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SPORTSTuesday 10 November 2015

Former Seattle Mariners’ Ken Griffey Jr. smiles as he stands on                       Portland Timbers goalkeeper Adam Larsen Kwarasey (12) stops a shot from the Vancouver White-
the sidelines before an NFL football game between the Seattle                         caps FC during the first half of MLS soccer action in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, Sunday,
Seahawks and San Francisco 49ers, Sunday, Dec. 14, 2014, in                           Nov. 8, 2015. 
                                                                                      Associated Press 
                                                                    Associated Press

Griffey, Hoffman
among newcomers
on Hall of Fame ballot

NEW YORK (AP) - Ken Griffey    All-Star who had 601 saves,                            Dallas, Red Bulls, Portland
Jr. and Trevor Hoffman are     second to Mariano Rivera’s                             and Columbus in MLS last 4 
among 15 newcomers on          652.
this year’s Hall of Fame bal-  Mike Piazza (69.9 percent)                             FRISCO, Texas (AP) — Dal-     tage until Tesho Akindele     in Washington, held on
lot and will face a newly      fell 28 votes short last year                          las’ Walker Zimmerman         broke through in the 84th,    against a United team that
trimmed electorate along       and returns along with Jeff                            forced extra time with a      heading home Je-Vaughn        had opportunities to score
with steroid-tainted hold-     Bagwell (55.7 percent), Tim                            stoppage-time goal and        Watson’s cross to put Dal-    and level the series on ag-
overs Barry Bonds, Roger       Raines (55.0), Curt Schil-                             scored the clinching pen-     las ahead on away goals.      gregate.
Clemens, Mark McGwire          ling (39.2), Roger Clemens                             alty in the shootout to give  The Sounders equalized        It was the second straight
and Sammy Sosa.                (37.5), Bonds 202 (36.8)                               the Texan club victory over   on the night and went         year that the Red Bulls
David Eckstein, Troy Glaus,    and Lee Smith (30.2).                                  Seattle on Sunday and         back ahead on aggre-          have eliminated Wash-
Mike Hampton, Mike Lowell                                                             a place in Major League       gate when Chad Marshall       ington at the conference
and Billy Wagner also are      Alan Trammell (25.1) and                               Soccer’s Western Confer-      headed in Marco Pappa’s       semifinal stage.
among the players eligible     McGwire (10.0) are in their                            ence finals.                  corner in the 90th.           Columbus 2-1 after the
for the first time on the 32-  final year of eligibility. Sosa                        Dallas won 4-2 in the         Less than a minute later,     first leg in Montreal, but
man ballot announced           (6.6) is in danger of fall-                            shootout after three lead-    Zimmerman nodded in a         matched that scoreline
Monday. A vote of at least     ing below the 5 percent                                changing goals in the final   turnaround header which       at home, and Kei Kamara
75 percent from the Base-      threshold needed to stay                               10 minutes of regulation      sent the game to extra        scored his second goal of
ball Writers’ Association      on the ballot.                                         time and then 30 scoreless    time.                         the game in extra time to
of America is needed for       Votes must be submitted                                minutes of extra time. Both   Portland’s Fanendo Adi        win it.
election. Results will be an-  by Dec. 21. Players elect-                             teams won their home leg      scored the critical away      Kamara opened the scor-
nounced Jan. 6.                ed along with choices an-                              2-1.                          goal in the 31st minute and   ing in the fourth minute,
The Hall’s board of direc-     nounced Dec. 7 by the                                  Dallas advanced to West       the Timbers went on to win    and Montreal’s Dilly Duka
tors announced a change        pre-integration era com-                               finals series against Port-   2-0 at Vancouver, taking      equalized in the 40th.
in July, cutting voters from   mittee (through 1946) will                             land, which won 2-0 at        an aggregate victory by       Columbus’ Ethan Finlay
about 600 to 450 by elimi-     be inducted July 24 at                                 Vancouver after a goalless    the same score.               scored in the 77th to make
nating writers who had not     Cooperstown.                                           first leg. The Timbers took   Adi’s goal was set-up by      it 2-1 on the night and 3-3
been active in the game                                                               an iron grip on the series    Diego Valeri, and Diego       on aggregate, sending
for more than 10 years.        The ballot: Garret Ander-                              with a first-half away goal.  Chara capped the win          the match to extra time,
Previously, the electorate     son, Brad Ausmus, Jeff Bag-                            New York Red Bulls also       in second-half stoppage       and Kamara came up
included people who had        well, Barry Bonds,  Luis Cas-                          advanced to the last four     time, sending Portland to     with the winner in the 111th
been active BBWAA mem-         tillo, Roger Clemens, David                            of the playoffs following a   the West finals for the sec-  minute.q
bers for 10 consecutive        Eckstein, Jim Edmonds,                                 1-0 home win against D.C.     ond time in franchise his-
years at any point.            Nomar Garciaparra, Troy                                United which secured a 2-0    tory.
Randy Johnson, Pedro           Glaus, Ken Griffey Jr., Mark                           aggregate victory over the    New York’s Bradley Wright-
Martinez, John Smoltz and      Grudzielanek, Mike Hamp-                               two legs.                     Phillips scored 2 minutes
Craig Biggio were elected      ton, Trevor Hoffman, Jason                             New York’s opponent in        into second-half stoppage
in 2015, the first time since  Kendall, Jeff Kent, Mike                               the East decider will be Co-  time to clinch a place in
1955 writers picked a quar-    Lowell, Edgar Martinez,                                lumbus, which needed ex-      the Eastern Conference fi-
tet of players in one year.    Fred McGriff, Mark McG-                                tra time to beat Montreal.    nals against Columbus.
Griffey, a unanimous pick      wire, Mike Mussina, Mike Pi-                           Seattle tried to defend its   The Red Bulls, who won
for the 1997 AL MVP award,     azza, Tim Raines, Curt Schil-                          lead from the home leg,       the first leg of the two-
is a 13-time All-Star and 10-  ling, Gary Sheffield, Lee                              and retained that advan-      game series 1-0 last week
time Gold Glove winner         Smith, Sammy Sosa, Mike
who hit 630 homers, sixth on   Sweeney, Alan Trammell,
the career list.               Billy Wagner, Larry Walker,
Hoffman is a seven-time        Randy Winn.q
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