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WORLD NEWSTuesday 10 November 2015
Mexico: Venezuela says US
Rights group blasts prosecutors over missing students intelligence plane
violated airspace
A man holds a banner that reads in Spanish “Justice” in Iguala, Guerrero State, Mexico. veloped profiles of each RICARDO NUNES
of the missing students that Associated Press
Mexico’s National Human Rights Commission is criticizing the Attorney General’s Office for failing would include basic de- CARACAS, Venezuela
tails such as blood type, (AP) — Venezuela claims
to address all the recommendations it made in July about the investigation into the fate of 43 fingerprints and distinguish- a U.S. Coast Guard plane
ing characteristics such as it describes as an intel-
missing college students. (AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell) scars or tattoo. Many of ligence aircraft violated
the report’s observations the South American coun-
MARIA VERZA precise” and prosecutors city of Iguala while com- concerned the collection try’s airspace.
Associated Press have failed to provide mandeering transit buses and analysis of evidence Defense Minister Vladimir
MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mex- documentation to sup- to take them to a protest. from the garbage dump Padrino said Sunday the
ico’s National Human ports some of their posi- The Attorney General’s Of- in Cocula and the San Dash-8 aircraft flew out of
Rights Commission is criti- tions. The human rights fice says the students were Juan river where allegedly Curacao, a Dutch island
cizing the Attorney Gener- commission issued a list of detained by local police bags of their remains were not far off Venezuela’s
al’s Office for failing to ad- 32 omissions in and recom- on Sept. 26, 2014, and dumped. Later, an inde- Caribbean coast. He said
dress all the recommenda- mendations for the inves- handed over to a drug pendent panel formed by that during a 30-minute
tions it made in July about tigation of the disappear- cartel, which killed and in- the Inter-American Com- period the plane twice
the investigation into the ance of the teachers’ col- cinerated them at a dump. mission on Human Rights entered Venezuelan air-
fate of 43 missing college lege students, a case that Their remains were alleg- also dismantled the gov- space over the tiny archi-
students. has sparked large protests edly put in garbage bags ernment’s official version pelago of Los Monjes on
In a document, the com- and outrage around the and dumped in a nearby of events. The Mexican Friday while performing
mission said the office’s world. The students from river. But the commission’s human rights commission what appeared to be a
response to its report has the southern state of Guer- July report said the federal said that of the 26 obser- reconnaissance mission
been “insufficient and im- rero disappeared in the investigation had not de- vations it made in its July in the Gulf of Venezuela,
report that related to the which is also bounded by
federal Attorney Gener- Colombia.
al’s Office — there were In comments on the state
also recommendations for channel Telesur, Padrino
state and local authori- said other U.S. reconnais-
ties — two were “partially sance and military trans-
attended to; one was port aircraft had flown
partially addressed with a close to Venezuela in re-
minimal advance; three cent days.
are the process of be- While he offered no evi-
ing attended to and 20 dence to back the claims,
weren’t addressed” at all. he said the timing of the
Late Sunday, the Attor- apparent maneuvers, as
ney General’s Office re- the country prepares for
leased a statement saying key legislative elections
it was ready to fulfill “each next month, was suspi-
and every observation” cious, recalling other U.S.
made by the commission military exercises that al-
and said it would send it legedly preceded a brief
new documentation next coup in 2002 against then
week.q President Hugo Chavez.
“It’s completely unusual
Colombia jails 3 accused of child welfare fraud that these types of aircraft,
with all their electronic
BOGOTA, Colombia (AP) Of those jailed one is an ribbean coast. In total 11 of children dying have surveillance character-
— A judge in Colombia has employee of Colombia’s people are suspected of proliferated recently as istics, to come near our
jailed three individuals on state-run welfare agency scamming the agency a drought affecting the area of influence,” said
charges they stole nearly and the other two are out of more than $2 million area has intensified. Most Padrino, adding that the
$800,000 from a program linked to a foundation ac- since 2011. La Guajira has of those affected are semi- USS George Washington
to feed children and lower cused of inflating contracts the highest child malnour- nomadic Wayuu Indians aircraft carrier would pass
the infant mortality rate in for services in La Guajira ishment rate in Colombia, who have lived on the nearby Venezuela around
the country’s poorest state. department along the Ca- at 11 percent, and stories peninsula for centuries.q the same time as the Dec.
6 vote.q