Page 27 - atoday
P. 27
TueDsdOaCy T10ONRovOeNmbDeUrT2Y015
Classifieds Dr.Samuels
Tel. 583-0877
Continued on Page 27 San Nicolas
Dr. Boderie
“There is a growing cry for
Catalonia to not merely RENAISSANCE EMERGENCIA
be a country, but to be a
state, with everything that Week room price 911
means,” said Raul Rome-
va, head of the “Together wk 36 room 130 $2,250
for Yes” alliance.
Catalan branches of wk 37 room 332 $2,750
Spain’s ruling conservative
Popular Party and the So- wk 38 room 529 $4,750
cialist and the Citizens op-
position parties had filed wk 40 room 336 $3,750
appeals to halt the vote,
but Spain’s Constitutional wk 40 room 105 $5,000 POLICE 100
Court ruled last Thursday
that it could proceed. wk 42 room 338 $4,000 ORANJESTAD 527-3140
“You want to divide a
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country by raising a fron- _______________________2_0_36_6_7_
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Union,” Citizens regional Sunset Residences
leader Ines Arrimadas told Apartment 2 bedrooms Oranjestad: Trupiaal Tel: 583-8560
separatist lawmakers. 2 bathrooms, walking closet,
The Constitutional Court is italian kitchen, Laundry room, San Nicolas: Centro Medico Tel: 584-5794
expected to quickly rule terrace, pools and social areas
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the resolution specifically TAXI-TAS 587-5900
orders the regional gov- ________________________2_0_37_6_6 PROF. TAXI 588-0035
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tember on the strength __________ and tennis court Aruba Foundation
of just 48 percent of the For info call 594-1496 For those Visually Incapasitated
vote. Anti-independence _________________________2_03_7_65
lawmakers say that denies Tel: 582-5051
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liament began what is More info call :(297)630-1307 Tel: 582-4433
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heated debate over Centro Diabetic Arubano
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as regional president.
While his “Together for ________________________2_0_37_94Marriott Surf Club
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