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SPORTSTuesday 10 November 2015

NBA Capsules 

Knicks beat Lakers in Bryant’s likely farewell to the Garden 

NEW YORK (AP) — Car-           Los Angeles Lakers forward Nick Young (0) watches as Lakers forward Kobe Bryant (24) defends        period.
melo Anthony scored 24                                                                                                             It was the Pistons’ first win
points and the New York        \New York Knicks guard Jerian Grant (13) in the second half of an NBA basketball game at            in Portland since 2007 and
Knicks spoiled what might                                                                                                          snapped a six-game over-
have been Kobe Bryant’s        Madison Square Garden in New York, Sunday, Nov. 8, 2015. The Knicks defeated the Lakers 99-         all losing streak to the Blaz-
last game at Madison                                                                                                               ers.
Square Garden, beating         95. 									                                                       Associated Press                Damian Lillard had 26
the Los Angeles Lakers 99-                                                                                                         points and 11 rebounds
95 on Sunday.                  leg Friday and said he              had 19 rebounds for the         PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) —           and the Blazers’ modest
Bryant finished with 18        would get round-the-clock           Cavaliers, who haven’t lost     Andre Drummond had 29           three-game winning streak
points, far off the 30.7 per   treatment so he could               since the season opener         points and 27 rebounds,         was snapped. C.J. McCol-
game he had been av-           play against the Pacers.            against Chicago.                Reggie Jackson scored a         lum added 18 points.
eraging here and fewer         The treatment paid off              Paul George scored 32           career-high 40 points and       The Blazers led by as many
than half the 40 or more       as James hit seven free             points for Indiana, which       Detroit rallied in the fourth   as 18 points in the third
he managed on three oc-        throws down the stretch             went scoreless for nearly       quarter to beat Portland.       quarter, but Detroit’s Ken-
casions during a series of     and found Kevin Love for            four minutes after taking a     Jackson had 26 points in        tavious Caldwell-Pope hit
highlights in the arena.       two key baskets in the final        90-88 lead.                     the fourth quarter alone        a 3-pointer that closed the
The 37-year-old super-         27 seconds.                         PISTONS 120, TRAIL BLAZERS      and the Pistons outscored       gap to 98-92 with 7:18 left.
star, who hasn’t said if he    Love scored 22 points and           103                             the Blazers 41-11 in the final  Drummond’s layup pulled
will retire after this sea-                                                                                                        the Pistons within 98-96
son, missed two shots and                                                                                                          and Jackson’s floater with
twice fouled Anthony dur-                                                                                                          5:21 left tied it at 98. Jack-
ing New York’s 11-0 run                                                                                                            son hit another to put the
that turned a three-point                                                                                                          Piston’s in front with 4:46
deficit into a 98-90 lead.                                                                                                         left, and they never trailed
Jose Calderon, Robin Lo-                                                                                                           again.
pez and Langston Gallo-                                                                                                            HEAT 96, RAPTORS 76
way all scored 14 points for                                                                                                       MIAMI (AP) — Chris Bosh
the Knicks, who snapped                                                                                                            scored 23 points, Hassan
a three-game losing streak                                                                                                         Whiteside added 20 points
with their first home victory                                                                                                      and 11 rebounds, and the
of the season.                                                                                                                     Heat rolled in the second
CAVALIERS 101, PACERS 97                                                                                                           half to beat the Raptors.
CLEVELAND (AP) — LeBron                                                                                                            Dwyane Wade scored 12
James scored 29 points                                                                                                             and Tyler Johnson added
playing with a bruised                                                                                                             10 for Miami, which out-
quadriceps, and the Cav-                                                                                                           scored the Raptors 30-16 in
aliers beat the Pacers for                                                                                                         the third and then put the
their sixth straight win.                                                                                                          game away with an 18-3
James took a knee to the                                                                                                           run in the fourth.q

Kobe says another Olympics ‘would mean the world’ to him 

TIM REYNOLDS                   for a few months.                   interview with The Associ-      gust, when USA  Basket-         international competi-
AP Basketball Writer           Bryant said Monday that             ated Press. “I think to be      ball  chairman Jerry Col-       tion. If he is picked for Rio,
MIAMI (AP) — Kobe Bry-         he still wants to be part of        able to have a chance to        angelo revealed that            he and other veterans
ant sounds like someone        the team that USA  Bas-             continue the relationship       he had spoken with the          like LeBron James, Chris
who wants to play be-          ketball  will send to the           that I already have with        five-time NBA champion          Paul and Carmelo Antho-
yond this season — if only     2016 Rio de Janeiro Olym-           most of those guys, talk-       — who previously said           ny would have a chance
                               pics, a tournament that             ing and just kind of being      he wouldn’t play in Rio         at becoming the first U.S.
                               theoretically could mark            around each other and           — about the potential of        men to win Olympic bas-
                               the end of his competi-             understanding that this is      being on the team. The          ketball gold three times.
                               tive basketballcareer if he         it, it’s just us being togeth-  12 players on the list for      “I would like to play,” Bry-
                               retires at the conclusion           er, that would be fun.”         Rio is expected to be re-       ant said. “I think it’d be
                               of this NBA season. Bryant          Bryant is in his 20th sea-      vealed in June.                 awesome. A beautiful ex-
                                                                   son with the Lakers, and        “How I feel now is that I       perience. I’m a global kid.
                               Los Angeles Lakers forward          questions have been             feel like I can add value       I grew up in Italy, I know
                               Kobe Bryant runs down court         rampant for some time           from a leadership per-          a lot of athletes from dif-
                               after scoring in the second         whether this NBA year will      spective and a defensive        ferent parts of the world,
                               half of an NBA basketball           be his last. Bryant has sug-    perspective,” Bryant said.      from different sports. It’d
                               game against the New York           gested that he’s leaning        “I can still move extreme-      be great to play in that
                               Knicks at Madison Square            in that direction, though       ly well defensively.”           environment.”
                               Garden in New York, Sunday,         has stopped short of mak-       Bryant will turn 38 two         Bryant is the third-leading
                               Nov. 8, 2015.                       ing a true retirement an-       days after the gold-med-        scorer in NBA history. He’s
                                                                   nouncement.                     al game in Rio. He has          averaging 16.5 points per
                                                 Associated Press  The notion of Bryant be-        been on five different          game so far this season,
                                                                   ing on the Olympic team         USABasketball  national         and he and the Lakers
                               helped the U.S. win gold            started being bandied           teams, with those teams         visit the Miami Heat on
                               at the 2008 Beijing Games           about in earnest in Au-         combining to go 36-0 in         Tuesday night.q
                               and 2012 London Games.
                               “It would mean the world
                               to me to be around those
                               guys,” Bryant said in an
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