       year’s   conference    —  term rate or about the ex-
            hedge  fund  has  forward-   A  number  of  chains  like   nies  like  Wal-Mart,  Target   “Fostering   a   Dynamic  pected start of its parings
            ed  millions  in  funding  to   Walmart  and  Target  have   and           Global  Economy”  —  is  of its bond portfolio.q
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