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Tuesday 10 November 2015
Next GOP debate puts Fox Business moderators in spotlight
DAVID BAUDER was a backlash, with Presi- Maria Bartiromo appears on her “Mornings with Maria Bartiromo” program, on the Fox Business
AP Television Writer dent Obama wondering Network, in New York. Bartiromo, one of the moderators for the Tuesday, Nov. 10, 2015, Repub-
NEW YORK (AP) — Fox Busi- how the candidates would lican presidential debate, says that while she wants to help viewers understand the differences
ness Network’s Maria Barti- be able to face the na- between candidates, she’s not looking to start brawls.
romo, one of the modera- tion’s adversaries if they
tors for Tuesday’s Repub- thought debate modera- (AP Photo/Richard Drew)
lican presidential debate, tors were too tough.
says that while she wants Bartiromo said she believed in 2012, when she was one The previous GOP debates households. FBN will stream
to help viewers understand that her former employers of CNBC’s biggest stars. set viewership records for the debate online, and is
the differences between at CNBC exhibited a hostil- She expects it will be valu- Fox News Channel, CNN trying to put the debate
candidates, she’s not look- ity toward and disdain for able experience for Tues- and CNBC. That’s a virtual before a few million more
ing to start brawls. the candidates. She said it day night. certainty Tuesday for FBN, TV viewers by “unbundling”
The fourth GOP debate — was a useful reminder that “It helps you to remember although it would be a sur- the network. Some service
and first since a CNBC ses- the purpose of debates is that anything can hap- prise if it reached the 14 mil- providers, most notably Di-
sion left candidates grum- to educate voters. pen,” she said. “You have lion who tuned in to CNBC recTV, place Fox Business
bling about the journalists She said she wants to talk to be able to think on your last month. Network on a more expen-
asking questions — takes about the economy and feet. You have to be able FBN is available in some 82 sive programming tier, and
place Tuesday night in Mil- believes the biggest issue to react to unforeseen million homes in the United FBN is urging those compa-
waukee. for voters on this topic is comments, unforeseen States, or a little more than nies to let everyone with
Bartiromo, FBN’s Neil Ca- how to create new jobs. events.” three-quarters of the TV basic service see it.q
vuto and Wall Street Jour- The debate is designed to
nal editor-in-chief Gerard focus on economic issues,
Baker will guide the two- but Bartiromo said poten-
hour discussion starting at 9 tial presidents must prove
p.m. EDT. themselves adept at ad-
It’s also an opportunity for dressing a wide range of
the relatively little-noticed issues. Questions surround-
business network, which ing Ben Carson’s claims
will try to push its coverage of past incidents in his life
in front of as many viewers have been front and cen-
as possible. ter the past few days —
“You want to draw out leading Carson to strike
the differences, but I don’t back at the media — and
think you need to draw Bartiromo said Fox won’t
(them) out taking some- be reluctant to bring the
body’s head off and hav- topic up. She talked to
ing a fight,” Bartiromo said Carson about it on her dai-
on Monday. “That does ly show Monday.
make good television but She helped moderate a
it’s not really helping the GOP candidates’ debate
A tone was set from the President Obama launches Facebook page
beginning of the CNBC
debate, when candidates K. HENNESSEY lic figure” was quickly wel- Obama, politician” is still a plug for his work fighting
were asked to reveal their comed to the world of likes, run by an iteration of that climate change and asks
greatest weakness and Associated Press long-lost friends and baby political operation, Orga- for support in trying to “pre-
moderator John Harwood photos. Obama gained nizing for Action. serve this beautiful planet
asked Donald Trump if he WASHINGTON (AP) — Presi- more than 200,000 likes The new page, however, is of ours” for future gen-
was running “a comic- in the first three hours his aimed at casting Obama erations. In his biography,
book version of a presiden- dent Barack Obama wants page was live. Among the as a regular guy, not a poli- Obama describes himself
tial campaign.” early commenters was ere tician. In his inaugural video as “Dad, husband, and
The Republican National you to like him. And com- Facebook’s chief operat- post, Obama gives a small 44th President of the United
Committee reacted by ing officer Sheryl Sandburg. tour of his “backyard” at States.” But the ordinary
pulling its sponsorship for ment on him. And share Obama has long had a the White House, noting guy routine ends there: The
an upcoming NBC News Twitter account, and his po- he often sees a fox on the page also notes that com-
debate and some cam- his posts, too. Obama litical campaigns have run grounds, a hawk named ments and messages may
paigns tried to wrest con- a Facebook page under Lincoln and other “crit- be archived according to
trol of the debate process launched his own personal his name for years. “Barack ters.” Obama then works in the Presidential Records
from the committee. There Act.q
Facebook page Monday,
in a fresh attempt from the
social media-savvy presi-
dent to spread his message
through nontraditional
“President Obama, pub-