Page 15 - atoday
P. 15
Tuesday 10 November 2015
Loyal Guests Honored by the Aruba Tourism Authority
PALM BEACH - Recently the Aruba Tourism Au- the honoree on behalf of the Government of ple.
thority honored Mrs. Katrina Forrester of York- Aruba. Representatives of ‘First Club Guest Service’
town, Virginia, as a Distinguished Visitor of Aruba Ms. De Cuba thanked them for choosing Aruba were present at the ceremony and handed
as a token of appreciation for visiting the island as their vacation destination and as their home out some nice gifts to the honoree and also
for more than 10 consecutive years. away from home for so many years. thanked them on behalf of the Occidental
Ms. Darline S. de Cuba representing the Aru- Katrina stated that her main reasons for return- Beach Resort.
ba Tourism Authority, Visitors Care Liaison, be- ing to Aruba are the weather, the restaurants, Additional congratulations go to Mr. and Mrs.
stowed the certificate of Distinguished Visitor to the safety, and of course most of all, the peo- Forrester for getting married on Aruba!q