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PEOPLE & ARTSTuesday 10 November 2015

Review: ‘Black Dragon River’ seeks China, Russia 

CARA ANNA                      is almost 2,000 miles long.    intriguing nations, is around                                       How could this be?” he
Associated Press               The border between Rus-        2,700 miles. Considering                                            writes, then mucks around
The border between the         sia and China, two of the      the intricate dramas of the                                         happily for the next 24
United States and Mexico       world’s most powerful and      U.S.-Mexico border, any-                                            pages. Much later on, he
                                                              one with a passion for how                                          takes a look around Rus-
‘Wheel of Fortune,’                                           cultures come together                                              sia’s oblast, or province, of
‘Jeopardy!’ salute                                            should perk up at the Far                                           Birobidzhan, “nothing less
                                                              Eastern promise of “Black                                           than the modern world’s
    U.S. veterans                                             Dragon River: A Journey                                             first Jewish homeland.”
                                                              Down the Amur River at the                                          Eventually, though, you do
LYNN ELBER                      In a Monday, Oct. 22, 2007    Borderlands of Empires.”       This photo provided by               start to hope for some ac-
AP Television Writer                                          Another good sign: The au-     Penguin Press shows the              tual modern-day mixing of
LOS ANGELES (AP) —             file photo, game show hosts    thor is Asia editor for The    cover of the book, “Black            Russians and Chinese. This
“Jeopardy!” and “Wheel                                        Economist.                     Dragon River,” by author,            book barely delivers. By
of Fortune” aren’t playing     Vanna White and Pat Sajak      But settle in. It takes 270    Dominic Ziegler.                     the time the journey drifts
around when it comes to                                       pages to reach the key                                              into the current day, the
marking Veterans Day.          arrive at the 17th annual      line, “I was curious to know                      Associated Press  Amur River bends north
The game shows, in coop-                                      more about the Chinese                                              and leaves China behind.
eration with the veterans’     Broacasting and Cable Hall of  and their place in the Rus-    that has set China’s rela-           In a handful of pages be-
support campaign Got                                          sian Far East today.”          tionship with Russia apart           fore he plunges with it to-
Your 6, are using this week’s  Fame awards dinner in New      Author Dominic Ziegler in-     from its later relationships         ward the Pacific, Zeigler
episodes to spotlight those                                   stead draws deeply on his-     with other Western powers,           just hints at the wrenching
who have served.               York. 	  Associated Press      tory while traveling down      which are weighted with              change of fortunes for the
On “Wheel of Fortune,” all                                    the river that, with tribu-    what the Chinese govern-             two great powers over the
of the contestants have        for Tuesday in Los Angeles.    taries, marks much of the      ment has bitterly called a           past few decades.
been in a branch of the        Held in partnership with the   Russia-China border. As        “century of humiliation.”            In the briefest of encoun-
U.S. military. And host Pat    TV academy, “Storytellers”     he makes his way through       That doesn’t mean rela-              ters with a Chinese trader
Sajak, an Army veteran,        provides a showcase for        rural Mongolia to begin his    tions have necessarily been          at a border city, Zeigler
joined with other vets and     the talents and ideas of       journey, he sets the scene     warm, and Zeigler spends             mentions past “tales of
show presenter Vanna           those who served, accord-      with 13th-century tales        quite a bit of his travels in        awestruck Chinese who
White to tape a series of      ing to Got Your 6, which       of Genghis Khan, whose         Russian cities and towns             had never seen a fridge or
public service announce-       derives its name from the      Mongols sacked both Bei-       far from the border with             a hair dryer till they crossed
ments.                         military phrase, “Got your     jing and the seat of early     China, apparently for lo-            the Amur” into Russia. The
The PSAs that will air during  back.”                         Russian civilization, Kiev.    gistical or security reasons.        trader practically snorts
“Wheel of Fortune” aim to      Got Your 6, as described on    The layers continue as         The result is a great deal of        with disdain.
counter stereotypes and        its website, brings together   Ziegler moves downstream,      Russian history, while you’d         These days, Russians in the
myths about veterans, said     nonprofit, government and      including Cossack con-         think little happened over           remote borderland are a
Army vet and Got Your 6        Hollywood partners to help     quest in vast Siberia and      in China in the centuries            “population sliding into de-
spokeswoman Kate Hoit.         veterans become com-           an extraordinary meeting       between the Kangxi em-               grading poverty,” trying to
Sajak said he was thrilled     munity leaders and to fos-     of thousands of emissar-       peror and the rise of Mao            dismiss the lights and bustle
to “honor others who have      ter understanding of their     ies of two of history’s most   Zedong.                              of Chinese cities across
served their country.”         value through popular cul-     intellectually curious lead-   But why complain when                the river as nothing but a
“Particularly in this all-     ture.                          ers, Peter the Great and       there are so many distrac-           Potemkin village, Ziegler
volunteer era, it’s easy to    Rob Gordon, president of       the Kangxi emperor. The        tions? Like a good trav-             writes.
forget about the sacrifices    Got Your 6’s parent organi-    treaty they concluded in       eler, Zeigler wanders over           It will take another book,
made by them and their         zation Be The Change, said     1689, the first between Rus-   to anything interesting. “A          and a more focused jour-
families,” he said.            in a statement that the        sia and China, was negoti-     Buddhist republic within             ney, to tell us more about
Sajak joined the Army in       campaign was grateful to       ated on such equal terms       the Soviet Union and now             how these sometimes
1968 and served for three      “Wheel” and “Jeopardy!”        that the two sides used Lat-   the Russian Federation:              prickly cultures really inter-
years. That included an        for showing how the enter-     in as a neutral language.                                           act, not through the sweep
18-month stint in Saigon       tainment industry can help     It was that early respectful                                        of history, but in the gallop-
that he said was largely       “normalize depictions” of      encounter, Ziegler argues,                                          ing day to day.q
spent as a U.S. Armed Forc-    those who served.
es radio DJ.                   “Our veterans are civic        Kevin Hart, Lionel Richie part
On the “Jeopardy!” epi-        assets for the nation, not       of Rihanna charity event 
sode airing Wednesday,         broken heroes, and we so
Veterans Day, “Modern          value gaining access to a      NEW YORK (AP) — Come-          motes education and arts-            Kim Kardashian and Ne-Yo.
Family” star Eric Stonestreet  national television platform   dian-actor Kevin Hart will     globally. The singer found-          Rihanna said in a state-
will present a veterans-re-    that helps us deliver that     host a Rihanna charity         ed the foundation in 2012.           ment she “can’t wait to
lated category for the quiz    message directly to millions   event next month, where        It is named after her grand-         celebrate with the iconic
show’s contestants.            of Americans,” Gordon          Lionel Richie will perform.    parents Clara and Lionel             Lionel Richie and incred-
Sajak and “Jeopardy!”          said.q                         The pop singer announced       Braithwaite.                         ibly talented Kevin Hart at
host Alex Trebek, who has                                     Monday that her second         Live Nation CEO Michael              this year’s Diamond Ball.”q
participated in more than                                     annual Diamond Ball will       Rapino will receive the Dia-
a dozen USO trips over the                                    be held Dec. 10 at the         mond Honors Award at the
years, also taped a PSA for                                   Barker Hangar in Santa         event.
Got Your 6 “Storytellers”                                     Monica, California.            Jimmy Kimmel hosted last
events, one held in New                                       The black-tie event ben-       year’s Diamond Ball, which
York last week and one set                                    efits Rihanna’s Clara Lionel   raised more than $2 million.
                                                              Foundation, which pro-         Guests included Brad Pitt,
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