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                                                                                                                                                Tuesday 10 November 2015

Caitlyn Jenner, Reese Witherspoon honored at Glamour Awards 

                                                                                      and the victorious U.S.         roles as way to fight the    an earlier this year. Her
                                                                                      women’s soccer team.            gender gap in Hollywood.     docuseries, “I Am Cait,”
                                                                                      This year is the 25th anniver-  The company’s “Wild” and     was just picked up by E! for
                                                                                      sary of the awards, and for-    “Gone Girl” earned Oscar     a second season.
                                                                                      mer honorees Madeleine          nominations for Wither-      Beckham gained fame as
                                                                                      Albright, Serena Williams       spoon, Laura Dern and Ro-    a Spice Girl, but has since
                                                                                      and Billie Jean King were       samund Pike.                 become a highly respect-
                                                                                      among those scheduled           Copeland became the first    ed fashion designer.
                                                                                      to be on hand for the fes-      female African-American      The U.S. women’s soccer
                                                                                      tivities. Amy Schumer was       principal at American Bal-   team handily defeated Ja-
                                                                                      scheduled to open the           let Theatre in June.         pan to win the 2015 World
                                                                                      ceremony, and Jennifer          Jenner, a former Olym-       Cup in July, and was re-
                                                                                      Hudson and Ellie Goulding       pic hero and Kardashian-     cently welcomed at the
                                                                                      to perform.                     Jenner family reality star,  White House by President
                                                                                      Jenner is not the first trans-  came out as a trans wom-     Barack Obama.q
                                                                                      gender woman to be a
 In this July 15, 2015 file photo, Caitlyn Jenner accepts the                         Glamour Woman of the
Arthur Ashe award for courage at the ESPY Awards at the                               Year; last year, actress La-
Microsoft Theater, in Los Angeles.                                                    verne Cox was honored.
                                                                                      Still, Jenner’s inclusion
                                                                    Associated Press  sparked some backlash
                                                                                      on social media. “We pre-
JOCELYN NOVECK                 tan mixes high-wattage                                 fer to focus on the posi-
                                                                                      tive,” Jenner said through
AP National Writer             celebrities with lesser                                a spokesman ahead of the
NEW YORK (AP) — Caitlyn known names, and this                                         Cindi Leive, Glamour’s ed-
                                                                                      itor-in-chief, told The Asso-
Jenner, undoubtedly one        year, the award winners in-                            ciated Press that criticism
of the most talked-about       clude five women touched                               of Jenner’s inclusion “cer-
women in the world, is         by the South Carolina                                  tainly gives you an appre-
                                                                                      ciation for the hostility to
being honored as one church massacre — Alana                                          the trans community that
                                                                                      still exists out there.”
of Glamour magazine’s          Simmons, Nadine Collier,                               Among the achievements
Women of the Year on           Bethane Middleton-Brown,                               of some of this year’s hon-
Monday in a glittery cer-      Felicia Sanders and Polly                              orees:
                                                                                      Witherspoon co-founded
emony along with fellow Sheppard — and lauded                                         a production company,
                                                                                      Pacific Standard, which
honorees like actress Re- in the aftermath as “The                                    aims to make films featur-
                                                                                      ing strong female lead
ese Witherspoon, dancer        Peacemakers of Charles-
Misty Copeland and de-         ton.” Also to be honored:
signer Victoria Beckham.       Entrepreneur Elizabeth

The annual ceremony at Holmes, Planned Parent-

Carnegie Hall in Manhat- hoood’s Cecile Richards

Philip Seymour Hoffman’s brother,
     mother honored at festival 

ROCHESTER, N.Y. (AP) —          In this Jan. 19, 2014, file photo, Philip Seymour Hoffman poses
The brother and mother         for a portrait at The Collective and Gibson Lounge Powered by
of Philip Seymour Hoffman      CEG, during the Sundance Film Festival, in Park City, Utah. 
have been honored at a
film festival in the late ac-                                                                      Associated Press 
tor’s family’s western New
York hometown.                 dedication embodies the                                Philip Seymour Hoffman
The High Falls Film Festival   city’s film legacy.                                    died of a drug overdose
in Rochester opened Sun-       Gordy and Philip credited                              in 2014. The film festival re-
day with the hometown          their mother with inspiring                            sumes Thursday and runs
premiere of “Dog Bowl,”        their passion for movies.                              through Nov. 16.q
a short film written and di-
rected by Gordy Hoffman,
who grew up in suburban
Fairport and now lives in
Los Angeles.
Festival officials presented
Philip and Gordy’s moth-
er, Marilyn O’Connor, with
the Rochester Film Legacy
Award. The award honors
a filmmaker or supporter
based in the Rochester
area whose passion and
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