P. 29

                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Friday 25 august 2017
            ‘Cheers’ actor, radio host Jay Thomas dies at 69

             By LYNN ELBER               With each appearance he  online biography.
             AP Television Writer        also retold a tale of his time  He worked as a radio disc
            LOS  ANGELES  (AP)  —  Jay   as  a  radio  DJ  in  the  South  jockey  and  station  pro-
            Thomas, a radio talk show    when he and a friend gave  gram manager in so many
            host and actor with recur-   a  ride  to  Clayton  Moore,  Southern cities that “I had a
            ring  roles  on  the  sitcoms   star of TV’s “Lone Ranger.”  career like a Piedmont Air-
            “Murphy     Brown”    and    Letterman  hailed  it  as  the  lines schedule,” he joked in
            “Cheers,”  has  died,  his   “best story I’ve ever heard.”  an AP interview.
            publicist said. Thomas was   Thomas  called  his  annual  His  radio  experience  led
            69.                          “Late Show” ritual “the cra-  to  stand-up  comedy  gigs
            He  was  “one  of  the  funni-  ziest thing I have ever been  and  eventually  acting  on
            est and kindest men I have   a part of” in an interview a  stage  and  TV.  In  1979,  he
            had the honor to call both   few years ago with The As-   was cast on the hit sitcom
            client  and  friend  for  25   sociated Press.            “Mork & Mindy” in the sup-
            years  plus,”  publicist  Tom   Born  John  Thomas  Terrell  porting role of delicatessen
            Estey  said  in  a  statement   in Kermit, Texas, he began  owner Remo DaVinci.
            Thursday.  He  did  not  pro-  his radio career as a sports  He starred for three seasons
            vide further details.        announcer  for  high  school  in the sitcom “Love & War”
            Thomas  was  fighting  can-  football  and  college  bas-  as a sports writer romancing    In this July 9, 1992 file photo, actor Jay Thomas, who stars in CBS
            cer,  the  New  York  Daily   ketball   while   attending  the woman who owned his     television’s “Love and War” poses for a portrait in Los Angeles.
            News reported Thursday.      schools    including   Gulf  favorite sports bar. Thomas  ‘’NCIS:  New  Orleans”  and  Clause” films.
            Thomas’  best-known  roles   Coast  College  and  Jack-   also  made  many  guest  “Bones.”                         Thomas’  survivors  include
            were  as  Eddie  LeBec,  the   sonville  University  to  earn  appearances  on  comedy  His  films  roles  include  “Mr.  his wife, Sally, and sons J.T.
            former-hockey-player  hus-   bachelor’s  and  master’s  and drama series, most re-     Holland’s  Opus”  and  sec-  Harding  and  Jacob  and
            band of barmaid Carla on     degrees,  according  to  his  cently  on  “Ray  Donovan,”  ond   and   third   “Santa  Samuel Thomas.q
            “Cheers,” and tabloid-talk-
            show  host  Jerry  Gold  on
            “Murphy Brown,” for which
            he won two Emmys.
            Diane  English,  creator  of
            “Murphy Brown,” said in a
            Twitter  post  that  she  was
            heartbroken to hear of his
            death and called him “gift-
            ed.”  “I  would  have  loved
            to  write  another  role  for
            him. RIP Jay,” she tweeted.
            Thomas,  who  in  recent
            years  hosted  a  SiriusXM
            Radio  talk  show,  was  a
            reliably  worthy  guest.  His   Common, JHud and Hanks among
            annual  Christmastime  ap-
            pearance  on  “Late  Show
            with David Letterman” be-      stars of ‘Super School Live’ special
            came  a  tradition  that  in-
            cluded a contest to knock
            a meatball off a Christmas     LOS  ANGELES  (AP) — Tom  more than two dozen ce-       the  efforts  of  the  XQ  Insti-  ments.   Hudson,   Sheryl
            tree erected onstage.          Hanks, Samuel L. Jackson,  lebrities  slated  to  appear  tute, which was co-found-  Crow  and  Yo-Yo  Ma  are
            The  custom  began  one        Common  and  Jennifer  on  the  “EIF  Presents:  XQ  ed  by  a  former  assistant  among the scheduled mu-
            night  in  1998  when  New     Hudson  are  among  the  Super  School  Live  “  spe-   education  secretary  in  sical performers.
            York Jets quarterback Vin-     celebrities  participating  in  cial that will air on all four  President Barack Obama’s  Oscar-winner  Viola  Davis
            ny Testaverde was a guest.     an hour-long live television  major broadcast networks  administration.             and  her  actor-producer
            He  and  Letterman  picked     special  about  reinventing  simultaneously  on  Sept.  8  It’s  slated  to  include  live  husband Julius Tennon are
            up  footballs  and  began      American high schools.      at 8 p.m. Eastern.          music,  comedy  sketches  executive  producers  of
            tossing  them  at  the  oddly   The  stars  will  be  joined  by  The  special  will  highlight  and  documentary  seg-  the show.q
            decorated tree, aiming for
            the meatball.
            failures  from  the  wings  Upstate New York ‘Star Trek’ TV
            Impatiently  watching  their

            was  Thomas,  former  quar-
            terback  at  tiny  Central   set  tour getting boost from donor
            Piedmont Community Col-
            lege  in  Charlotte,  North
            Carolina. He ran on stage,    TICONDEROGA,  N.Y.  (AP)  The  Ticonderoga  Revital-     Tour.”  Clarke  Ryan  and  the  education  center  is
            picked up a football and, in   —  A  businessman  whose  ization  Alliance,  a  local  Cawley  are  both  Ticond-   named after her.
            one  throw,  accomplished     recreated  “Star  Trek”  TV  development      agency,  eroga natives.                 Cawley’s studio sets mim-
            what the NFL quarterback      set is a major tourist draw  says  a  $300,000  gift  from  She’s  the  former  wife  of  ic  those  of  the  1960s  TV
            couldn’t in several. Thomas   in upstate New York is get-  Deborah  Clarke  Ryan  will  Forrest Mars Jr., who died  series.  A  three-day  “Star
            was invited back annually     ting a financial boost with  enable  James  Cawley  to  last year.                    Trek”  convention  start-
            for  the  duration  of  Letter-  a  donation  from  the  for-  buy the building in the vil-  While  married  the  couple  ing  Friday  is  expected  to
            man’s  “Late  Show”  run  to   mer  wife  of  a  late  heir  to  lage  that  houses  his  “Star  were  major  supporters  of  draw  hundreds  of  visitors
            try to repeat his feat.       the Mars candy fortune.     Trek,  Original  Series  Set  Fort  Ticonderoga,  where  to Ticonderoga.q
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