P. 28

                   Friday 25 august 2017

               Collapse at salmon farm renews debate about fish farming

            By PHUONG LE,                                                                                                       Wild   Conservancy.    Fish
            Associated Press                                                                                                    farms  “are  polluting  ev-
            SEATTLE  (AP)  —  A  marine                                                                                         ery  single  day  a  massive
            net  pen  holding  305,000                                                                                          amount  of  phosphorous
            farmed  Atlantic  salmon                                                                                            and  nitrogen  into  the  wa-
            collapsed recently, releas-                                                                                         ters  that  we’re  trying  to
            ing  thousands  of  fish  into                                                                                      clean up.”
            Puget  Sound  and  renew-                                                                                           Halse said Cooke had ap-
            ing  concerns  that  a  new                                                                                         plied  for  permits  to  up-
            proposed    salmon    farm                                                                                          grade the net pens at the
            could  harm  wild  salmon                                                                                           Cypress Island to its level of
            stock and cause other en-                                                                                           standards.  It  also  plans  to
            vironmental damage.                                                                                                 make investments in oper-
            The  release  at  Cooke                                                                                             ations across the state.
            Aquaculture’s       facility                                                                                        The  Lummi  Nation  has
            comes as the company is                                                                                             been so concerned about
            proposing  new  expanded                                                                                            the fish escapes that tribal
            commercial  facility  in  the                                                                                       anglers  have  been  try-
            Strait  of  Juan  de  Fuca  in                                                                                      ing  to  catch  the  Atlantic
            Washington state.                                                                                                   salmon  before  they  enter
            Canada-based       Cooke,                                                                                           local  rivers.  The  tribe  de-
            which operates five salmon                                                                                          clared  a  state  of  emer-
            farms in Washington that it                                                                                         gency Thursday, saying the
            acquired  last  year,  would   In this Tuesday, Aug. 22, 2017 photo, Riley Starks of Lummi Island Wild shows three of the farm   fish  spill  needs  to  be  ad-
                                         raised Atlantic salmon that were caught alongside four healthy Kings in Point Williams, Wash.
            build  14  floating  circular                                                                      Associated Press  dressed immediately. Tribal
            net  pens  about  1  ½  miles                                                                                       officials  are  worried  that
            (1.61  kilometers)  offshore.   Ron Warren, who heads the  While  salmon  farms  have  Halse,  a  Cooke  spokes-    farmed salmon will eat na-
            It would move current op-    Washington     Department  operated  for  more  than  woman. She said the com-         tive fish or disturb its spawn-
            erations from Port Angeles   of  Fish  and  Wildlife’s  fish  30  years  in  Washington,  pany  called  in  experts   ing grounds. Michael Rust,
            Harbor  and  increase  pro-  program,  said  there’s  no  they  still  remain  contro-  last  month  to  stabilize  the   science  adviser  with  the
            duction by 20 percent. The   evidence the escaped fish  versial in the Pacific North-  salmon  farm  during  high   National Oceanic and At-
            project is in the permitting   pose a threat to native fish  west  where  wild  salmon  tides,  though  no  fish  es-  mospheric Administration’s
            phase.  Critics  say  the  re-  populations, either through  reigns supreme. Alaska has  caped  then.  “We  put  our   aquaculture  office,  said
            cent fish escape highlights   disease  or  crossbreeding  banned  commercial  fin-     best  expertise  to  stabiliz-  farmed  salmon  tend  to
            potential risks of open-sea   with Pacific salmon.        fish  aquaculture.  Several  ing  this  farm  and  we  had   be  domesticated,  raised
            fish  farming.  They  worry   Still, he said the state wants  counties  in  the  state  such  no  reason  to  believe  that   on  feed  and  not  used  to
            about water pollution from   to  protect  native  fish  spe-  as Whatcom County have  it would have collapsed on    catching  fish  or  escaping
            fish feed and the potential   cies  and  have  urged  an-  moved to limit commercial  Sunday.”                      predators.  Farmed  salmon
            for farmed fish to spread of   glers to catch as many es-  finfish aquaculture.        Critics  weren’t  buying  that   are more likely to be prey
            diseases  and  parasites  to   caped salmon, some up to  Cooke  blamed  high  tides  reasoning, noting that tides   than predator, he said.
            wild fish.                   10 pounds, as possible.      and    currents   coincid-   weren’t higher than unusu-   He  and  others  note  that
            “These are open net pens.    Washington  has  the  larg-  ing  with  Monday’s  solar  al over the weekend.          science  and  technology
            They’re  not  isolated  from   est  marine  finfish  aquacul-  eclipse  for  the  failure  over  “They’re trying to imply that   advances  have  improved
            surrounding  environment,”   ture industry in the U.S. with  the  weekend  at  its  farm  this  was  some  unnatural   fish  farming  practices  in
            said  Chris  Wilke,  execu-  farms  producing  about  17  off Cypress Island in Skagit  natural event. This was ab-  the U.S. over the decades
            tive  director  of  the  Puget   million  pounds  of  Atlantic  County.                solute  negligence  on  their   and   aquaculture   op-
            Soundkeeper       Alliance,   salmon each year, accord-   “The ongoing tides were a  part,”  said  Kurt  Beardslee,   erations  must  meet  strict
            which opposes the project.   ing to the state.            huge challenge,” said Nell  executive  director  of  the   regulations.q
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